Friendship and allegiance in eighteenth-century literature : the politics of private virtue in the age of Walpole


    • Jones, Emrys D.


Friendship and allegiance in eighteenth-century literature : the politics of private virtue in the age of Walpole

Emrys D. Jones

(Palgrave studies in the Enlightenment, romanticism and cultures of print)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2013

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-217) and index



Friendship and Allegiance explores the concept of friendship as it was defined, contested and distorted by writers of the early eighteenth century. Setting well-known canonical texts (The Beggar's Opera, Gulliver's Travels) alongside lesser-known works, it portrays a literary world renegotiating the meaning of public and private virtue.


Introduction PART I: FRIENDSHIP IN CRISIS 1. Scriblerian Friendship and Public Crisis 2. Daniel Defoe and South Sea Friendship 3. Lord Hervey and the Limits of Court Whig Pragmatism 4. The Friendly Opposition and Public Life in Pope's Bathurst 5. Friendship and the Patriot Prince PART II: FRIENDSHIP BY TROPE 6. Friendship and Fable 7. Friendship and Criminality 8. Epilogue: Friendship and Rural Retreat Notes Bibliography Index

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