The heritage of world civilizations : combined volume


The heritage of world civilizations : combined volume

Albert M. Craig ... [et al.]

Prentice Hall, c2012

Brief 5th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



A global perspective on the major narratives of world history. Written by leading scholars in their respective fields, The Heritage of World Civilizations offers compelling and thorough coverage of the unique heritage of Asian, African, Middle Eastern, European and American civilizations while highlighting the role of the world's great religious and philosophical traditions. This comprehensive yet accessible survey of world history has been extensively revised to provide an even more global and comparative perspective on the events and processes that have shaped our increasingly interdependent world. Note: MyHistoryLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyHistoryLab at no extra charge, please visit or use ISBN: 9780205207572.


Documents Maps Preface Part I: Human Origins and Early Civilizations to 500 B.C.E. Chapter 1: The Birth of a Civilization Early Humans and Their Culture GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Civilizations Early Civilizations in the Middle East to About 1000 B.C.E. A CLOSER LOOK Babylonian World Map Ancient Near Eastern Empires Early Indian Civilization Early Chinese Civilization The Rise of Civilization in the Americas SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 2: Four Great Revolutions in Thought and Religion Comparing the Four Great Revolutions Philosophy in China GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Philosophy and Religion Religion in India A CLOSER LOOK Statue of Siddhartha Gotama asFasting Ascetic (2nd Century C.E.) The Religion of the Israelites Greek Philosophy SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Judaism Part II: Empires and Cultures of the Ancient World, 1000 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. Chapter 3: Greek and Hellenistic Civilization The Bronze Age on Crete and on the Mainland to ca. 1150 B.C.E. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Achievement of Greek and Hellenistic Civilization Greek "Middle Age" to ca. 750 B.C.E. The Polis Expansion of the Greek World Life in Archaic Greece Major City-States The Persian Wars A CLOSER LOOK The Trireme Classical Greece Emergence of the Hellenistic World Hellenistic Culture SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 4: West Asia, Inner Asia, and South Asia to 1000 C.E. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Indo-Iranian Roles in the Eurasian World before Islam West and Inner Asia The Ancient Background The First Persian Empire in the Iranian Plateau (550-330 B.C.E.) The Seleucid Successors to Alexander in the East (ca. 312-63 B.C.E.) The Parthian Arsacid Empire (ca. 247 B.C.E.-223 C.E.) The Sasanid Empire (224-651 C.E.) South Asia to 1000 C.E. The First Indian Empire: The Mauryas (321-185 B.C.E.) The Consolidation of Indian Civilization (ca. 200 B.C.E.-300 C.E.) A CLOSER LOOK Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath The Golden Age of the Guptas (ca. 320-550 C.E.) The Development of "Classical" Indian Civilization (ca. 300-1000 C.E.) SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Hinduism Chapter 5: Africa: Early History to 1000 C.E. Issues of Interpretation, Sources, and Disciplines Physical Description of the Continent GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE "Traditional" Peoples and Nontraditional Histories African Peoples The Sahara and the Sudan to the Beginning of the Common Era Nilotic Africa and the Ethiopian Highlands The Western and Central Sudan Central, Southern, and East Africa A CLOSER LOOK Four Rock Art Paintings from Tassili n-Ajjer (4000-2000 B.C.E.) SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 6: Republican and Imperial Rome Prehistoric Italy The Etruscans Royal Rome GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Republican and Imperial Rome The Republic A CLOSER LOOK Lictors Civilization in the Early Roman Republic: Greek Influence Roman Imperialism The Fall of the Republic The Augustan Principate Civilization of the Ciceronian and Augustan Ages Peace and Prosperity: Imperial Rome (14-180 C.E.) The Rise of Christianity The Crisis of the Third Century The Late Empire Arts and Letters in the Late Empire The Problem of the Decline and Fall of the Empire in the West SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 7: China's First Empire, 221 B.C.E.-589 C.E. Qin Unification of China GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE China's First Empire Former Han Dynasty (206 B.C.E.-8 C.E.) A CLOSER LOOK The Terra-Cotta Army of the First Qin Emperor Later Han (25-220 C.E.) and Its Aftermath Han Thought and Religion SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Part III: Consolidation and Interaction of World Civilizations, 500 C.E. to 1500 C.E. Chapter 8: Imperial China, 589-1368 Reestablishment of Empire: Sui (589-618) and Tang (618-907) Dynasties GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Imperial China A CLOSER LOOK A Tang Painting of the Goddess of Mercy Transition to Late Imperial China: The Song Dynasty (960-1279) China in the Mongol World Empire: The Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 9: Early Japanese History Japanese Origins GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE East Asia Nara and Heian Japan Japan's Early Feudal Age A CLOSER LOOK The East Meets the East SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS RELIGIONS OF THE World Buddhism Chapter 10: The Formation of Islamic Civilization, 622-100 Origins and Early Development GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Early Islamic Worlds of Arab and Persian Cultures Women in Early