
Social psychology

Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert

Pearson, c2013

8th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



Research made relevant through a storytelling approach. This renowned text maintains its acclaimed storytelling approach, teaching the science of psychology through an engaging narrative that makes research relevant to students. Drawing upon their extensive experience as researchers and teachers, Elliot Aronson, Tim Wilson, and Robin Akert present the classic research that has driven the field and introduce cutting-edge research that is the future of social psychology. Significantly updated to reflect advances in the discipline, the 8th edition provides a firm foundation for students to build their understanding of this rigorous science in a way that engages and fascinates. A better teaching and learning experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience- for you and your students. Here's how: Personalize Learning - The new MyPsychLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals. Improve Critical Thinking - The authors emphasize this rigorous science through research examples that encourage students to think twice about their preconceived notions of what social psychology is - and isn't. Engage Students - Through real-life vignettes, which open each story chapter, and "mini-stories" throughout each chapter, the eighth edition provokes student interest by focusing on real-life examples. Explore Research - The authors present a balance between the latest findings in the field with classic research in social psychology. Noting that some older studies deserve their status as classics and are important cornerstones to the discipline, this text encourages students to experience the continuity and depth of the field versus regarding it as a collection of studies published in the past few years. Support Instructors - This program provides instructors with unbeatable resources, including state-of-the-art PowerPoints embedded with videos, the NEW MyPsychLab with ABC's What Would You Do videos, an easy to use Instructor's Manual, a robust test bank, and an online test generator (MyTest). All of these materials may be packaged with the text upon request. Note: MyPsychLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyPsychLab, please visit www.mypsychlab.com or you can purchase a ValuePack of the text + MyPsychLab (at no additional cost). ValuePack ISBN-10: 020591201X / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780205912018.


Chapter 1 Introducing Social Psychology Chapter 2 Methodology: How Social Psychologists Do Research Chapter 3 Social Cognition: How We Think about the Social World Chapter 4 Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other People Chapter 5 The Self: Understanding Ourselves in a Social Context Chapter 6 The Need to Justify Our Actions Chapter 7 Attitudes and Attitude Change: Influencing Thoughts and Feelings Chapter 8 Conformity: Influencing Behavior Chapter 9 Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups Chapter 10 Interpersonal Attraction: From First Impressions to Close Relationships Chapter 11 Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help? Chapter 12 Aggression: Why Do We Hurt Other People? Can We Prevent It? Chapter 13 Prejudice: Causes and Cures Chapter 14 Social Psychology in Action 1: Making a Difference with Social Psychology: Attaining a Sustainable Future Chapter 15 Social Psychology in Action 2: Social Psychology and Health Chapter 16 Social Psychology in Action 3: Social Psychology and the Law

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  • ISBN
    • 9780205796625
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxix, 538 p.
  • 大きさ
    29 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名