The Arabic script in Africa : studies in the use of a writing system


The Arabic script in Africa : studies in the use of a writing system

edited by Meikal Mumin, Kees Versteegh

(Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics, v. 71)

Brill, 2014

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



"Most of the papers in the present volume are based on presentations at the TASIA (The Arabic script in Africa-diffusion, usage, diversity and dynamics of a writing system) workshop, which took place on April 6-7, 2010, at the University of Cologne, Germany."--Pref

Includes bibliographical references and index



The Arabic script in Africa contains sixteen papers on the past and present use of Arabic script to write African languages. These writing traditions, which are sometimes collectively referred to as Ajami, are discussed for single or multiple languages, with examples from all major linguistic phyla of Africa but one (Khoisan), and from all geographic areas of Africa (North, West, Central, East, and South Africa), as well as a paper on the Ajami heritage in the Americas. The papers analyze (ethno-) historical, literary, (socio-) linguistic, and in particular grammatological aspects of these previously understudied writing traditions and exemplify their range and scope, providing new data for the comparative study of writing systems, literacy in Africa, and the history of (Islam in) Africa.

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