Islamic Society Early Islamic Conquests The New Islamic World Order A CLOSER LOOK The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem (Interior) The High Caliphate Islamic Culture in the Classical Era SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 11: The Byzantine Empire and Western Europe to 1000 The End of the Western Roman Empire GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Early Middle Ages The Impact of Islam on East and West The Developing Roman Church The Kingdom of the Franks A CLOSER LOOK A Multicultural Book Cover Feudal Society SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 12: The Islamic World,1000-1500 the islamic heartlands Religion and Society GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Expansion of Islamic Civilization, 1000-1500 Regional Developments A CLOSER LOOK Al-Hariri, Assemblies (Maqamat) The Spread of Islam beyond the Heartlands Islamic India and Southeast Asia The Spread of Islam to South Asia Muslim-Hindu Encounter Islamic States and Dynasties Religious and Cultural Accommodation Hindu and Other Indian Traditions SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 13: Ancient Civilizations of the Americas GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Ancient Civilizations of the Americas Problems in Reconstructing the History of Native American Civilization Mesoamerica The Formative Period and the Emergence of Mesoamerican Civilization The Classic Period in Mesoamerica A CLOSER LOOK The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan The Post-Classic Period Andean South America The Preceramic and the Initial Periods Chavin de Huantar and the Early Horizon The Early Intermediate Period The Middle Horizon through the Late Intermediate Period The Inca Empire SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 14: Africa CA. 1000-1700 North Africa and Egypt The Spread of Islam South of the Sahara GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Africa, 1000-1700 Sahelian Empires of the Western and Central Sudan The Eastern Sudan The Forestlands-Coastal West and Central Africa A CLOSER LOOK Benin Bronze Plaque with Chief and Two Attendants East Africa Southern Africa SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 15: Europe to the Early 1500s: Revival, Decline, and Renaissance Revival of Empire, Church, and Towns GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The High Middle Ages in Western Europe A CLOSER LOOK European Embrace of a Black Saint Society Growth of National Monarchies Political and Social Breakdown Ecclesiastical Breakdown and Revival: The Late Medieval Church The Renaissance in Italy (1375-1527) Revival of Monarchy: Nation Building in the Fifteenth Century SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Part IV: The World in Transition, 1500 to 1850 Chapter 16: Europe, 1500-1650: Expansion, Reformation, and Religious Wars The Discovery of a New World GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE European Expansion The Reformation The Reformation's Achievements A CLOSER LOOK A Contemporary Commentary on the Sexes The Wars of Religion Superstition and Enlightenment: The Battle Within SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Christianity Chapter 17: Conquest and Exploitation: The Development of the Transatlantic Economy Periods of European Overseas Expansion Mercantilist Theory of Economic Exploitation GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Atlantic World Establishment of the Spanish Empire in America Economies of Exploitation in the Spanish Empire Colonial Brazil French and British Colonies in North America The Columbian Exchange: Disease, Animals, and Agriculture Slavery in the Americas Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade A CLOSER LOOK The Slave Ship Brookes SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 18: East Asia in the Late Traditional Era GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE East Asia in the Late Traditional Era Late Imperial China Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties Japan Warring States Era (1467-1600) Tokugawa Era (1600-1868) A CLOSER LOOK Bridal Procession Korea and Vietnam Korea Vietnam SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 19: State Building and Society in Early Modern Europe European Political Consolidation GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Early Modern Europe A CLOSER LOOK Versailles European Warfare: From Continental to World Conflict The Old Regime Family Structures and the Family Economy The Revolution in Agriculture The Eighteenth-Century Industrial Revolution: An Event in World History European Cities The Jewish Population: Age of the Ghetto SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 20: The Last Great Islamic Empires,1500-1800 The Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Mediterranean World GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Last Great Islamic Empires The Safavid Empire and the West Asian World The Mughals A CLOSER LOOK The Mughal Emperor Jahangir Honoring a Muslim Saint over Kings and Emperors Central Asia: Islamization in the Post-Timur Era Power Shifts in the Southern Oceans SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Part V: Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1700-1850 Chapter 21: The Age of European Enlightenment The Scientific Revolution GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The European Enlightenment The Enlightenment The Enlightenment and Religion The Enlightenment and Society Enlightened Absolutism A CLOSER LOOK An Eighteenth-Century Artist Appeals to the Ancient World SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 22: Revolutions in the Transatlantic World Revolution in the British Colonies in North America GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Transatlantic Revolutions Revolution in France A CLOSER LOOK Challenging the French Political Order Wars of Independence in Latin America Toward the Abolition of Slavery in the Transatlantic Economy SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 23: Political Consolidation in the Nineteenth-Century Europe and North America The Emergence of Nationalism in Europe GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE European and North American Political Consolidation Early Nineteenth-Century Political Liberalism Efforts to Liberalize Early Nineteenth-Century European Political Structures Testing the New American Republic The Canadian Experience Midcentury Political Consolidation in Europe A CLOSER LOOK The Crimean War Recalled Unrest of Nationalities in Eastern Europe Racial Theory and Anti-Semitism SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Part VI: Into the Modern World, 1815-1949 Chapter 24: Northern Transatlantic Economy and Society,1815-1914 GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Building of Northern Transatlantic Supremacy European Factory Workers and Urban Artisans Nineteenth-Century European Women Jewish Emancipation European Labor, Socialism, and Politics to World War I A CLOSER LOOK Bloody Sunday, Saint Petersburg 1905 North America and the New Industrial Economy The Emergence of Modern European Thought Islam and Late Nineteenth-Century European Thought SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 25: Latin America from Independence to the1940S Independence without Revolution GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Latin American History Economy of Dependence Search for Political Stability Three National Histories A CLOSER LOOK Benito Juarez SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 26: India, the Islamic Heartlands, and Africa, 1800-1945 The Indian Experience British Dominance and Colonial Rule GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Challenge of Modernity: India, Islam, and Africa From British Crown Raj to Independence A CLOSER LOOK Gandhi and His Spinning Wheel The Islamic Experience Islamic Responses to Declining Power and Independence Western Political and Economic Encroachment The Western Impact Islamic Responses to Foreign Encroachment The African Experience New States and Power Centers Islamic Reform Movements Increasing European Involvement: Exploration and Colonization Patterns in European Colonial Rule and African Resistance The Rise of African Nationalism SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Islam Chapter 27: Modern East Asia GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Modern East Asia Modern Japan (1853-1945) Overthrow of the Tokugawa Bakufu (1853-1868) A CLOSER LOOK East Meets the West Building the Meiji State (1868-1890) Growth of a Modern Economy The Politics of Imperial Japan (1890-1945) Japanese Militarism and German Nazism Modern China (1839-1949) Close of Manchu Rule From Dynasty to Warlordism (1895-1926) Cultural and Ideological Ferment: The May Fourth Movement Nationalist China SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Part VII: Global Conflict and Change, 1900-Present Chapter 28: Imperialism and World War I Expansion of European Power and the "New Imperialism" GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Imperialism and the Great War Emergence of the German Empire World War I A CLOSER LOOK The Development of the Armored Tank The Russian Revolution End of World War I SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 29: Depression, European Dictators, and the American New Deal After Versailles: Demands for Revision and Enforcement Toward the Great Depression in Europe GOBAL PERSPECTIVE The Interwar Period in Europe and the United States The Soviet Experiment The Fascist Experiment in Italy German Democracy and Dictatorship A CLOSER LOOK The Nazi Party Rally The Great Depression and the New Deal in the United States SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 30: World War II Again the Road to War GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE World War II World War II The Domestic Fronts A CLOSER LOOK The Vichy Regime in France Preparation for Peace SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 31: The West Since World War II The Cold War Era GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE The West Since 1945 Toward Western European Unification European Society in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century and Beyond American Domestic Scene since World War II The Soviet Union to 1989 1989: Year of Revolutions in Eastern Europe A CLOSER LOOK Collapse of the Berlin Wall The Collapse of the Soviet Union The Collapse of Yugoslavia and Civil War Challenges to the Atlantic Alliance SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 32: East Asia: The Recent Decades Japan GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Modern East Asia China A CLOSER LOOK Trial of a Landlord Taiwan Korea Vietnam SUMMARY KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 33: Postcolonialism and Beyond: Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East Beyond the Postcolonial Era GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Democratization, Globalization, and Terrorism Latin America since 1945 A CLOSER LOOK Mexican Farmers Protest in North American Free Trade Agreement Postcolonial Africa The Islamic Heartlands, from North Africa to Indonesia The Postcolonial Middle East SUMMAR KEY TERMS REVIEW QUESTIONS Suggested Readings Credits Index

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  • ISBN
    • 9780205835492
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxxi, 895, 24, 5, 18 p.
  • 大きさ
    28 cm
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