Resources and sustainable development III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China

    • International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection
    • Lu, Xixi
    • Lam, Kin-Che
    • Xu, He
    • Jia, Zhibin
Bibliographic Information

Resources and sustainable development III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China

edited by Xixi Lu ... [et al.]

(Advanced materials research, v. 962-965)

Trans Tech Publications, c2014

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Includes bibliographical references and indexes

Other editors: Kin-Che Lam, He Xu and Zhibin Jia

Description and Table of Contents


Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2014), April 26-28, 2014, Xi'an, China. The 610 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Georesearch, Mineral Prospecting and Exploration, Chapter 2: Oil and Gas Research, Chapter 3: Forestry Research, Chapter 4: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Chapter 5: Mineral Processing Engineering, Chapter 6: Mining Engineering, Chapter 7: Agricultural Products Processing and Consumption, Chapter 8: Climate and Carbon Emission Research, Chapter 9: Energy Saving, Environmental Protection, Low-Carbon Concept, Chapter 10: Energy Consumption and Energy Strategy, Chapter 11: Energy Industry Development and Management, Chapter 12: International Energy, Resource Demand and Supply, Chapter 13: Environmental Protection and Economic Development, Chapter 14: Economy Research: Environmental Case, Chapter 15: Transportation, Urban and Regional Planning, Chapter 16: Information Technology, Computer Applications and Mathematical Modeling, Chapter 17: Management and Education

Table of Contents

Preface and Conference Organization Chapter 1: Georesearch, Mineral Prospecting and Exploration Analysis of Sequence Architecture and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Models: An Example from Hailar Basin, Northeastern China Characteristics and Evolution of Volcanic Reservoir Space in Yingshan Fault Depression Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Putaohua Reservoir in Xingnan Area of Daqing Placanticline Comparison of Qingshankou Formation in Songliao Basin with Bakken Formation in Williston Basin Comprehensive Analysis of Factors Affecting Coalbed Methane Productivity: A Case Study of Southern Qinshui Basin Depositional System of Aershan Formation in Tanan Sag of Erlian Basin Evaluation Shale Pore Size Spectrum Using Mercury Porosimetry and Nitrogen Adsorption Experiment: A Case Study from the Longtan Formation Shale, Southeastern Hunan, China Fluid Inclusion Study on the Duobaoshan Porphyry Deposit and Sankuanggou Skarn Deposit, Heilongjiang, China Influence Analysis of Coal Mining on the Ecological Environment Logging Evaluation Method and its Application for Measuring the Total Organic Carbon Content in Shale Petrological Characteristics Research of Denglouku Formation Reservoir in Changling Fault Depression, Southern Part of Songliao Basin Research of Three-Dimensional Resistivity Tomography Technology with the Variable Electrode Distance Using Integrated Electromagnetic Method System Research on Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Efficiency of Different Regions Researh of Geothermal Resources and Prediction of Deep Geothermal Temperature in High-Tech Zone of Baotou City Source of Ore-Forming Materials and Mineralization of the Saidu Gold Deposit, Southern Altai, China Structural Features Controls of Coalbed Methane (CBM) Accumulation in the Weibei CBM Field, Southeastern Ordos Basin Study on Evaluation System for Coalbed Methane from Deep Coal Seams in China The Control of Slope Gradient on Sedimentation by Taking Sangonghe Formation in Eastern Junggar Basin as an Example 3D Geological Modeling (Deposit Scale) for Granite Rock-Mass in Yuku Area, Luanchuan, China Analysis of the Characteristics of the No. 5 Coal Seam Structure in Zhujiahe Ants Body Techniques to Identify Small Faults in Gaotaizi Oilfield Application of Multiple-Point Geostatistics in Sedimentary Facies Modeling Comprehensive Evaluation System and Elements for Hydrocarbon Traps Discovery of Bioclastic Dolostone in the Second Member of Shahejie Formation in Bozhong Depression Hydrocarbon Source Rock Quality and Analysis of Hydrocarbon Potential in K1sh of Zhaozhou Sag Information Extraction and Metallogenic Prediction of Qiangduo Area in Tibet Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Interpretation Methods and Application of Small Faults The Characteristics of X Formation Biohermal Reservoir in DMP Structure in Sichuan Basin The Comparisons of Minerogenetic Condition of the Mengnuo Pb-Zn Deposit and Geochemical Features of Western Area,Weastern Yunnan The Development of Coal Reservoir Fracture and its Geological Controls in Zhengzhuang Block, Southern Qinshui Basin, China Abundance of Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Coals from the Guanbanwusu Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Northern China, and their Geological Implication Organic Geochemistry of the Fossil-Bearing Phosphorites from Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an, South China Permo-Carboniferous Sedimentary Facies Analysis in Northeast Jizhong Depression PGE Geochemical Characteristics of the Huangshanxi Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposit, East Tianshan, Xinjiang, and its Significance for the Mineralization Predicted Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery and CO2 Sequestration in