Roles and responsibilities, and education and training requirements for clinically qualified medical physicists
Roles and responsibilities, and education and training requirements for clinically qualified medical physicists
(IAEA human health series, no. 25)
International Atomic Energy Agency, 2013
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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This publication addresses the shortfall of well trained and clinically qualified medical physicists working in radiation medicine. The roles, responsibilities and clinical training requirements of medical physicists have not always been well defined or well understood by health care professionals, health authorities and regulatory agencies. To fill this gap, this publication provides recommendations for the academic education and clinical training of clinically qualified medical physicists, including recommendations for their accreditation certification and registration, along with continuous professional development. The goal is to establish criteria that support the harmonization of education and clinical training worldwide, as well as to promote the recognition of medical physics as a profession.
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