The Alexandria plan : Common Core Curriculum


    • Common Core, Inc.


The Alexandria plan : Common Core Curriculum

Jossey-Bass, c2014

  • World history, Grades K-2 : pbk
  • World history, Grades 3-5 : pbk
  • United States history, Grades K-2 : pbk
  • United States history, Grades 3-5 : pbk

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"Common Core"

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



United States history, Grades K-2 : pbk ISBN 9781118526262


Comprehensive Common Core curriculum for United States History, Grades K-2 The Alexandria Plan is Common Core's curriculum tool for the teaching of United States and World History. It is a strategic framework for identifying and using high quality informational texts and narrative nonfiction to meet the expectations of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) while also sharing essential historical knowledge drawn from the very best state history and civics standards from around the country. The curriculum is presented in this four volume series: Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades 3-5; and Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades 3-5. Features of each book include: * Learning Expectations, which articulate the key ideas, events, facts, and figures to be understood by students in a particular grade span. * Suggested anchor texts for each topic. * In depth text studies, comprised of text-dependent questions, student responses, and assessments based on a featured anchor text. * Select additional resources. * Concise Era Summaries that orient both teachers and students to the historical background. The curriculum helps teachers pose questions about texts covering a wide range of topics. This volume, Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades K-2, introduces lower elementary students to 18 key eras in our country's history, from the original Native American people to modern times, through stories that they will treasure forever.


