Prevention of reoffending : the value of rehabilitation and the management of high risk offenders Prévention de la récidive : valeur de la réhabilitation et gestion des délinquants à haut risque


    • Kempen, P. H. P. H. M. C. van (Piet Hein P. H. M. C.)
    • Young, Warren


Prevention of reoffending : the value of rehabilitation and the management of high risk offenders = Prévention de la récidive : valeur de la réhabilitation et gestion des délinquants à haut risque

edited by P.H.P.H.M.C. van Kempen and W. Young

(International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation = Fondation internationale pénale et pénitentiaire, 45)

Intersentia, c2014

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2




The need to prevent convicted prisoners and other offenders from reoffending constitutes a major challenge for both criminal justice and penitentiary systems. Reoffending rates are considerable - in many instances they are even high - while the issue is tremendously complicated. Rehabilitation (sometimes described as resocialisation, reintegration or treatment) is an important tool to prevent reoffending, but has clearly become less self-evident in many jurisdictions in recent decades. This volume therefore first of all focuses on the value of restoring offenders to a useful life from the perspective of prisoners, their family, society, the tax-payer, prison staff and administration and victims, as well as from a criminological viewpoint. Notwithstanding these actual values of rehabilitation measures, their application alone may not be sufficient to prevent someone from reoffending. This particularly applies to high risk offenders, i.e. those who pose a substantial risk of further serious offending, such as sex offenders, terrorists, and members of organized criminal groups. This volume therefore also considers measures to deal with high risk offenders during and after their sentence, and the arguments for and against their use. La necessite d'empecher les detenus condamnes et autres delinquants de repasser a l'acte est le defi de taille que la justice criminelle et les systemes penitentiaires se doivent de relever. Les taux de recidive sont considerables (il n'est pas rare qu'ils soient meme eleves) et le probleme est extremement complexe. La rehabilitation (parfois decrite comme resocialisation, reinsertion ou encore traitement) est un outil important pour prevenir la recidive, bien qu'au cours des dernieres decennies, son importance se soit clairement amoindrie dans bon nombre de juridictions. Aussi, le present ouvrage se concentrera avant tout sur la valeur de la reintegration des delinquants dans une vie utile, tant du point de vue des detenus, de leur famille, de la societe, du contribuable, du personnel et de l'administration penitentiaires et des victimes, que d'un point de vue criminologique. Bien que la valeur des mesures de reinsertion soit bien reelle, leur seule application peut s'averer insuffisante pour prevenir la recidive. C'est particulierement vrai dans le cas des delinquants a haut risque, c'est-a-dire ceux qui presentent un risque important de nouveau delit grave, tels que les delinquants sexuels, les terroristes et les membres de groupes criminels organises. Cet ouvrage abordera des lors les mesures permettant de traiter les delinquants a haut risque durant l'execution de leur peine et au terme de celle-ci, ainsi que les arguments favorables et defavorables a leur utilisation.