West Henan Province Principle and Application of Filtersim Algorithm Research Progress in Logging Evaluation of Organic Carbon Sequence Stratigraphic Research of the Jurassic in the East of Tarim Basin, Northwest China The Broad Concept and Resource Calculation Method of Coalbed Methane The Definition of Apparent Resistivity in Magnetotelluric Sounding The Lithofacies Palaeogeography and Control of the Reservoirs in Middle Ordovician Ma541 Submember in Western Jingbian Tableland The Relationships between Uranium Mineralization and Organic Matter in 373 Uranium Deposit The Research on Encoding Methodology of the Character of Geological Entity Based on Mass Geological Data The Studies on Gas-Bearing Characteristics of Deep Coal Seams in Yanchang Oil and Gas Province, China The Study of Geophysical Inversion Based on the Differential Evolution in Mineral Exploration The Study of Sedimentary Characteristics of the Fan Delta of Yingcheng Formation in Lishu Fault Depression The Study of the Thrust Fault The Top Eroded Thickness Recovery of Volcanic Rocks in Yingcheng Formation of Yingshan Fault Depression 3-Dimensional Inversion for Gravity Anomaly Calculation in Complex Geologic Region Application of Thick Coal Seam Mining Method Prediction Model Based on Artificial Neural Network Analysis on the Metallogenic Conditions and Perspective of Nb-Ta Mineral in ZhaoJinggou, Inner Mongolia Application of Electromagnetic Method in Geothermal Investigation in the Inner Mongolia Applications of D-S Evidence Theory and Comprehensive Evaluation on Mining Information Characteristics of Slope Breaks and their Control on the Lithostratigraphic Hydrocarbon Reservoir in Beixi Slope Area of the Hailaer Basin Contrast Study on Coalfield-Structure and Tectonic Evolution in Jilin Distribution Characteristics of Fractures in the Volcanic Reservoirs of Songliao Basin, China Fluid Inclusions and their Geological Significance of Huajian Gold Deposit, Hebei Province, China Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis for Volcanic Rocks of Yixian Formation in Western Liaoning Province Geochemistry Features and the Tectonic Setting of Intrusive Rocks in Halegati, Xinjiang Geology and Geochronology of the Kayizi Porphyry Mo Deposit in Western Kunlun, NW China Metallogenic Geological Conditions and Prospecting Indicators of the Carbonate-Hosted Pb-Zn Deposits in Northeastern Yunnan Province, China Study of Sedimentary Microfacies of Putaohua Reservoir at Xu 30 Block in Yushulin Oil Field The Lateral Coring Data of Fine Layering Water Injection in the Development Area of Xingnan The Research on the Relationship between the Geothermal Resource and the Partial Melting Layer in Yangbajain Discussion on Method of Eliminating Large Loop Source TEM Border Effect A Preliminary Study on CSAMT Anti-Jamming Transmitter System Experimental Study on the Thickness Effect of Composite Coal and Rock Containing Gas Prediction of the Location of the Sources of Mine Water Influx Based on Cluster Analyses of the Chemical Characteristics of Water Study on the Failure Height of Overlying Strata in Shallow Seam with Thick Bedrock Study on Water Enrichment Prediction of Coal Roof Sandstone Based on GRNN The Interaction Relationship between Support Setting Load and Surrounding Rock Surrounding Rock Convergence Rule along the Working Face Tendency of Recovery Room The Test Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of Foundation Surface Characteristics and Flotation Behaviour of Low-Grade Manganese Ore Based on Numerical Simulation Study of Rockburst in Roadway Induced by Fault Classification of Rock Burst Tendency Based on Uncertainty Measurement Theory Research on Optimization of Bolt Support for Tilted Strata Roadway in Soft Rock The Research of Blasting Dynamices to Slope Rock Mass Damage A Review on Flotation Process of Scheelite Experimental Application of TorkBuster Torsion Compactor in Exploration Wells of Junggar Basin The Log Interpretation Analysis of the Block A in the South of the Fergana Basin Chapter 2: Oil and Gas Research Application of NMR Technique in the Study of Reservoir Microscopic Pore Space Effect of CO2 Partial Pressure on CO2/H2S Corrosion of Oil Tube Steels Experimental Research of Acoustic Emission (AE) Testing of Blowout Preventer in the Process of Pressured Finite Element Simulation of Freezing Technology for Borehole Stability of Gas Drilling Freezing Technology for Borehole Stability of Gas Drilling Heavy Oil Layer Steam Injection Simulation Test System Imbibition Oil Recovery Theory and Influencing Factors: A Review Influence of Engineering Pressure on Testing String Deformation ISC Application in Heavy Oil Reservoir after CSS Material Optimization of Injection and Production String in Su4 Underground Gas Storage Process Simulation and Parameters Optimization of Low Temperature Fractionation of CO2 Capturing from EOR Natural Gas A New Evaluation Way for the Adaptability of CO2 Flooding Reservoirs Based on Cluster Analysis Reservoir Simulation Study on Air-Foam Flooding to Enhance Oil Recovery in Waterflooding Sandstone Reservoir Scheme Optimization of Freezing Technology for Borehole Stability of Gas Drilling Study on the Remaining Oil Distribution with Domain Decomposition Simulation Method Analysis and Optimization of Small Expansion Natural Gas Liquefaction Process Application of OIL-GAS Mixting Trasportation Process in Flat 53-13 well Group Experimental Research on Using Horizontal Well with Chemical Flooding to Exploit Remaining Oil of Side Interlayer after Polymer