Introduction: How to Use the Alexandria Plan vii Text Studies Era 1 Across Beringia: Original People of North America (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1600 ce) 1 Text Study: Native Homes by Bobbie Kalman Era 2 Driven to Discover: Europeans Establish the New World (Late 1400s to Late 1600s) 7 Text Study: Follow the Dream: The Story of Christopher Columbus by Peter Sis Era 3 Uniquely American: The Beginnings of a New Nationality (1607 to Late 1600s) 15 Text Study: The First Thanksgiving by Linda Hayward Era 4 Taxation without Representation: Tension Mounts (ca. 1660 to 1763) 21 Text Study: If You Lived in Colonial Times by Ann McGovern Era 5 Independence: America Gains Its Freedom (1763 to 1783) 27 Text Study: A Picture Book of Paul Revere by David A. Adler Era 6 We the People: Building an American Republic (1776 to 1789) 33 Text Study: D Is for Democracy: A Citizen s Alphabet by Elissa Grodin Era 7 Democracy Made Real: America Passes the Torch (1789 to 1800) 39 Text Study: George Washington: Soldier, Hero, President by Justine and Ron Fontes Era 8 Going West: Opportunity and Peril on America s Frontier (1800 to 1830s) 47 Text Study: How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis and Clark by Rosalyn Schanzer Era 9 Freedom for All: American Democracy Begins to Transform (1820s to 1840s) 57 Text Study: The Listeners by Gloria Whelan Text Study: The Bobbin Girl by Emily Arnold McCully Era 10 A House Divided: North versus South (1820 to 1859) 67 Text Study: When I Reach the Promised Land ... by Susan Buckley, pages 11 13, Appleseeds, March 2004 Text Study: Henry s Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine Era 11 Blue versus Gray: Civil War and Reconstruction (1860 to 1877) 75 Text Study: Abraham Lincoln: Lawyer, Leader, Legend by Justine and Ron Fontes Era 12 Resistance and Recovery: Rebuilding a War-Torn Nation (1870s to 1890s) 83 Text Study: Journey of a Pioneer by Patricia J. Murphy Era 13 The Next Benchmark: America Is a Global Leader (1890s to 1920) 89 Text Study: A Weed Is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver by Aliki Era 14 The Great War: Rallying American Patriotism (1914 to 1929) 95 Text Study: Bessie Smith and the Night Riders by Sue Stauffacher Era 15 Prosperity Has Its Price: Economic Collapse and World War II (1929 to 1945) 103 Text Study: Finding Daddy: A Story of the Great Depression by Jo and Josephine Harper Era 16 The New American Dream: Freedom from Tyranny (1946 to Late 1950s) 111 Text Study: Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot: A True Story of the Berlin Airlift and the Candy That Dropped from the Sky by Margot Theis Raven Era 17 Communism and Counterculture: The Challenges of the 50s and 60s (1950s to Late 1960s) 117 Text Study: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March on Washington by Frances E. Ruffin Era 18 Modern Times: Presidential Scandals, Conservatism, and Unrest (1968 to Present) 125 Text Study: America s White Table by Margot Theis Raven Era Summaries 131 Era 1 Across Beringia: Original People of North America (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1600 ce) 133 Indigenous Peoples Arrive Distribution, Diversity, and Cultural Regions Native American Civilization in North America and Beyond The Effects of European Contact in the Americas Era 2 Driven to Discover: Europeans Establish the New World (Late 1400s to Late 1600s) 135 Europe Discovers the Americas European Rivals in the Americas Aims of British Settlement Differ by Region The Colonists Encounter the Native North Americans Era 3 Uniquely American: The Beginnings of a New Nationality (1607 to Late 1600s) 139 The Early Colonies: Regional Differences Abound Religious Tension and Tolerance The Rise, Entrenchment, and Regional Patterns of Slavery The Rise of Representative Government and Popular Power in the Colonies Era 4 Taxation without Representation: Tension Mounts (ca. 1660 to 1763) 142 Britain Expands Its Rule over America The Colonies Become More Modern, British, and Like One Another The Colonies Role in the Empire Grows and Becomes More Complex Era 5 Independence: America Gains Its Freedom (1763 to 1783) 145 The French and Indian War Prods Britain to Seek Revenue from the Colonies The Colonies Reject British Taxation and Respond to the Stamp Act Crisis Builds toward Revolution The Revolutionary War: America Stands Up for Freedom, Britain for Its Empire Era 6 We the People: Building an American Republic (1776 to 1789) 149 Democratic Experiments: The Articles of Confederation and the State Constitutions The Constitutional Convention of 1787 The Battle for Ratification and the Call for a Bill of Rights Era 7 Democracy Made Real: America Passes the Torch (1789 to 1800) 153 Creating the National Government The First Party Schism The New Nation s Parties and Politics The Revolution of 1800 Era 8 Going West: Opportunity and Peril on America s Frontier (1800 to 1830s) 157 A Young and Fast-Expanding Nation America Defies the European Powers The Economy Transforms as Commerce Expands Era 9 Freedom for All: American Democracy Begins to Transform (1820s to 1840s) 161 The New Party Schism and the Jacksonian Era A More Perfect Society: Social Change and the Reform Movements After Its Post-Revolution Decline, Slavery Gains Strength Era 10 A House Divided: North versus South (1820 to 1859) 164 A Line in the Sand: Slavery in the Territories The Sectional Divide Grows The Divide Begins to Rend the Country Era 11 Blue versus Gray: Civil War and Reconstruction (1860 to 1877) 168 Secessionists and Unionists The War for the Union: 1861 1862 The War against Slavery: 1863 1865 The Rise and Fall of Reconstruction Era 12 Resistance and Recovery: Rebuilding a War-Torn Nation (1870s to 1890s) 174 Industrialization, Immigration, and Expansion The Strains of the Gilded Age The New South and the Rise of Jim Crow Era 13 The Next Benchmark: America Is a Global Leader (1890s to 1920) 178 The United States Looks Overseas Social Strain at Home and the Progressive Push for Reform The Limits of Progressivism and the Call for Civil Rights Era 14 The Great War: Rallying American Patriotism (1914 to 1929) 182 America Enters Europe s War The War at Home: Growth and Government, Patriotism, and Repression Post-War America: Prosperity and New Freedoms for Some Era 15 Prosperity Has Its Price: Economic Collapse and World War II (1929 to 1945) 186 Crash, Depression, and the New Deal Response Totalitarian Europe and Global Crisis: Alarm, Extremism, and Isolationism at Home The United States Joins the Second World War The World War II Home Front Era 16 The New American Dream: Freedom from Tyranny (1946 to Late 1950s) 193 The Soviet Union and the Emerging Cold War The Cold War at Home and the New Red Scare American Life in the Post-War Era The Renewed Civil Rights Movement Era 17 Communism and Counterculture: The Challenges of the 50s and 60s (1950s to Late 1960s) 199 The Superpowers Find an Uneasy Balance: Deterrence and the Battle for Hearts and Minds Cold War Tensions under Kennedy and Johnson Reform at Home: The Civil Rights Revolution and LBJ s Great Society The 60s: War, Counterculture, and Conflict Era 18 Modern Times: Presidential Scandals, Conservatism, and Unrest (1968 to Present) 205 Global Conflict and Diplomacy: Detente, China, and the Middle East The Cold War Ends, and European Communism Falls The Changing Post Cold War World Recent Trends: Global Ties and Conflicts Postscript: Recent Events (1992 to Present) Who Is Common Core 217 Acknowledgments 219 Index 221