CONTENTS Acknowledgments Remerciements Preface Preface PART ONE: INTRODUCTORY SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSES 1ERE PARTIE - SYNTHESE ET ANALYSES INTRODUCTIVES Obligations and means to prevent reoffending: introduction, context and conclusions (Piet Hein van Kempen and Warren Young) 1. Introduction 2. Definition of reoffending and recidivism rates 3 Rehabilitation: obligation and values 4. Measures to deal with high-risk offenders during and after their sentence 5. Conclusions Obligations et moyens de prevention de la recidive : introduction, contexte et conclusions (Piet Hein van Kempen et Warren Young) 1. Introduction 2. Definition de la recidive et du taux de recidive 3 Rehabilitation : obligation et valeurs 4 Mesures visant a traiter les delinquants a haut risque pendant leur condamnation et au terme de celle-ci 5 Conclusions PART TWO: REHABILITATION OF PRISONERS 2EME PARTIE - LA REHABILITATION DES DETENUS La rehabilitation des detenus - Introduction generale (Jean Pradel) 1. Introduction 2. La rehabilitation pourquoi ? 2.1 Une raison philosophico-juridique 2.2 Des raisons pratiques 3. La rehabilitation comment ? 3.1 Les principes 3.2 Les limites 4. Conclusion La valeur de la rehabilitation d'un point de vue criminologique (Manon Jendly et Natalia Delgrande) 1. Introduction 2. Les fonctions de la peine et finalites assignees a son execution 3. L'evolution de la place accordee a la rehabilitation 4. De quelques principes, outils et modeles fondes sur les donnees probantes 4.1 La contribution canadienne 4.2 La contribution americaine 5. Un courant non exempt d'enjeux 5.1 Le "risque" au carrefour de toutes les decisions et interventions 5.2 L'hegemonie manageriale 6. Quelles autres avenues possibles ? 6.1 Le Good Lives Model 6.2 Les approches fondees sur le desistement 7. Discussion Bibliographie The value of rehabilitation to prisoners Tim Dalton 1. Introduction: the principle terms 2. Special categories of prisoners and ex-prisoners 3. A proposition with which it seems difficult to disagree 4. How to expect to convince prisoners? The value of rehabilitation to the prisoner's family (Emilia Bouzon de Terzano) 1. The prisoner as a human being 2. The prisoner and his family 2.1 Positive influence of the prisoner's family 2.2 The family's influence on the criminal's genesis 2.3 The criminal's influence on his own family 2.4 The influence of crime on society in general 2.5 The family: a key factor in the prevention of crime 2.6 An Argentine experience: aftercare services 2.7 Prevention and treatment 3. Conclusion The value of rehabilitation to society (Charl Cilliers) 1. Introduction 2. What is rehabilitation? 3. Society and rehabilitation 4. How society can be involved in the rehabilitation of offenders 5. Establishing a policy framework for community participation The value of rehabilitation to the tax-payer (Sean Aylward) 1. Introduction 2. Rehabilitation - A quick Irish historical perspective 3. Rehabilitation - Current challenges 4. Rehabilitation - Breaking the cyclical pattern of cause and effect 5. The value of rehabilitation to the tax-payer 6. Rates of recidivism as an indicator of the success of rehabilitation 7. Summary of recent studies on prisoner rehabilitation and its value to the tax-payer 8. Conclusion The value of rehabilitation to the prison administration (Luis de Miranda Pereira) 1. Introduction: time, doubts and concepts 2. Intentions and reality - Prison management and rehabilitation: a filter to prison reality assessment 3. The rehabilitation process and the adjective role of the prison service - Principles and elements of the rehabilitation process 4. Inmates' selection and treatment individualisation 5. The archetype and the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors 6. The importance of staff and leadership 7. Cultural change and cultural mediation: the key factor 8. Remand and other final remarks 9. Closing remarks L'importance de la rehabilitation des detenus dans l'interet des victimes : l'evolution de la justice restaurative (Edmundo Oliveira) 1. Introduction 2. Dans quelle mesure la rehabilitation du delinquant est souhaitable pour la victime 3. Comment la reinsertion du prisonnier peut s'ajuster aux interets de la victime ? 4. La victime peut-elle exercer un role preponderant dans la dynamique de la readaptation du detenu dans la famille et la communaute ? 5. Conclusion PART THREE: MEASURES TO DEAL WITH HIGH RISK OFFENDERS DURING AND AFTER THEIR SENTENCE 3EME PARTIE - LA GESTION DES DELINQUANTS A RISQUE ELEVE PENDANT ET APRES L'EXECUTION DE LEUR SANCTION The justification for taking measures to predict off ending and reoffending and to manage risk (Warren Young) 1. Introduction 2. Changing conceptions of risk 3. Assessment of risk now underpins almost all stages of criminal justice decision-making 4. Criticisms of the risk prediction enterprise 5. The need for a principled and consistent basis for the imposition of preventive measures 6. Conclusion The justification for taking measures to predict offending/reoffending and manage risk: a theoretical perspective - The view of a human rights lawyer (Andrew S. Butler) 1. Introduction 2. Changing conceptions of liberty 3. Human rights, preventive measures and prediction 3.1 Approach of the UN Human Rights Committee 3.2 The European Court of Human Rights 3.3 The German Constitutional Court 3.4 Conclusions 4. Areas of disagreement 5. Towards a coherent theory of preventive justice 6. Conclusion L'importance de la notion de risque de recidive dans la determination du type et de la duree de la sanction (Andre Vallotton) 1. Introduction 2. Qu'est-ce que la dangerosite ? 