Flooding Parameters Optimization of Fractures with One for Injection and Two Others for Production of Horizontal Wells Fracturing on Offshore Oilfields The Application of Identification of Fault by Well-Seismic Comprehensive Method - Taking Xingbei Oilfield as Example The Development and Technology Policy for a Gas Cap and Edge Water Reservoir with Narrow Oil Ring The Distribution Rules of Gas in Shan 2 Member in Yulin Area of Changqing Gas Field The Influence of Time and Pump Rate on Stress Interference in Zipper Fracturing The Initiation Pressure Research of Hydrajet Fracturing in Open Deviated Wellbore Accumulation Models of the Oil Pools of Block XXI of Tamsag Basin in Mongolia Sandstone Stress Sensitivity Experiment and Stress Sensitivity Evaluation Study on Numerical Simulation of Gas Explosion inside Compression Compartment of Gas Filling Station Study on Wettability Alteration of Quartz Surface by Surfactants A Novel Mathematical Model for the Interpretation of Transient Pressure in Heavy Oil Production Application and Analysis of V.A.SuLin's Theory of Oilfield Water Automatic Fracture Identification Using Ant Tracking in Tahe Oilfield Hydraulic Fracturing Technology in Oil and Gas Development Pressure Prediction in Natural Gas Desulfurization Process Based on PCA and SVR Stress Sensitivity of Low Permeable and Water-Bearing Gas Reservoir without Gas Slippage Effect The Logging Evaluation of the Relationship between Source Rock and Oil Layer Distribution in Southern Songliao Basin A Study about Diffusion Coefficient of Carbon Dioxide in Heavy Oil Impact Evaluation and Effect of Surfactant to Oil Displacement System Research and Application of a Liquid Bridge Plug as Wellbore Working Fluids Genesis and Spatial Distribution of Interlayer in Tight Gas Reservoirs: A Case Study from the Lower Cretaceous Sandstones, Songliao Basin, China Geochemical Characteristics of Oil Samples from Tidal Zone and Shallow Water Area in Liaohe Depression Progress and Prospects for Shale Gas Exploration and Development in China Seismic Attributes Prediction of Changling Gas Field, Northeast China Seismic Sedimentology of Changling Gas Field, Northeast China Shale Oil Resources Classification Evaluation of Hetaoyuan Formation, Biyang Depression Structural Interpretation of Changling Gas Field, Northeast China A Research for Division and Correlation of Fuyu Oil Layer in Northern Honggang Area Essential Model for Oil and Gas Trap Evaluation Source Rocks of the Fuyu-Yang Dachengzi Oil-layer in the Chaoyanggou Oilfield, Songliao Basin The Effect of Stress-Sensitivity on Gas well Production in Volcanic Gas Reservoirs Sedimentary Microfacies Study of Putaohua Oil Layer in the East of Pubei Oilfield Study of Au Prospecting by Geogas in Sunite Gold Deposit Current Situation and Perspectives of Gas Geology Study in China Chapter 3: Forestry Research Study and Evaluation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of 40 Kinds of Wood Species in Zhejiang Province (China) Application of Forest Management Decision Support Program MOTTI in Conditions of the Republic of Karelia (Russia) Manufacture and Properties of Environmental-Friendly Bagasse Particleboard with Low Resin Content Poplar Wood Stain Research Sustainable Development of Forest Micropropagation of Highly Productive Forms of Diploid and Triploid Aspen Research on Wood Uses in u.s.a The Study of the Different Seedling Organs Biomass Models on Introduction Fast-Growing Poplar The Control Technique of Rubber Borers by Pheromone Traps in Hainan Contingent Valuation Method Assessment of the Ecological Benefits of Populus Euphratica Forest Based on Consumer Perspective - Taking the Typical Area in Tarim River Basin as an Example Measurement on Forest Ecological Benefits in Forest Industry Group of Heilongjiang Province Chapter 4: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Coke on Zn/H Catalyst in Ethanol to Propylene Coupling Conversion of 1-butylene and Methanol to Propylene over Superfine HZSM-5 Catalysts Preparation and Application of J-F Profile Control Agent Study on Crystallization Kinetics of Gypsum Prepared by Bittern under 30oC and Different Stirring Speed The Research on Influence Factors and Control of Hydrogen Sulfide during Steam Drive Water Shutoff and Profile Control with the Combination of Single Fluid and Double Fluids An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Constrained Chemical Engineering Optimization Coke on HZSM-5/SAPO-34 Catalyst for Ethanol to Propylene Chapter 4: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Study in Kinetics of Barium Sulfate Crystallization Process of Oilfield Injection Production Modes Switch Optimization of Refinery Units Chapter 5: Mineral Processing Engineering Application of Accurate Ball-Load-Addition Method in Grinding Production of some Tailings Experimental Research on Influencing Factors of Melting Reduction for High-Phosphorus Titanomagnetite Pellets Experimental Study on Zinc Leaching of Blast Furnace Gas Ash by Ammonia Leaching Iron Recovery by Two-Stage Roasting the Gold-Bearing Pyrite Concentrate and Gold-Leaching from the Pyrite Cinder by Thiourea Study on Metallurgical Mineralogy in Nongruri Gold Deposit, Tibet Technological Study of Titanium Slag Production from Titanium-Bearing Blast Furnace Slag A New Grinding Medium in the Application of Collophane Grinding Experiment Study of Effects of Coal Slurry Properties on Particle Settling Velocity Based on SPSS Software Researches on Purification and Sodium-Modification of Ca-Bentonite by Tri-Roller