Presenting your research : conferences, symposiums, poster presentations and beyond


    • Becker, Lucinda M.


Presenting your research : conferences, symposiums, poster presentations and beyond

Lucinda Becker

(Success in research)

SAGE, 2014

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes index



For many researchers, the need to present relevant and engaging material in the most effective way in an unfamiliar setting presents a potential barrier to their success as professionals. This handy guide tackles the obstacles to effective and successful presentations, considering the range of material which might be presented, the occasions which suit different types of material and the skills needed to present research in a way that is engaging and persuasive. This book addresses questions such as: Why should I give a paper and where might I give a paper? How does the conference system works? How do I prepare an abstract/outline/synopsis? How do I chose my material and prepare it for a conference presentation? How can I prepare effective conference aids? How can I overcome my nerves? How can I prepare and present effective posters for poster presentations? As with the other titles in the Success in Research series, this guide takes a hands-on approach and includes checklists, top tips, exercises and examples to help you remember what you have read and put it immediately to work! The Success in Research series, from Cindy Becker and Pam Denicolo, provides short, authoritative and accessible guides on key areas of professional and research development. Avoiding jargon and cutting to the chase of what you really need to know, these practical and supportive books cover a range of areas from presenting research to achieving impact, and from publishing journal articles to developing proposals. They are essential reading for any student or researcher interested in developing their skills and broadening their professional and methodological knowledge in an academic context.


Introduction When and where should I give a paper? Calls for papers: how the conference system works Preparing an abstract/outline/synopsis Conference paper or presentation? Choosing material for an event Preparing your material Presentation aids Preparing to present Delivering your material Using your nerves Handling questions Poster presentations Making the most of the presentation opportunity

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