Lost to the state : family discontinuity, social orphanhood and residential care in the Russian Far East


    • Rockhill, Elena Khlinovskaya


Lost to the state : family discontinuity, social orphanhood and residential care in the Russian Far East

Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill

Berghahn Books, 2010

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 339-370) and index



Childhood held a special place in Soviet society: seen as the key to a better future, children were imagined as the only privileged class. Therefore, the rapid emergence in post-Soviet Russia of the vast numbers of vulnerable 'social orphans', or children who have living relatives but grow up in residential care institutions, caught the public by surprise, leading to discussions of the role and place of childhood in the new society. Based on an in-depth study the author explores dissonance between new post-Soviet forms of family and economy, and lingering Soviet attitudes, revealing social orphans as an embodiment of a long-standing power struggle between the state and the family. The author uncovers parallels between (post-) Soviet and Western practices in child welfare and attitudes towards 'bad' mothers, and proposes a new way of interpreting kinship where the state is an integral member.


List of Figures and Tables Acknowledgements Notes on Transliteration List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Introduction The Scope of the Problem What is this Study About? Time Line: Soviet and Post-Soviet Notes on Methodology Theoretical and Conceptual Framework PART I: BECOMING A SOCIAL ORPHAN Chapter 1. A Brief History of Family Policy in Russia Pre-Revolutionary Shelters and the Concept of the Child The Soviet Period: Family Discontinuity and Children-out-of-Family Chapter 2. The State as a Co-Parent Fieldsite: Magadan The Child Welfare Network Residential Care Institutions and their Functions Categories of the Family The Benevolent State and 'Good' Parents: Voluntary Placements and Cooperation Chapter 3. State and Family: Tilting the Balance of Power Neblagopoluchnye Parents: Tension between the State and the Family 'Inadequate Fulfilment of Parental Duties' Working with the Neblagopoluchnaya Family Chapter 4. Parents Overwhelmed by the State 'Child Appropriation': The Case Study of Maria Court Hearings Deprivation of Voice and Disempowerment of the Parent Chapter 5. Norms and Deviance The 'Best Interests of the Child': Moral Judgement of the Parent The Child's Biological Family: The Severance of Ties and 'Symbolic Death' of Parents The Construction of Family by the State: A Society of Virtual Kin PART II. BEING A SOCIAL ORPHAN Chapter 6. The State as a Sole Parent The Rake's Progress: The Child's Journey through Residential Homes The Cosmology of Institutions Chapter 7. The World of Social Orphans Experiencing Institutions: Narratives of Former Inmates Misha's Signposts of Institutional Life Unpacking Parent-Child Obligations: Dispersed Responsibility and Accountability Two Worlds: Orphans and the Wider Society PART III: POST-SOVIET OR SOVIET? SELF-PERPETUATION OF THE SYSTEM Chapter 8. The Continuing Soviet Legacy: Paradoxes of Change and Continuity Childhood and Family Today: The Shifting Domains of Public and Private Continuity of Practices and Attitudes 'Moral Panic': Current Descendants of Witchcraft Accusations and Show Trials Self-Perpetuation of the System Alternative Approaches Chapter 9. The Post-Soviet Case in a Wider Context Conclusion Modes of relatedness Power Asymmetry Appendix I: List of Documents Supplied to the Court by the Guardianship Department and the Baby Home in Maria's Case Appendix II: Reminiscences of Two 'Bad' Childhoods References Glossary Index

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