From Yugoslavia to the Western Balkans : studies of a European disunion, 1991-2011


From Yugoslavia to the Western Balkans : studies of a European disunion, 1991-2011

by Robert M. Hayden

(Balkan studies library, v. 7)

Brill, 2013

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book brings together important original contributions to scholarly and political/policy debates over the disintegration of Yugoslavia, and especially the war in Bosnia. The analyses are grounded on empirically-based arguments about social and political dynamics, resonate with much larger/enduring issues of social science inquiry, and consistently challenge commonly-held beliefs about the Balkans that are based more on ignorance, misunderstanding, or outright prejudice, than on intimate knowledge of the region, its peoples, and their histories. When first published, some of these essays represented sharply distinctive analyses which have since then become "common wisdom." Hayden's arguments about how this multinational European federation collapsed following a severe economic crisis are disturbingly relevant to analyzing the crisis of the European Union twenty years later.


Acknowledgments Introduction PART I: UNSTAKING VAMPIRES: DESTROYING THE YUGOSLAV NATION AND STATE Chapter One The Use of National Stereotypes in the Wars in Yugoslavia Chapter Two Recounting the Dead: The Rediscovery and Redefinition of Wartime Massacres in Late- and Post-Communist Yugoslavia Chapter Three The Partition of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1990-1993 Chapter Four Muslims as 'Others' in Serbian and Croatian Political Discourse Chapter Five Imagined Communities and Real Victims: Self-Determination and Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia PART II: THE POWER OF LABELING: DISCOURSES ON GENOCIDE, ETHNIC CLEANSING & POPULATION TRANSFERS Chapter Six Schindler's Fate: Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Population Transfers Chapter Seven Mass Killings and Images of Genocide in Bosnia, 1941-45 and 1992-95 Chapter Eight Mass Rape and Rape Avoidance in Ethno-national Conflicts: Sexual Violence in Liminalized States PART III: HUMANITARIAN HYPOCRISY Chapter Nine Human Rights Activists and the Civil War In Yugoslavia: The Questionable Morality of Liberal Absolutism Chapter Ten Humanrightsism: From Moral Critique Of Violence to Crusade For Moral Violence Chapter Eleven 'Genocide Denial' Laws as Secular Heresy: A Critical Analysis with Reference to Bosnia Chapter Twelve What's Reconciliation Got to do With It? The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) as Antiwar Profiteer PART IV: UN-IMAGINING COMMUNITIES Chapter Thirteen Democracy without a Demos? The Bosnian Constitutional Experiment Chapter Fourteen The Proposed 2009 Amendments on the Bosnian Constitution and the Continuing Reinvention of the Square Wheel Chapter Fifteen Moral Vision and Impaired Insight: The Imagining of Other Peoples' Communities in Bosnia CODA: REBUILDING THE BALKANS Chapter Sixteen From EUphoria to EU-goslavia

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