World film locations, Liverpool

    • Conolly, Jez
    • Whelan, Caroline

World film locations, Liverpool

edited by Jez Conolly and Caroline Whelan

(World film locations series)

Intellect Books, 2013


Includes bibliographical references (p. 124)



Outside of the capital London, no other British city has attracted more film-makers than Liverpool. Sometimes standing in for London, New York, Chicago, Paris, Rome or Moscow, and sometimes playing itself - or a version of its own past in Beatles biopics - Liverpool is an adaptable filmic backdrop that has attracted film-makers to its ports for decades. A place of passion, humour and pride, Liverpool evokes caverns and cathedrals, ferries and football grounds; it is a city so vivid we see it clearly even if we've never been there. From the earliest makers of moving images - among them the Mitchell & Kenyon film company, the Lumiere brothers and pioneering early cinematographer Claude Friese-Greene - who preserved the city, the river, the docks, the streets and the people, Liverpool has endured as a cinematic destination. This collection celebrates that survival instinct and will be welcomed by enthusiasts of British cities, films and culture.


Maps/Scenes Scenes 1-8 - 1897-1958 Scenes 9-16 - 1959-1984 Scenes 17-24 - 1985-1990 Scenes 25-32 - 1990-1997 Scenes 33-39 - 1998-2003 Scenes 40-46 - 2007-2012 Essays Liverpool: City of the Imagination - Julia Hallam A Case of Coup De Foudre: A Producer's Personal Perspective on Liverpool and Film - Roger Shannon With Hope in Your Heart: Scouse Sport On-Screen - David Parkinson I Know a Place: Terence Davies's Liverpool - Wendy Everett Play Rough: The Post-War Liverpools of the Magnet, the Clouded Yellow and Violent Playground - Jacqui Miller The Last of Liverpool: Liminal Journeys Around the Port City - Les Roberts This Land's the Place I Love and Here I'll Stay: Merseybeat on Film - Nick Riddle

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