Learning to change the world : the social impact of one laptop per child
Bibliographic Information
Learning to change the world : the social impact of one laptop per child
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
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Includes index
Description and Table of Contents
There are thousands of social entrepreneurship programs in various stages of planning and implementation at any given time. For the most part, these programs start out small with the intention of "scaling up" based on trial and error. One Laptop per Child started out with a very ambitious mission - to provide more information and better education to the world's poor via an inexpensive laptop. Almost immediately this organization garnered attention - the ambition, the caliber of people working on the program and the initial success. This book tells not only the story of this lofty group of pioneers, but also puts the lessons into perspective for future social entrepreneurs - what it means to work in this environment, how to collaborate with educators, organizations, countries, administrators, businesses. Part narrative history of OLpC, part social entrepreneurship lessons and part futuristic look at attaining the education goals it set out, this book offers a real on the ground look at how this group brought together, business, educators, technology, non-profits, and entrepreneurs to help bring an education to the world's underprivileged.
Table of Contents
Introduction Summary Impact of OLpC The Cambodia Epiphany Organizing for Impact: The Emergence of OLpC Designing for Impact Producing the '$100 Laptop' Fueling Interactive Learning with Sugar Selling the Green Banana Running the Last Mile The Future Appendix A: Background Information on Authors
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