Anglo-German scholarly networks in the long nineteenth century


Anglo-German scholarly networks in the long nineteenth century

edited by Heather Ellis, Ulrike Kirchberger

(History of science and medicine library, v. 43 . Knowledge infrastracture and knowledge economy ; v. 4)

Brill, c2014

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes index



Anglo-German Scholarly Networks in the Long Nineteenth Century explores the complex and shifting connections between scientists and scholars in Britain and Germany from the late eighteenth century to the interwar years. Based on the concept of the transnational network in both its informal and institutional dimensions, it deals with the transfer of knowledge and ideas in a variety of fields and disciplines. Furthermore, it examines the role which mutual perceptions and stereotypes played in Anglo-German collaboration. By placing Anglo-German scholarly networks in a wider spatial and temporal context, the volume offers new frames of reference which challenge the long-standing focus on the antagonism and breakdown of relations before and during the First World War. Contributors include Rob Boddice, John Davis, Peter Hoeres, Hilary Howes, Gregor Pelger, Pascal Schillings, Angela Schwarz, Tara Windsor.


List of Illustrations List of Contributors Acknowledgements Introduction Ulrike Kirchberger INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURES Enlightened Networks: Anglo-German Collaboration in Classical Scholarship Heather Ellis Higher Education Reform and the German Model: A Victorian Discourse John Davis SCIENCE AND SOCIETY Intersecting Anglo-German Networks in Popular Science and their Functions in the late Nineteenth Century Angela Schwarz German Methods, English Morals: Physiological Networks and the Question of Callousness, c.1870-81 Rob Boddice COLONIAL CONTEXTS Anglo-German Networks of Antarctic Exploration around 1900 Pascal Schillings Anglo-German Anthropology in the Malay Archipelago, 1869-1912: Adolf Bernhard Meyer, Alfred Russel Wallace and A. C. Haddon Hilary Howes INSTITUTIONS AND IDENTITIES Wissenschaft des Judentums and Jewish Cultural Transfer in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-German Networks Gregor Pelger "Intercourse with Foreign Philosophers": Anglo-German Collaboration and the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1870-1914 Heather Ellis WAR AND PEACE Idealism as Transnational War Philosophy, 1914-1918 Peter Hoeres Rekindling Contact: Anglo-German Academic Exchange after the First World War Tara Windsor

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