United States history, Grades 3-5 : pbk ISBN 9781118526965


Comprehensive Common Core curriculum for United States History, Grades 3-5 The Alexandria Plan is Common Core's curriculum tool for the teaching of United States and World History. It is a strategic framework for identifying and using high quality informational texts and narrative nonfiction to meet the expectations of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) while also sharing essential historical knowledge drawn from the very best state history and civics standards from around the country. The curriculum is presented in this four volume series: Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades 3-5; and Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades 3-5. Features of each book include: * Learning Expectations, which articulate the key ideas, events, facts, and figures to be understood by students in a particular grade span. * Suggested anchor texts for each topic. * In depth text studies, comprised of text-dependent questions, student responses, and assessments based on a featured anchor text. * Select additional resources. * Concise Era Summaries that orient both teachers and students to the historical background. The curriculum helps teachers pose questions about texts covering a wide range of topics. This volume, Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades 3-5, introduces upper elementary students to 18 key eras in our country's history, from the original Native American people to modern times, through stories that they will treasure forever.


Introduction: How to Use the Alexandria Plan vii Text Studies Era 1 Across Beringia: Original People of North America (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1600 ce) 1 Text Study: The Discovery of the Americas: From Prehistory through the Age of Columbus by Betsy and Giulio Maestro Era 2 Driven to Discover: Europeans Establish the New World (Late 1400s to Late 1600s) 7 Text Study: Exploration and Conquest: The Americas after Columbus, 1500 1620 by Betsy and Giulio Maestro Era 3 Uniquely American: The Beginnings of a New Nationality (1607 to Late 1600s) 13 Text Study: We the People: The Thirteen Colonies by Marc Tyler Nobleman Era 4 Taxation without Representation: Tension Mounts (ca. 1660 to 1763) 19 Text Study: Making Thirteen Colonies: 1600 1740, chapter 38 A Nasty Triangle by Joy Hakim Era 5 Independence: America Gains Its Freedom (1763 to 1783) 25 Text Study: A History of US: From Colonies to Country: 1735 1791, chapter 11 A Taxing King by Joy Hakim Era 6 We the People: Building an American Republic (1776 to 1789) 31 Text Study: We the People: The Story of Our Constitution by Lynne Cheney Era 7 Democracy Made Real: America Passes the Torch (1789 to 1800) 37 Text Study: The Revolutionary John Adams by Cheryl Harness Era 8 Going West: Opportunity and Peril on America s Frontier (1800 to 1830s) 43 Text Study: A History of US: The New Nation: 1789 1850, chapter 22 Going Places by Joy Hakim Era 9 Freedom for All: American Democracy Begins to Transform (1820s to 1840s) 49 Text Study: Elizabeth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Right to Vote by Tanya Lee Stone Text Study: I Could Do That! Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote by Linda Arms White Era 10 A House Divided: North versus South (1820 to 1859) 57 Text Study: Words Set Me Free: The Story of Young Frederick Douglass by Lesa Cline-Ransome Text Study: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, chapter 7 by Frederick Douglass Era 11 Blue versus Gray: Civil War and Reconstruction (1860 to 1877) 63 Text Study: A Civil War Scrapbook: I Was There Too! by History Colorado Era 12 Resistance and Recovery: Rebuilding a War-Torn Nation (1870s to 1890s) 73 Text Study: Chief Joseph s Lincoln Hall Speech, 1879 Era 13 The Next Benchmark: America Is a Global Leader (1890s to 1920) 79 Text Study: Ellis Island by Elaine Landau Text Study: At Ellis Island: A History in Many Voices by Louise Peacock Era 14 The Great War: Rallying American Patriotism (1914 to 1929) 89 Text Study: Henry Ford: Putting the World on Wheels by the Editors of TIME For Kids with Dina El Nabli Era 15 Prosperity Has Its Price: Economic Collapse and World War II (1929 to 1945) 97 Text Study: World War II: An Overview by Scholastic Text Study: Franklin and Winston: A Christmas That Changed the World by Douglas Wood Era 16 The New American Dream: Freedom from Tyranny (1946 to Late 1950s) 105 Text Study: The Wall: Growing Up behind the Iron Curtain by Peter Sis Era 17 Communism and Counterculture: The Challenges of the 50s and 60s (1950s to Late 1960s) 113 Text Study: Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11 