Grinder The Effect of Different Collectors on Oxidised Copper Ores Flotation The Effect of Temperature on the Leaching of Malachite in Phosphoric Acid Solution The Influence of pH and Ferrous Ions on Chalcopyrite Dissolution in Chemical Leaching Chalcopyrite Decolorization and COD Removal of Saline Brine by Ozonation Study on Beneficiation of a Low Magnesium Phosphate Weathering Ore from Tian Ning Analysis of Electrochemical Mechanism of Electrolyte and Coal Mechanism Research on Electrochemical Catalytic Oxidation Desulfurization of High Sulfur Coal Study on Process of Wolframite and Calcium Carbonate Synthesizing Scheelite Study on Separation of a Low Magnesium Semi-Weathered Phosphate Ore from Yunnan Principle of WaveSonic Logging Tool and Application Principle of SMY-50 c/o Spectrum Logging Tool and Application Processing on a Hematite-Limonite Ore by HGMS and Gravity Concentration Research of Cutting Slop Process by Strength Reduction FDM Eddy-Current Induced Magnetic Separation of Nonferrous Metals from Solid Wastes A New Experimental Evaluation Technology for Foaming Agent in High Temperature and High Pressure Formation The Power Supply System of the Microwave Assisted Rock Breaking Technology Theoretical Analysis and Simulation of Microwave Drill for Rock Variation in Pore Structure Characteristics with Composition in the High Volatile Bituminous Coal of Binchang Area The Research and Application of Coal-Bed Methane Surface Gathering Process Chapter 6: Mining Engineering Application and Study on Nonlinear Percolation Area Distribution Range Calculation Method in the Low Permeability Reservoir Discuss about Stowing Material for Coal Mine Dynamic Disaster Forecasting Technology of the Island Working Face in Outburst Coal Seam Experimental Study on Propagation Characteristics of Gas Explosion Shock Wave while Pipe Turning Mechanism of Coal Mining and Stowing with Upper Entry for Preventing Coal Bump Mining Shotcreting Support Design Availability Analysis Numerical Simulation Analysis of Coal Mining with Paste-like Backfill under Water Based on UDEC Fuzzy Clustering Analysis and Application of the Degree of Difficulty of Coal Seam Water Injection Research on Integration of Mining and Reclamation of Opencast Mining Area in Hulun Buir Grassland Research Status and Prospects of the Explosion Stress Wave Disturbance Effect of Underground Caverns Sandaozhuang Open-Pit Quality Block Modeling Based on Engineering Geological Profile Study of the Assessment Method for Risk Matrix in Large Mining Steel Structure Large Steel Structure Study on Influence of Rock Strength on Anchorage Performance of Resin Anchored Bolts Study on Parameters of Gas Extraction in Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf and Comprehensive Prevention Process of Gas in Hongmiao Mine Study on Technology of Mechanized Mining in Extremely Thin Coal Seam Support Scheme Optimization of Large-Section and Soft-Rock Roadway in Tunlan Mine Analysis of Diameter of the Bearing Push-Extend Reamed in the Size of the Influence of the PEMUR Pile Bearing Capacity of Single Pile Analysis of Weighting over Great Extent upon Fully Mechanized Coal Face with Non-Hard Roof Based on Measured Data Application Research of Fuzzy Mathematics to the Surface Movement Deformation Prediction Coal Mine Safety Management Researching Situation Analysis Based on Knowledge Map Correlation of Safety Climate and Near Miss of Coal Mine Establishment and Research on Mine 3D Visualization of Digital Geological Platform Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Aeolian Sand Paste-Like Stowing Material in Coal Mine Experimental Study on Variation of Gas and Heating Capacity about a Combustible Organic Rock Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Open-Pit Slope Stability Grout and Anchor Coupling Support in Dynamic Pressure Impact Roadway with Large Deformation in Deep Research of Mining Method for Difficult-to-Mine Ore Bodies in Deep Mine The Applied Analysis of Static Pressure Prestressed Pipe Pile in Cohesive Soil Characters of Electromagnetic Radiation in Coal and its Application in Forecast of Coal and Gas Outburst Dynamic Prediction Model of Mining Subsidence Based on Cellular Automata Numerical Analysis of Mining-Induced Overburden Stress Change Rule Numerical Simulation of Mining Overburden and Surface Deformation Law Research and Application of Mine Roadway Deformation Monitoring by Ultrasonic Technology Research on the Slope Sliding Mechanism of Excavation of Steeply Inclined Mine from Open-Pit to Underground Study of Coal and Rock Floor Failure Characteristics of Upper Protective Layer Mining Study on Strata Movement Control of Twice Strip Mining Testing Research on the Shape of the Bearing Push-Extend Reamed Affecting the Bearing Capability of the Pile of Push-Extend Multi-Under-Reamed Pile The Airflow Abnormal Value Analysis of Mine Ventilation Network Based on the Sensitivity The Orthogonal Test and Optimal Decision for the Development of New Backfill Cementing Materials Based on the Rod Milling Sand The Research on Evaluation Index System of Mine Thermal Environment Theoretical Analysis and Validation of Factors Affecting the Permeability on Coal Containing Gas Analysis of Adsorbed Methane Gas Structure and Mullikan Charges The Mine Pressure Management and Control Fully-Mechanized Coal Working Face Roof and Floor of Soft Strata Analysis of near Miss Reporting will in China Coal Mines: An Empirical Study Application Research of Belt Conveyor Remote Maintenance Based on Cloud Computing Elements