The evolution of the US-Japan alliance : the eagle and the chrysanthemum


    • Dian, Matteo


The evolution of the US-Japan alliance : the eagle and the chrysanthemum

Matteo Dian

(Chandos Asian studies series : contemporary issues and trends)

Chandos Pub., 2014

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-239) and index



The US-Japan alliance has contributed significantly towards the development of the Japanese security strategy. The Evolution of the US-Japan Alliance explores developments in the alliance between the US and Japan and analyzes the transformation of the Japanese security strategy from 1960 to 2013. It also describes the rise and the decline of Japanese pacifism and of the Yoshida Doctrine, the post war security strategy. Moreover, this book highlights how the end of the Cold War forced Japan to rethink its security strategy and post war pacifism. Japan has abandoned its identity of "peaceful nation", turning itself into a "normal national", drawing closer to the United States.


1. Asymmetric alliances in theory: Introduction2. Asymmetric alliances in theory3. How alliances evolve4. The alliance game5. Hypotheses6. From theory to history7. Since the creation of the alliance to the Nixon doctrine (1960-1969)8. Japan and the alliance during the detente (1969-1978): Renewal of the alliance and "normalization" of Japan, 1997-20089. The alliance and the American Pivot to Asia (2008-2013)10. Conclusion

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