by Brian Floca Era 18 Modern Times: Presidential Scandals, Conservatism, and Unrest (1968 to Present) 121 Text Study: September 11 by Mary Englar Era Summaries 129 Era 1 Across Beringia: Original People of North America (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1600 ce) 131 Indigenous Peoples Arrive Distribution, Diversity, and Cultural Regions Native American Civilization in North America and Beyond The Effects of European Contact in the Americas Era 2 Driven to Discover: Europeans Establish the New World (Late 1400s to Late 1600s) 133 Europe Discovers the Americas European Rivals in the Americas Aims of British Settlement Differ by Region The Colonists Encounter the Native North Americans Era 3 Uniquely American: The Beginnings of a New Nationality (1607 to Late 1600s) 137 The Early Colonies: Regional Differences Abound Religious Tension and Tolerance The Rise, Entrenchment, and Regional Patterns of Slavery The Rise of Representative Government and Popular Power in the Colonies Era 4 Taxation Without Representation: Tension Mounts (ca. 1660 to 1763) 140 Britain Expands Its Rule over America The Colonies Become More Modern, British, and Like One Another The Colonies Role in the Empire Grows and Becomes More Complex Era 5 Independence: America Gains Its Freedom (1763 to 1783) 143 The French and Indian War Prods Britain to Seek Revenue from the Colonies The Colonies Reject British Taxation and Respond to the Stamp Act Crisis Builds toward Revolution The Revolutionary War: America Stands Up for Freedom, Britain for Its Empire Era 6 We the People: Building an American Republic (1776 to 1789) 147 Democratic Experiments: The Articles of Confederation and the State Constitutions The Constitutional Convention of 1787 The Battle for Ratification and the Call for a Bill of Rights Era 7 Democracy Made Real: America Passes the Torch (1789 to 1800) 151 Creating the National Government The First Party Schism The New Nation s Parties and Politics The Revolution of 1800 Era 8 Going West: Opportunity and Peril on America s Frontier (1800 to 1830s) 155 A Young and Fast-Expanding Nation America Defies the European Powers The Economy Transforms as Commerce Expands Era 9 Freedom for All: American Democracy Begins to Transform (1820s to 1840s) 159 The New Party Schism and the Jacksonian Era A More Perfect Society: Social Change and the Reform Movements After Its Post-Revolution Decline, Slavery Gains Strength Era 10 A House Divided: North versus South (1820 to 1859) 162 A Line in the Sand: Slavery in the Territories The Sectional Divide Grows The Divide Begins to Rend the Country Era 11 Blue versus Gray: Civil War and Reconstruction (1860 to 1877) 166 Secessionists and Unionists The War for the Union: 1861 1862 The War against Slavery: 1863 1865 The Rise and Fall of Reconstruction Era 12 Resistance and Recovery: Rebuilding a War-Torn Nation (1870s to 1890s) 172 Industrialization, Immigration, and Expansion The Strains of the Gilded Age The New South and the Rise of Jim Crow Era 13 The Next Benchmark: America Is a Global Leader (1890s to 1920) 176 The United States Looks Overseas Social Strain at Home and the Progressive Push for Reform The Limits of Progressivism and the Call for Civil Rights Era 14 The Great War: Rallying American Patriotism (1914 to 1929) 180 America Enters Europe s War The War at Home: Growth and Government, Patriotism, and Repression Post-War America: Prosperity and New Freedoms for Some Era 15 Prosperity Has Its Price: Economic Collapse and World War II (1929 to 1945) 184 Crash, Depression, and the New Deal Response Totalitarian Europe and Global Crisis: Alarm, Extremism, and Isolationism at Home The United States Joins the Second World War The World War II Home Front Era 16 The New American Dream: Freedom from Tyranny (1946 to Late 1950s) 191 The Soviet Union and the Emerging Cold War The Cold War at Home and the New Red Scare American Life in the Post-War Era The Renewed Civil Rights Movement Era 17 Communism and Counterculture: The Challenges of the 50s and 60s (1950s to Late 1960s) 197 The Superpowers Find an Uneasy Balance: Deterrence and the Battle for Hearts and Minds Cold War Tensions under Kennedy and Johnson Reform at Home: The Civil Rights Revolution and LBJ s Great Society The 60s: War, Counterculture, and Conflict Era 18 Modern Times: Presidential Scandals, Conservatism, and Unrest (1968 to Present) 203 Global Conflict and Diplomacy: Detente, China, and the Middle East The Cold War Ends, and European Communism Falls The Changing Post Cold War World Recent Trends: Global Ties and Conflicts Postscript: Recent Events (1992 to Present) Who Is Common Core 215 Acknowledgments 217 Index 219