Spatial Distribution and Ore Prospecting of the No.II Porphyry Copper - Gold Deposit in the Xiongcun District, Tibet Engineering Application of the Slope Failure Criterion Gas Disaster Governance of Rock Cross-Cut Coal Uncovered in Extremely Inclined Outburst Coal Seam Methodology of Risk Analysis of Endogenous Fire in Coal Mines Numerical Simulation and Study of the Effect between "Three-Zone" Distribution in Goaf and Air Volume in Working Face Research on Allowable Deformation of Highway Influenced by Coal Mining Subsidence The Application of Crossing and Grid Drainage Boreholes in Floor Tunnel for Coal Roadway Safety Tunneling The Application of Numerical Simulation in Feasibility Research of Ascending Mining The Numerical Simulation of Overburden Strata Failure Law by Full-Mechanized Caving Mining in Extra Thick Coal Seams Research on Surface Movement Deformation Characteristics of Full-Pillar Extraction by Filled Wide Working Face Layout in Strip Mining Stowing and Mining Interval Width and Stowing Body Strength Index in Tool Pillar Stowing Faces Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Sand-Shale Ratio of Bedrock Impacting Mining Subsidence Study and Application on a New Type of Rapid Determination Model of Gas Content Simulation of Conventional Compound Balance Beam-Pumping Unit Chapter 7: Agricultural Products Processing and Consumption Determination of Chemical Composition, Nutritional Ingredients and Bioactive Compounds of Three Cultivars of Mango Seeds Experimental Research on Ion Exchange Technique to Extract Inositol from Defatted Rice Bran Fatty Acid Analysis of Edible Oils Optimization of Decolorization Technology of Polysaccharides from Lethariella spp. with Activated Carbon Protective Role of Polysaccharides from Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino Supplementation against Exhaustive Swimming Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Liver and Skeletal Muscle of Mice Effect of Different Storage Conditions on Soybean Oil Acid Value Stability of Carotenoids in Russula alutacea Fr. Extraction The Chemometrics Approach Applied to GC Data for the Analysis of Palm Oil in Rice Bran Oil Determination of Flavonoids, Phenolic Acids and Alkaloids in Different Varieties of Mulberry Leaves Influence of Chelation Rate on the Oligochitosan Preparation by Enzymolysis of CTS-Cu (II) The Effect of Mesona blumes Gum on the Quality and Staling of Wheat Bread Study on the Preservation of Newhall Navel Orange by Pre-Storage Optimization of Crude Extracts from Areca catechu L. Flower Using Response Surface Methodology The Empirical Study for National Determinant of Coffee Consumption The Efficiency Analysis on Material Metabolism in Liaoning Province Chapter 8: Climate and Carbon Emission Research Assessment of Change in Flood Disasters over Xinjiang, China Based on the Pore Network Model of CO2-Water-Quartz System Two-Phase Flow Characteristics Study Calculation and Evaluation Methodology of Transport Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province Estimation of Vehicular NMVOCs Emissions in China Simulation and Projection of Northern Hemisphere Blockings In CMIP5 Models The Development of Beijing's Low-Carbon Transport: Status, Problems and Countermeasures Drawing Experiences from California to Perfect Shenzhen GHG Emissions Trading System Estimating Carbon Emission of Tourism Transportation and Accommodation in China Factor Decomposition of Regional Carbon Emissions from Energy Consumption for China Impact of Tropical Cyclones to Economic Development and Corresponding Measures for Disaster Reduction in China Managing Clear-Cutting Forest for Carbon Sequestration in Living Biomass: A Case Study in Subtropical of China Some Experiences that Shanghai can Learn from California on Carbon Emissions Allowance Allocation System The Effects of Climate Warming on Mainly Plant Phenological Phase of North Qinling Mountains - In Xi 'an as an Example The Evaluation of Traffic Atmospheric Environment Impact at the Signalized Intersection Carbon Emission Calculation of Thermal Power Plant - An Overview The Potential Estimation for CO2 Saline Aquifer Storage in Chinese Main Basins Analysis of Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration Change in Guangxi, China from 2000 to 2010 Based on Remote Sensing Data Current Development Situation and Experience Research of Low-Carbon City at Home and Abroad Effect of Reclamation on the Vertical Distribution of SOC in Three Types of Wetland Soils Global-Scale Atmospheric Change with the Tibetan Plateau Uplift in a Coupled Climate Model (CESM) Impact of Climate Change on Regional Economy Linkage of the South Asian High to the Southern Annular Mode during the Boreal Summer The Allocation Principle of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Responsibilities and International Coalition Patten in the Following 40 Years An Empirical Study on the Influence Factors of Regional Carbon Emissions in China Driving Factors for Carbon Dioxide Emission Changes from Electricity Generation in Eastern China Chapter 9: Energy Saving, Environmental Protection, Low-Carbon Concept Analysis of Impacting Factors of Regional Carbon Emissions Based on the STIRPAT Mode - A Case Study of Shaanxi Province Construction of the Decision Method Based on Energy Saving and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Design of Carbon Efficient Online Logistics Networks Experimental Investigations on the Effects of Multi-Composite Naphthenates Fuel Additives on Diesel Exploration of the Development