Engendering legitimacy : law, property, and early eighteenth-century fiction


Engendering legitimacy : law, property, and early eighteenth-century fiction

Susan Paterson Glover

(The Bucknell studies in eighteenth-century literature and culture)

Bucknell University Press, c2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 198-226) and index


  • Conceiving the civil subject : property, power, and prose
  • Who shall inherit the earth? : Jonathan Swift and the jure paterno
  • Laying claim to title : Mary Davys and authorial dispossession
  • The incomplete tradesman : Daniel Defoe and the lay of the land
  • Heirs of the flesh : Eliza Haywood and the body of law



"Engendering Legitimacy: Law, Property, and Eighteenth-Century Fiction" is a study of the intersecting of law, land, property, and gender in the prose fiction of Mary Davys, Daniel Defoe, Eliza Haywood, and Jonathan Swift. The law of property in early modern England established relations for men and women that artificially constructed, altered, and ended their connections with the material world, and the land they lived upon. The cultural role of land and law in a changing economy embracing new forms of property became a founding preoccupation around which grew the imaginative prose fiction that would develop into the English novel. Glover contends that questions of political and legal legitimacy raised by England's Revolution of 1688-89 were transposed to the domestic and literary spheres of the early 1700s. The book examines the ways by which experimentation in prose fiction begins to offer a re-vision of the period's enmeshing of law, land, property, and political power, as the four writers imagine new grounds for authorial and political legitimacy. Susan Paterson Glover is an Assistant Professor of English at Laurentian University.

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