The October Revolution in prospect and retrospect : interventions in Russian and Soviet history


The October Revolution in prospect and retrospect : interventions in Russian and Soviet history

John Eric Marot

(Historical materialism book series)

Haymarket Books, 2013

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. [263]-270) and index



In a series of probing analytical essays, John Marot tracks the development of Bolshevism through the prism of pre-1917 intra-Russian Social Democratic controversies in politics and philosophy. For 1917, the author presents a critique of social historical interpretation of the Russian Revolution.


Acknowledgements Introduction 1. The Peasant-Question and the Origins of Stalinism: Rethinking the Destruction of the October Revolution 2. Trotsky, the Left Opposition and the Rise of Stalinism: Theory and Practice 3. Class-Conflict, Political Competition and Social Transformation: Critical Perspectives on the Social History of the Russian Revolution 4. Political Leadership and Working-Class Agency in the Russian Revolution: Reply to William G. Rosenberg and S.A. Smith 5. A 'Postmodern' Approach to the Russian Revolution? Comment on Ronald Suny 6. Alexander Bogdanov, Vpered, and the Role of the Intellectual in the Workers' Movement 7. The Bogdanov Issue: Reply to Andrzej Walicki, Aileen Kelly and Zenovia Sochor 8. Marxism, Science, Materialism: Toward a Deeper Appreciation of the 1908-1909 Philosophical Debate in Russian Social Democracy 9. Politics and Philosophy in Russian Social Democracy: Alexander Bogdanov and the Socio-theoretical Foundations of Vpered References General Index

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