World history, Grades K-2 : pbk ISBN 9781118835128


Comprehensive Common Core curriculum for World History, Grades K-2 The Alexandria Plan is Common Core's curriculum tool for the teaching of United States and World History. It is a strategic framework for identifying and using high quality informational texts and narrative nonfiction to meet the expectations of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) while also sharing essential historical knowledge drawn from the very best state history and civics standards from around the country. The curriculum is presented in this four volume series: Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades 3-5; and Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades 3-5. Features of each book include: * Learning Expectations, which articulate the key ideas, events, facts, and figures to be understood by students in a particular grade span. * Suggested anchor texts for each topic. * In depth text studies, comprised of text-dependent questions, student responses, and assessments based on a featured anchor text. * Select additional resources. * Concise Era Summaries that orient both teachers and students to the historical background. The curriculum helps teachers pose questions about texts covering a wide range of topics. This volume, Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades K-2, introduces lower elementary students to 18 key eras in world history, from the discovery of fire to modern globalization, through stories that they will treasure forever.


Introduction: How to Use the Alexandria Plan vii Era 1 From First Fire to First Community: Humanity Evolves (ca. 200,000 bce to 3000 bce) 1 Text Study: Discovery in the Cave by Mark Dubowski and Bryn Barnard Era 2 Civilizations Emerge: The Power of Words and of Bronze (ca. 3500 bce to ca. 1000 bce) 7 Text Study: Tut s Mummy: Lost ... and Found by Judy Donnelly Era 3 From Iron to Ideas: Religion and Freedom Take Shape (ca. 1700 bce to 400 bce) 15 Text Study: Ancient Greece and the Olympics by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce Era 4 The Classical Era: Hellenistic Greece and Rome Flourish (400 bce to 476 ce) 23 Text Study: Pompeii ... Buried Alive! by Edith Kunhardt Era 5 Religion and War: Driving Change in Asian Empires (1750 bce to ca. 1650 ce) 29 Text Study: Hidden Army: Clay Soldiers of Ancient China by Jane O Connor Era 6 The Rise of Islam: Religion Travels on a Road of Silk (ca. 610 ce to 1500s) 37 Text Study: We re Riding on a Caravan: An Adventure on the Silk Road by Laurie Krebs Era 7 Europe after Rome Fell: The Middle Ages Descend (400s to 1350) 43 Text Study: A Medieval Feast by Aliki Era 8 The Renaissance: Thought Reborn and Made Beautiful (ca. 1300 to 1648) 51 Text Study: Mario s Angels: A Story about the Artist Giotto by Mary Arrigan Era 9 Americas North and South: The New World (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1500 ce) 57 Text Study: Lost City: The Discovery of Machu Picchu by Ted Lewin Era 10 Europe s Global Expansion (1492 to ca. 1700) 63 Text Study: Pirates by Kate Riggs Text Study: Blackbeard: Pirate Terror at Sea (National Geographic) Era 11 The Revolutionary Roots: The Modern West (ca. 1600 to 1800) 69 Text Study: Peter the Great by Diane Stanley Era 12 The Industrial Revolution: Nationalism Unites (1790s to 1880s) 77 Text Study: Louis Pasteur by Kremena Spengler Era 13 Modern Imperialism: A Race of Conquest and Supremacy (ca. 1790s to 1900) 83 Text Study: Samurai by Kate Riggs Era 14 National Rivalries: The Eruption of Global Conflict (1880s to 1918) 89 Text Study: The Donkey of Gallipoli: A True Story of Courage in World War I by Mark Greenwood Era 15 Depression after Versailles: The Rise of Totalitarian Powers (1919 to 1930s) 95 Text Study: On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne Era 16 Global Calamity: Appeasement Fails and Global Conflict Returns (mid-1930s to 1945) 101 Text Study: Always Remember Me: How One Family Survived World War II by Marisabina Russo Era 17 Post-War World: An Iron Curtain Divides the Globe (1945 to 1960s) 109 Text Study: Red Kite, Blue Kite by Ji-li Jiang Era 18 The Cold War Thaws: Uneasy Cooperation between Nations (1960s to Present) 115 Text Study: Nasreen s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan by Jeanette Winter Era Summaries 123 Era 1 From First Fire to First Community: Humanity Evolves (ca. 200,000 bce to 3000 bce) 125 Human Origins and Migration Paleolithic Societies and the Emergence of Human Culture The Agricultural Revolution Technology, Trade, and the Rise