of Schemes to Achieve a District-Aggregate Energy-Intensity Goal - Taking the 12th Five-Year Period Energy Intensity Goal of Daxing District, Beijing as a Study Case Provincial Energy Conservation Visual Potential Analysis Based on DEA Model Study on Influencing Factors of China's Carbon Emission Rights Price Study on the Countermeasures of China's Agricultural Products Export to Cope with Low Carbon Trade Barriers Study on the Gas Distribution Characters of the Outsize CO2 Absorber of the Flue Gas in the Coal-Fired Power Plant Study on the Multi-Target System of Building Energy Efficiency Engineering in China A Research Framework of Green Consumption Behavior Based on Value-Belief-Norm Theory A Short Review of Wastewater Biological Treatment at Low C/N ratio Investigation of Carbon Footprint on Campus - A Case Study of Tajen University The Construction of Support System of China's Government Green Procurement The Energy Saving Research of the On-Load Capacity Regulating Transformer in Practical Applications The Environmental Protection Consciousness and Countermeasures The Experience in Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Brazil Transportation and its Enlightenment on Green Traffic Development in China The Investigation of Public Environmental Awareness and Behavior in Urumqi Agent-Based Simulation for Consumers' Behavior Mode on Low-Carbon Buildings Carbon Footprint Accounting Practices in Taiwan Empirical Study on the Economic Effect of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Different Industrial Stages Research on EMC Promote Green Commercial Buildings Form Review on Technical Approach and Research Status of Energy Harvesting from Roads Chapter 9: Energy Saving, Environmental Protection, Low-Carbon Concept Simulation Analysis of a Printing Factory Energy Saving Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of Construction Wastes Recycling in China The Relationship between Pro-Environmental Behavior and its Antecedents under the Background of Low-Carbon Society The Sustainable Design of Product Life Cycle Analysis of Carbon Emissions and Countermeasure Research in Guangzhou Analysis of the Carbon Emissions Characteristics of Energy Consumption in Beijing between 1992-2011 Analysis on Eu Aviation Carbon Tax by International Law and the Countermeasure of China Empirical Research of Low Carbon Lifestyle Basing on a Structural Equation Model Energy Usage Structure Adjustment in Kern River Oilfield and Illumination for Self-Used Oil Substitution in Chinese Oilfield Food Packaging Design Exploration with the Concept of Low Carbon Life Cycle Assessment for Coal Derived Methanol Transportation Pathway Study on the Evaluation Index System and Evaluation Method for the Building Energy-Saving and Green Building Demonstration Zone Calculation of B-S Model on Carbon Emission Right Transaction Price and Clean Development Mechanism Strategy of Jiangsu Study of Firemen Respirator Fixed Inflatable Device Rapid Inflation Methods Optimization Energy Saving Audit Method Based on Energy Sub-Metering Platform of Public Buildings An Investigation and Analysis on Indoor Environment of Typical Office with Self-Regulation Inlets VAV System Research on Evaluation of Energy Saving and Loss Decreasing Based on Rank Correlation Analysis in Power Distribution Networks The Influence of Buoyancy and Heterogeneity on CO2 Saturation in Porous Media at Reservoir Conditions Study on Model of Carbon Emission Rights Allocation among Power Enterprises Research on Water-Saving Cleaning Technology and it's Application for Wheat Based on Grading Washing Technology Research on Problems of Logistics Park Layout Optimization Based on Low-Carbon Concept Life Cycle Energy Analysis for Energy Planning of the Rio De Janeiro State Low Carbon Industrial Park Green Infrastructure Planning Control Strategies Discussed The Environmental Kuznets Curve and Effect Factors of CO2 Emissions in China: Dynamic Econometric Test Based on ARDL Model The Research on Establishing Monitoring Reporting Verification (MRV) of Carbon Emission in Hospitality Public Participation in Environmental Protection: Ideals, Challenges and Solutions Chinese Environmental Regulation and Energy Consumption: 1998~2012 Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods for Enterprise Energy Planning under the Constraint of Carbon Emissions China's Urban Low-Carbon Transportation An Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis of Carbon Tax Policies: A Case from Inner Mongolia Development of Low Carbon Logistics of Qinhuangdao Port Low-carbon Energy Companies' Systemic Risk and Influential Factors in China Economic Consequences of Carbon Tax and Carbon Emission Trading Scheme in Intensive Carbon Emission Enterprises A Study on Low-Carbon and Environmentally-Friendly Urbanization Path under the Perspective of Ecological Civilization Research on the Index System Construction of Low Carbon City for Jinan Chapter 10: Energy Consumption and Energy Strategy Analysis of China's Technology Introduction of Clean Energy Based on the Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights Chinese Natural Gas Consumption Forecast and Shale Gas Development Based on Grey Model German Energiewende and its Implications for China Analysing the Sustainable Development of Coal Resources in Shanxi Province from the Perspective of Coal Reserves Analysis of Residual Autocorrelation in Forecasting Energy Consumption through a Java Program Assessing the Impacts of Inter-Regional Power Transmissions on Energy Structure