3. La fiabilite de l'evaluation 3.1 L'observation 3.2 L'expertise clinique 3.3 L'approche criminologique 3.4 L'evaluation actuarielle 3.5 Combiner les approches 3.6 Une prediction fi able a court terme 4. Les reponses penales a la dangerosite 4.1 La reponse retributive 4.2 La reponse de la defense sociale 5. Le traitement correctionnel 6. Conclusion The relevance of the risk of reoffending in determining the type and the length of sentences - A comparative criminal law perspective (Peter J.P. Tak) 1. Introduction 2. Outline of the chapter 3. Part I. Possibilities the court has in order to take into account the future dangerousness of the offender when sentencing 3.1 Life sentence 3.2 The impact of future dangerousness on early release or parole in case of a life sentence 3.3 The impact of dangerousness on early release or parole in case of extended or determinate sentences 3.4 Secure preventive detention 3.5 Conclusion 4. Part II. Possibilities the court has when sentencing off enders who are dangerous due to a mental disorder 4.1 Preventive security detention 4.2 Entrustment order 4.3 Lifelong supervision 4.4 Conclusion 5. Part III. Some major questions on dangerous off enders 5.1 Is there any research available on whether the use of these possibilities really has led to a decline in (the recidivism of) serious crime? 5.2 Do reliable methods exist to assess the risk that the off ender, after his sentence, will reoffend? 5.3 Will it ever be possible to avoid that serious crime will be committed and how can one avoid that the security measures are not only adopted to appease the public opinion? 6. Conclusions The "other" death penalty: life in prison in the United States (Emilio C. Viano) 1. Introduction 2. Historical and cultural foundations for harsh sentences 3. Being soft on crime: political suicide 4. 'Three strikes and you are out' laws 5. Abolition of the death penalty and life sentences 6. The victim-witness movement 7. Questioning the rationale for life in prison: safer streets? 8. Life sentences and the decline of crime rates 9. Diminishing returns of incarceration 10. War on crime/war on drugs 11. The replacement effect 12. Negative impact on the community 13. Negative impact on the economy 14. Destructive emotional impact on the family 15. Prisons away from populated centers and break-up of the family 16. Financial impact on family, children and the community 17. The cost of life imprisonment 18. The economic crisis and its impact on corrections 19. Court decisions limiting life imprisonment 20. Prison overcrowding and the courts 21. Isolation of inmates 22. Life in prison and the elderly 23. Conclusion References Case law Managing the risk posed by offenders after the expiry of sentence: the British experience (Stephen C. Shute) 1. Introduction 2. Controlling the risk of sexual offending 3. Controlling the risk created by organised and 'lifestyle' criminals 4. Controlling the risk of violent off ending 5. Sentences for breach of preventive orders 6. Conclusion Community measures to deal with high risk offenders at the periphery of the justice system (Effi Lambropoulou) 1. Introduction: offender-risk and contemporary western penal systems 2. Diversion and community-based interventions 2.1 The Multisystemic Therapy Approach/MST 2.2 Community interventions 3. Risk groups and support or restore schemes in the community 3.1 Various types of activities of high risk groups and measures for their control 3.2 Neighbourhood watch schemes 3.3 Other measures and programmes used for various risk groups 4. Conclusions and open questions La gestion des delinquants a risque eleve en France (Francis Casorla) 1. Introduction 2. Le risque eleve de recidive lors de l'appreciation de la sanction 3. Le risque eleve de recidive pendant la detention 4. Le risque eleve de recidive apres l'execution de la peine Gestion des delinquants a risque eleve de recidive - Le cas du droit francais (Jean Pradel) 1. Introduction 2. Une duree d'execution plus longue 2.1 Une moindre reduction de la duree de la privation de liberte 2.2 Un allongement de la duree de la privation de liberte 3. Des modalites d'execution plus strictes 3.1 La periode de surete 3.2 La surveillance electronique mobile 4. Remarques finales La gestion des delinquants a risque eleve en Italie (Franco Della Casa) 1. Introduction 2. Une vue d'ensemble sur la gestion des delinquants a risque eleve 3. Le regime de surveillance speciale (article 14-bis l Penit) 4. L"'incarceration" dure decoulant de l'article 41-bis, alinea 2 L Penit 4.1 La genese et l'evolution de l'article 41-bis, alinea 2 l Penit 4.2 La reglementation actuelle du "regime d'incarceration dure" 4.3 Apercu plus detaille 5. Le circuit penitentiaire de haute securite 6. Conclusion Sicherungsverwahrung - A summary of recent developments regarding preventive detention in Germany (Johannes Feest) 1. Renaissance of preventive detention 2. Challenge to preventive detention by the European Court of Human Rights 3. Reactions in Germany to the decisions of the ECtHR 4. The themes of the IPPF conference: a few remarks from Germany 4.1 The justification for taking measures to predict offending/reoffending and manage risk 4.2 The relevance of the risk of reoffending in determining the type and length of sentences (i.e. penal sanctions for reoffending) 4.3 Special measures after the expiry of a penal sentence to manage risk 4.4 Civil measures to manage risk without criminal conviction 5. Conclusion Dealing with high risk offenders - General synthesis and conclusions (Johannes Feest) 1. Introduction 2. The proceedings of the colloquium 2.1 First session/theme: the justification for taking measures to predict offending/reoffending and managing risk: a theoretical perspective 2.2 Second session/theme: the relevance of the risk of reoffending in determining the type and length of sentences (i.e. penal sanctions for offending) 2.3 Third session/theme: special measures after the expiry of a penal sentence to manage risk 2.4 Fourth session/theme: civil measures to manage risk without criminal conviction 3. A few brief conclusions

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