Violence and gender in the "new" Europe : Islam in German culture
Bibliographic Information
Violence and gender in the "new" Europe : Islam in German culture
(Studies in European culture and history)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [213]-233) and index
Description and Table of Contents
Weber contributes to the ongoing scholarly discussion about Islam in the West, demonstrating how current thinking about gender violence prohibits the intellectual inquiry necessary to act against such violence, and analyzes ways in which Muslim women participate in the public sphere by thematizing violence in literature, art, and media.
Table of Contents
Introduction: De-forming the Connections between Muslim Violence, 'Culture' and Secularism 1. A Regime of Gender Violence: Honor Killings, Familial Violence, and Muslim Women's Subjectivities 2. Contentious Headscarves: Cleaning Woman, Forbidden Schoolteacher, Hijab Martyr 3. Troubling Headscarves: Covering, Artistic Reconfigurations of Public Space, and the Muslim Woman's Body 4. Freedom to Imagine the World: Violence and the Writing of Self 5. Violent Authenticities: The Work of Emine Sevgi OEzdamar and Feridun Zaimoglu Conclusion
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