in China's Power Sector Assessing the Influence of Shale Gas Boom on China's Power Sector and Environmental Policy by Modeling Effects of Energy Prices on Energy Efficiency in China Misleading Grand Challenges of Engineering and the Wrong Theory Existed in Energy Science Primary Energy Demands in Guangdong Province of China Thailand Energy Scenarios to 2035 The Risk Analysis of New Energy Power Generation Research on the Energy Consumption Efficiency of some Counties Based on DEA Method Chapter 11: Energy Industry Development and Management The Development Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese New Energy Industry Problem of China's Nuclear Security Supervision System Research On Investment Status and Countermeasures of New Energy Industry In China Research on the Impact of Resource Tax Reform upon the Development in West China Rural Living Energy Status and Analysis of Southern Inner Mongolia Study on Web-Based Information Technology Model of Nuclear Power Emergency Management Ups and Downs and Nirvana: Three Decades of China's Nuclear Power Cointegration Analysis on the Concentration Degree and Energy Efficiency of China's Coal Industry Energy Consumption Analysis of Ship Energy System Social and Political Risks of China's Overseas Energy & Resource Investment Study on Coupling Coordination Degree of Xinjiang Regional Economy, Coal Industry and Ecological Environment and its Influencing Factors Study on the Sustainable Development of Chinese Energy Industry Based on the Influencing Factors of Capital Structure Renewable Energy Evaluation and Plan in Matsu Areas Financial Analysis of the Internal Floating Roof Installation in Gasoline Gasohol (E10, E20) and Ethanol Tank Research on Regional Differences of Carbon Productivity in China Research on the Development of Calcium Carbide Industry in Shaanxi Province under the Situation of Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Construction of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Evaluation Index System in Coal-Fired Power Plants and its Application Research on Efficiency of Industrial Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction of Dalian Based on DEA Model The Literature Review Research on the Efficiency Evaluation of Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Study on Heat and Power Technology of Heavy Oilfield Short-Term Power Load Forecast in Electric Companies Research on the Energy Management and Development of Semi Coke Industry The Research of Oil Production Plant of Reservoir Operation and Management Improvement China's Energy Trade Transformation Theory - A Study Based on the Ecological Footprint Model Energy Management of Industrial Installation Chapter 12: International Energy, Resource Demand and Supply Analysis on the Scene Forecast of Energy Constraint in the Process of our National Industrialization Energy Statement Analysis of the Representative Green Energy County in Northern China Coal Demand Prediction in Shandong Province Based on Artificial Firefly Wavelet Neural Network Analysis of Aluminum Supply and Demand Development Trend in China and the United States Oil Distribution through Pipeline Expansion under Levelized Tariff: Study on Sustainable Energy Strategy in the Northern Region of Thailand Study on Countermeasures for Sustainable Development of Resources-Exhausted Cities Comparative Analysis of Copper Resource Supply and Demand Development Trend in China and the United States Carrying Capacity of Resources and Problems of Sustainable Development in Dongting Lake's Flood Detention Basin The Definition and Identification of Natural Resources Industries Chapter 13: Environmental Protection and Economic Development A Study on the Relationship of Economic Growth, FDI with Environmental Pollution in China Agricultural Natural Disasters Mitigation in Hebei Province China Analysis of Current Situation and Influence Factors for Fertilizer Application from the View of Environmental Sustainability China Dual Economic Structure Status and Development of Financial Services to Promote the Economic Structural Adjustment Strategies China's Sustainable Development, Challenges and Solutions Construction and Future Development of the Environmental Impact Assessment Forum in CHINA Cooling Extent of Green Parks: A Case Study in Beijing Coordination of Economic Development and Ecological Compensation in Miyun Reservoir Dignitary Interests Groups are the Biggest Obstacles to Solve China's Environmental Problems Economic Development and Environmental Pollution in China Based on Spatial Lag Single-Index Models Evolution of the Relationship between Economic Development and Water Pollution in Shanghai Exploration of the Governmental Responsibility in Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance Game Analysis of Virtual Water Trade under the Perspective of International Trade Impacts of Water Consumption Structure Adjustment on Social-Economic Development and Water Cycle Research on Coordination Degree of Economic Development and Human Settlements Environment Based on PCA for Guizhou Study about the Evaluation of Ecological Carrying Capacity in Beijing Mountainous Valley Areas - A Case Study of Puwa Valley Region Study on Extended Producer Responsibility Study on Government Environmental Performance Audit Study on the Development of Environmental Industry in China Study on Water Environmental Audit An Empirical Study on Collaboration between Industrial Structure and Employment Structure of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Analysis