of Settled Communities Era 2 Civilizations Emerge: The Power of Words and of Bronze (ca. 3500 bce to ca. 1000 bce) 128 The First Cities: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China States of the Early Bronze Age The Invention and Impact of Writing The Later Bronze Age in West Asia and the Mediterranean Era 3 From Iron to Ideas: Religion and Freedom Take Shape (ca. 1700 bce to 400 bce) 132 Bronze Age Collapse and the New Peoples of the Iron Age Ancient Israel and the Roots of Eura Ancient Israel and the Roots of Eurasian Monotheism The Revival of Greek Culture and the Expansion of Greek Influence The Brief Glories of Classical Athens Era 4 The Classical Era: Hellenistic Greece and Rome Flourish (400 bce to 476 ce) 137 Alexander s Empire and the Hellenistic Legacy Rome Rises Imperial Rome and Its Breaking Point Christianity, Constantine, and the Decline of the Western Empire Era 5 Religion and War: Driving Change in Asian Empires (1750 bce to ca. 1650 bce) 142 India: From the Vedas to the Guptas Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Wider World Imperial China Emerges China from Tang to Qing Lands beyond China: Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia Era 6 The Rise of Islam: Religion Travels on a Road of Silk (ca. 610 ce to 1500s) 148 Islam s Origins and Rapid Conquests Political Division and Cultural Achievement Amid Chaos, Continued Expansion Later Islamic Empires Era 7 Europe after Rome Fell: The Middle Ages Descend (400s to 1350) 153 Europe Rebuilds in the Wake of Rome s Fall The Carolingian Empire and Its Successors The Feudal States of Western Europe European Commerce and Culture: The Medieval Revival Era 8 The Renaissance: Thought Reborn and Made Beautiful (ca. 1300 to 1648) 159 The Changing World of Late Medieval Europe Classical Revival, the Expansion of Learning, and the Rise of the Renaissance Exploration and the Roots of European Expansion The Reformation and Its Consequences Era 9 Americas North and South: The New World (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1500 ce) 166 Early Human Settlement of the Americas The Native Peoples of North America The Native Peoples of Mesoamerica The Native Peoples of South America Era 10 Europe s Global Expansion (1492 to ca. 1700) 170 Spain Takes On the New World Other European Powers Enter the Americas The African Slave Trade Intensifies Europe Expands into Asia and Eastern Colonialism Begins Era 11 The Revolutionary Roots: The Modern West (ca. 1600 to 1800) 175 Uneven Growth and Economic Modernization Freedom versus Power: England and France in the Seventeenth Century New Ideas Emerge in a Rapidly Modernizing Europe America and France Enter the Age of Revolution Era 12 The Industrial Revolution: Nationalism Unites (1790s to 1880s) 183 Napoleon s Europe Industrialization, Technology, Science and Turmoil Napoleon s Wake: Rising Threats to Europe s Old Regimes Nationalists, Conservatives, and the Unification of Italy and Germany Era 13 Modern Imperialism: A Race of Conquest and Supremacy (ca. 1790s to 1900) 191 European Empires Face Decline in the Americas Britain Takes Over India as Europe Edges into Africa The West s Heavy Hand in the Pacific Late-Century Climax: The Disintegration of China and the Scramble for Africa Era 14 National Rivalries: The Eruption of Global Conflict (1880s to 1918) 199 Empires in Collision Europe s Tinderbox Europe s Tensions Erupt into World War A New World of Science, Technology, War, and Culture Era 15 Depression after Versailles: The Rise of Totalitarian Powers (1919 to 1930s) 207 The Versailles Settlement and Its Discontents Totalitarians Rising The Global Depression and the Entrenchment of the Nazis Science Advances in a World of Growing Danger Era 16 Global Calamity: Appeasement Fails and Global Conflict Returns (mid-1930s to 1945) 215 Fascist Aggression Intensifies As Appeasement Fails, Europe Slides toward War Hitler Sweeps across Europe Global Conflict and the Devastation of Total War Era 17 Post-War World: An Iron Curtain Divides the Globe (1945 to 1960s) 223 The Emerging Cold War Deterrence and the Uneasy Balance of the Superpowers The End of the Colonial Empires and the Rise of New Nations: South Asia and the Pacific Africa and the Middle East Era 18 The Cold War Thaws: Uneasy Cooperation between Nations (1960s to Present) 229 Global Conflict and Diplomacy: Detente, China, and the Middle East The Cold War Ends and European Communism Falls The Changing Post Cold War World Recent Trends: Global Ties and Conflicts Who Is Common Core 237 Acknowledgments 239 Index 241

