The persistence of language : constructing and confronting the past and present in the voices of Jane H. Hill
The persistence of language : constructing and confronting the past and present in the voices of Jane H. Hill
(Culture and language use : studies in anthropological linguistics / editor, Gunter Senft, v. 8)
J. Benjamins, c2013
- : hb
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
This edited collection presents two sets of interdisciplinary conversations connecting theoretical, methodological, and ideological issues in the study of language. In the first section, Approaches to the study of the indigenous languages of the Americas, the authors connect historical, theoretical, and documentary linguistics to examine the crucial role of endangered language data for the development of biopsychological theory and to highlight how methodological decisions impact language revitalization efforts. Section two, Approaches to the study of voices and ideologies, connects anthropological and documentary linguistics to examine how discourses of language contact, endangerment, linguistic purism and racism shape scholarly practice and language policy and to underscore the need for linguists and laypersons alike to acquire the analytical tools to deconstruct discourses of inequality. Together, these chapters pay homage to the scholarship of Jane H. Hill, demonstrating how a critical, interdisciplinary linguistics narrows the gap between disparate fields of analysis to treat the ecology of language in its entirety.
- 1. Foreword (by Hill, Kenneth C.)
- 2. Preface (by Bischoff, Shannon T.)
- 3. Introduction: The persistence of language: Constructing and confronting the past and the present in the voices of Jane H. Hill (by Bischoff, Shannon T.)
- 4. Section 1. Approaches to the study of the indigenous languages of the Americas
- 5. The diachrony of Ute case-marking (by Givon, T.)
- 6. Language contact as an inhibitor of sound change: An Athabaskan example (by Rice, Keren)
- 7. Stress in Yucatec Maya: Syncretism in loan word incorporation as evidence for stress patterns (by Kidder, Emily)
- 8. The phonetic correlates of Southern Ute stress (by Oberly, Stacey)
- 9. Revisiting Tohono O'odham high vowels (by Fitzgerald, Colleen M.)
- 10. Head-marking inflection and the architecture of grammatical theory: Evidence from reduplication and compounding in Hiaki (Yaqui) (by Haugen, Jason D.)
- 11. A case-study in grass roots development of web resources for language workers: The Coeur d'Alene Archive and Online Language Resources (CAOLR) (by Bischoff, Shannon T.)
- 12. Section 2. Approaches to the study of voices and ideologies
- 13. Language contact, shift, and endangerment - implications for policy
- 14. Spanish in contact with indigenous tongues: Changing the tide in favor of the heritage languages (by Flores Farfan, Jose Antonio)
- 15. How can a language with 7 million speakers be endangered? (by Orcutt-Gachiri, Heid)
- 16. A documentary ethnography of a Blackfoot language course: Patterns of variationism and standard in the "organization of diversity" (by Chatsis, Annabelle)
- 17. Syncretic speech, linguistic ideology, and intertextuality: (Re)Presenting the Spanish translation of 'Speaking Mexicano' in Tlaxcala, Mexico (by Messing, Jacqueline)
- 18. Racism in discourse - analyses of practice
- 19. Narrative discriminations in Central California's indigenous narrative traditions: Relativism or (covert) racism? (by Kroskrity, Paul V.)
- 20. The voice of (White) reason: Enunciations of difference, authorship, interpellation, and jokes (by Meek, Barbra A.)
- 21. Double-voicing in the everyday language of Brazilian black activism (by Roth-Gordon, Jennifer)
- 22. Uptake (un)limited: The mediatization of register shifting and the maintenance of standard in U.S. public discourse (by Cole, Deborah)
- 23. The silken cord: An essay in honor of Jane Hill (by Delgado, Richard)
- 24. Afterword: Jane Hill's current work (by Bowern, Claire)
- 25. Language index
- 26. Subject index
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