The enduring color line in U.S. athletics
The enduring color line in U.S. athletics
(Framing 21st century social issues)
Routledge, 2014
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Sports are an integral part of American society. Millions of dollars are spent every year on professional, collegiate, and youth athletics, and participation in and viewing of these sports both alter and reflect how one perceives the world. Beamon and Messer deftly explore sports as a social construction, and more significantly, the large role race and ethnicity play in sports and consequently sports' influence on modern race relations. This text is ideal for courses on Sport and Society as well as Race and Ethnicity.
Series Forward Preface Acknowledgments 1. The Color Line in Athletics 2. The Native-American Experience: Racism and Mascots in Professional Sports 3. Hispanics, Beisbol, and the American Dream 4. Black Athletics: Golden Opportunity? 5. When the Crowd Stops Cheering: Negotiating the Transition 6. Future Directions in Race and Sport Participation References Glossary / Index
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