World history, Grades 3-5 : pbk ISBN 9781118835241


Comprehensive Common Core curriculum for World History, Grades 3-5 The Alexandria Plan is Common Core's curriculum tool for the teaching of United States and World History. It is a strategic framework for identifying and using high quality informational texts and narrative nonfiction to meet the expectations of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) while also sharing essential historical knowledge drawn from the very best state history and civics standards from around the country. The curriculum is presented in this four volume series: Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades K-2; Common Core Curriculum: United States History, Grades 3-5; and Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades 3-5. Features of each book include: * Learning Expectations, which articulate the key ideas, events, facts, and figures to be understood by students in a particular grade span. * Suggested anchor texts for each topic. * In depth text studies, comprised of text-dependent questions, student responses, and assessments based on a featured anchor text. * Select additional resources. * Concise Era Summaries that orient both teachers and students to the historical background. The curriculum helps teachers pose questions about texts covering a wide range of topics. This volume, Common Core Curriculum: World History, Grades 3-5, introduces upper elementary students to 18 key eras in world history, from the discovery of fire to modern globalization, through stories that they will treasure forever.


Introduction: How to Use the Alexandria Plan vii Era 1 From First Fire to First Community: Humanity Evolves (ca. 200,000 bce to 3000 bce) 1 Text Study: Early Humans by DK Publishing Era 2 Civilizations Emerge: The Power of Words and of Bronze (ca. 3500 bce to ca. 1000 bce) 7 Text Study: Mesopotamia by Don Nardo Era 3 From Iron to Ideas: Religion and Freedom Take Shape (ca. 1700 bce to 400 bce) 15 Text Study: Ancient Israelites and Their Neighbors: An Activity Guide by Marian Broida Era 4 The Classical Era: Hellenistic Greece and Rome Flourish (400 bce to 476 ce) 23 Text Study: Roman Diary: The Journal of Iliona of Mytilini, Who Was Captured and Sold as a Slave in Rome, ad 107 by Richard Platt and David Parkins Era 5 Religion and War: Driving Change in Asian Empires (1750 bce to ca. 1650 ce) 31 Text Study: Kubla Khan: The Emperor of Everything by Kathleen Krull Era 6 The Rise of Islam: Religion Travels on a Road of Silk (ca. 610 ce to 1500s) 39 Text Study: Traveling Man: The Journey of Ibn Battuta, 1325 1354 by James Rumford Era 7 Europe after Rome Fell: The Middle Ages Descend (400s to 1350) 47 Text Study: Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz Era 8 The Renaissance: Thought Reborn and Made Beautiful (ca. 1300 to 1648) 55 Text Study: Michelangelo by Diane Stanley Era 9 Americas North and South: The New World (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1500 ce) 65 Text Study: The Ancient Maya by Jennifer Fretland VanVoorst Era 10 Europe s Global Expansion (1492 to ca. 1700) 73 Text Study: Hernando Cortes: Spanish Invader of Mexico by John Zronik Era 11 The Revolutionary Roots: The Modern West (ca. 1600 to 1800) 81 Text Study: Starry Messenger: Galileo Galilei by Peter Sis Era 12 The Industrial Revolution: Nationalism Unites (1790s to 1880s) 91 Text Study: Marie Antoinette: Madam Deficit by Liz Hockinson Era 13 Modern Imperialism: A Race of Conquest and Supremacy (ca. 1790s to 1900) 99 Text Study: The Slave Trade by Melody Herr Era 14 National Rivalries: The Eruption of Global Conflict (1880s to 1918) 107 Text Study: In Flanders Field by John McCrae Text Study: Where Poppies Grow: A World War I Companion by Linda Granfield Era 15 Depression after Versailles: The Rise of Totalitarian Powers (1919 to 1930s) 115 Text Study: Joseph Stalin (1879 1953) by BBC History Text Study: Breaking Stalin s Nose by Eugene Yelchin Era 16 Global Calamity: Appeasement Fails and Global Conflict Returns (mid-1930s to 1945) 123 Text Study: Remember World War II: Kids Who Survived Tell Their Stories by Dorinda Makanaonalani Nicholson Era 17 Post-War World: An Iron Curtain Divides the Globe (1945 to 1960s) 133 Text Study: Lesson on Discrimination Based on Race by United Nations Cyber School Bus Text Study: Apartheid Timeline by United Nations Cyber School Bus Text Study: Journey to Jo Burg: A South African Story by Beverley Naidoo Era 18 The Cold War Thaws: Uneasy Cooperation between Nations (1960s to Present) 141 Text Study: Hands around the Library: Protecting Egypt s Treasured Books by Karen Leggett Abouraya Era Summaries 149 Era 1 From First Fire to First Community: Humanity Evolves (ca. 200,000 bce to 3000 