Creative industry districts : an analysis of dynamics, networks and implications on creative clusters in Shanghai
Creative industry districts : an analysis of dynamics, networks and implications on creative clusters in Shanghai
(Advances in Asian human-environmental research)
Springer, c2014
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Since the late 1990s, there have been broad discussions concerning the rapid rise of the creative economy. Creative or cultural industry is seen as the new engine of the regional growth for both developed economies and emerging nations. At the point of transition in economy and society, China is recently striving to transform its economy from "made in China" towards "created in China". This book provides an insight into creative industries and spaces in Shanghai, which is the fastest growing megacity in China and the center of modern economic development on a global scale. Underpinned by new approaches from economic geography and urban studies, it deals with the new relations between the creative economy and urban environment in Shanghai. Over the last decade, creative clusters have been rapidly emerging in particular locations in the central city of Shanghai. This spatial phenomenon is explained in the book through an analysis of dynamics, networks and implications.
Introduction.- From the New Economy to Creative City.- Characterizing Shanghai's Creative Industries and Districts.- Dynamics in Clustering of Creative Industries in Shanghai.- Network Analysis of Creative Clusters in Shanghai.- Impacts of Creative Industry Districts in Shanghai.- Discussion and Conclusions.
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