bce) 151 Human Origins and Migration Paleolithic Societies and the Emergence of Human Culture The Agricultural Revolution Technology, Trade, and the Rise of Settled Communities Era 2 Civilizations Emerge: The Power of Words and of Bronze (ca. 3500 bce to ca. 1000 bce) 154 The First Cities: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China States of the Early Bronze Age The Invention and Impact of Writing The Later Bronze Age in West Asia and the Mediterranean Era 3 From Iron to Ideas: Religion and Freedom Take Shape (ca. 1700 bce to 400 bce) 158 Bronze Age Collapse and the New Peoples of the Iron Age Ancient Israel and the Roots of Eura Ancient Israel and the Roots of Eurasian Monotheism The Revival of Greek Culture and the Expansion of Greek Influence The Brief Glories of Classical Athens Era 4 The Classical Era: Hellenistic Greece and Rome Flourish (400 bce to 476 ce) 163 Alexander s Empire and the Hellenistic Legacy Rome Rises Imperial Rome and Its Breaking Point Christianity, Constantine, and the Decline of the Western Empire Era 5 Religion and War: Driving Change in Asian Empires (1750 bce to ca. 1650 ce) 168 India: From the Vedas to the Guptas Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Wider World Imperial China Emerges China from Tang to Qing Lands beyond China: Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia Era 6 The Rise of Islam: Religion Travels on a Road of Silk (ca. 610 ce to 1500s) 174 Islam s Origins and Rapid Conquests Political Division and Cultural Achievement Amid Chaos, Continued Expansion Later Islamic Empires Era 7 Europe after Rome Fell: The Middle Ages Descend (400s to 1350) 179 Europe Rebuilds in the Wake of Rome s Fall The Carolingian Empire and Its Successors The Feudal States of Western Europe European Commerce and Culture: The Medieval Revival Era 8 The Renaissance: Thought Reborn and Made Beautiful (ca. 1300 to 1648) 185 The Changing World of Late Medieval Europe Classical Revival, the Expansion of Learning, and the Rise of the Renaissance Exploration and the Roots of European Expansion The Reformation and Its Consequences Era 9 Americas North and South: The New World (ca. 20,000 bce to ca. 1500 ce) 192 Early Human Settlement of the Americas The Native Peoples of North America The Native Peoples of Mesoamerica The Native Peoples of South America Era 10 Europe s Global Expansion (1492 to ca. 1700) 196 Spain Takes On the New World Other European Powers Enter the Americas The African Slave Trade Intensifies Europe Expands into Asia and Eastern Colonialism Begins Era 11 The Revolutionary Roots: The Modern West (ca. 1600 to 1800) 201 Uneven Growth and Economic Modernization Freedom versus Power: England and France in the Seventeenth Century New Ideas Emerge in a Rapidly Modernizing Europe America and France Enter the Age of Revolution Era 12 The Industrial Revolution: Nationalism Unites (1790s to 1880s) 209 Napoleon s Europe Industrialization, Technology, Science and Turmoil Napoleon s Wake: Rising Threats to Europe s Old Regimes Nationalists, Conservatives, and the Unification of Italy and Germany Era 13 Modern Imperialism: A Race of Conquest and Supremacy (ca. 1790s to 1900) 217 European Empires Face Decline in the Americas Britain Takes Over India as Europe Edges into Africa The West s Heavy Hand in the Pacific Late-Century Climax: The Disintegration of China and the Scramble for Africa Era 14 National Rivalries: The Eruption of Global Conflict (1880s to 1918) 224 Empires in Collision Europe s Tinderbox Europe s Tensions Erupt into World War A New World of Science, Technology, War, and Culture Era 15 Depression after Versailles: The Rise of Totalitarian Powers (1919 to 1930s) 232 The Versailles Settlement and Its Discontents Totalitarians Rising The Global Depression and the Entrenchment of the Nazis Science Advances in a World of Growing Danger Era 16 Global Calamity: Appeasement Fails and Global Conflict Returns (mid-1930s to 1945) 240 Fascist Aggression Intensifies As Appeasement Fails, Europe Slides toward War Hitler Sweeps across Europe Global Conflict and the Devastation of Total War Era 17 Post-War World: An Iron Curtain Divides the Globe (1945 to 1960s) 248 The Emerging Cold War Deterrence and the Uneasy Balance of the Superpowers The End of the Colonial Empires and the Rise of New Nations: South Asia and the Pacific Africa and the Middle East Era 18 The Cold War Thaws: Uneasy Cooperation between Nations (1960s to Present) 254 Global Conflict and Diplomacy: Detente, China, and the Middle East The Cold War Ends and European Communism Falls The Changing Post Cold War World Recent Trends: Global Ties and Conflicts Who Is Common Core 263 Acknowledgments 265 Index 267

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