of Synergetic Development of Science & Technology Industry and Ecological Mining Area Demand and Development Measures for Liaoning Environmental Protection Industry Analysis on Environmental Protection from the Perspective of Environmental Democracy Influence Factors on the Differentiation of Enterprise Environmental Strategy Spatio-Temporal Distributions and Environmental Safety Threshold of Cropland Fertilization of Jiangsu Province, China Analysis of Comprehensive Benefits of Environmental Protection Investments Based on Projection Pursuit Model Analysis on Gray Correlation between Environmental Pollution Level and Influence Factors in Jilin Province Characteristics of Environmental Impact and Cumulative Effects Analysis Empirical Study on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution Level in Jilin Province Research on the Environmental Performance Audit Evaluation Index System Construction of Country Government in China Study on Governmental Ecological Protection - Based on the Ecological Responsibility Auditing Perspective The Problem and Countermeasures of Environmental Pollution in Food Industrializing Process The Study on Eco-Compensation in Restricted Development Zones under the Framework of the Main Functional Area To Discuss the Local Industrial and Creative Value for the Community Development in Taiwan A Discussion on Environment-Friendly Consumption Pattern Based on the Construction of "Two-Oriented Society" Analysis on Consumption Causes of Environmental Problem Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: The Mediated Moderator On the Relationship between Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in Beijing Assessment on Ecological Safety of Farmland Fertilization of China Comparative Analysis of Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in all Regions in Xinjiang Green Logistics and Social Sustainable Development Study on Intercity Differences of Chinese Urban Economic Efficiency and its Spatial - Temporal Characteristics: Base on 273 Cities at Prefecture Level or above in China The Empirical Research of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in Hebei Province Study on Evaluation Method for Sustainable Development of Reservoir Resettlement Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process VRP Research Based on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Algorithm Research on the Islands Sustainable Development Appraisement A Study on the Generation Expansion Planning Model Reflecting Environmental Policies Empirical Research of the Relationship between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Beijing Research on Ecological Development in Innovation of Tourism Industry Cluster Empirical Analysis of Peasant Household Land Outflow Behavior in Major Grain Producing Areas A Path Study on the Tourism Circular Economic Development of Shandong Province Research on the Enterprise Ecological Marketing Effect Based on Fuzzy Matter-Element Beidaihe Area Low Carbon Tourism SWOT Analysis Sustainable Development of the Dongting Lake Flood Detention Basin's Economic and Social Based on the System Dynamics Economic Feasibility Evaluation of CO2-ECBM: A Case Study in Qinshui Basin, China Chapter 14: Economy Research: Environmental Case Analysis and Optimization of Industrial Structure Based on the Relative Efficiency Index Circular Economy System of China Based on the Construction of Ecological Civilization Creative Industries: Leading Beijing to Low-Carbon City Decision-Making Model of Network Optimization in Green Supply Chain Promotion Mechanism Selection of Circular Economy of Different Regions in China A Study on Dynamic Change of Liaoning Agricultural Carbon Footprint China's Logistics Development Path under a Low-Carbon Environment Circular Economy Perspective Research Wanlu Lake Eco-Tourism Industry Gathering Area for Innovation and Development Impact Factors of Embodied Carbon on Export Trade - Based on the Research of Liaoning Province On Sustainable Development of Eco-Tourism Economy The Coupling Degree Analysis Based on Venous Industry Cluster of Circular Economy The Development of Circular Economy of Thermal Power in Western Jilin The Empirical Study on Industrial Park Circular Economy Transformation - Binxi Industrial Park On How to Raise the Low-Carbon Awareness of College Students Research on Industrial International Competitiveness - Based on Low Carbon Economy Chapter 14: Economy Research: Environmental Case Study on the Development of Low Carbon Tourism in the Era of Low Carbon Economy The Study on China's Low-Carbon Economy Low Carbon Economic Mode of Hunan Province Based on System Dynamics Study on Driving Factors of Carbon Emissions in Inner Mongolia of China Based on Geographically Weighted Regression Model Development Model of Low-Carbon Economy from the Perspective of Generalized Virtual Economy: A Case Study of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Evaluation and Analysis of Time-Space Disparities on Low-Carbon Economic Development in Hebei Province Study of Orderly Electricity Consumption Auxiliary Strategy Based on Fine Power Utilization Feature Mining Food-Related Cold-Chain Logistics Management in China Research on Development Strategies of Low-Carbon Economy for Heavy Industrial Cities in China Research on the Development of China's Emission Reduction Based on Low Carbon Economy Study on Creative Industries Correlativity for Sustainable Economy The Analysis of Low Carbon Economy Oriented Industry Planning-Taking Gongqing Digiecocity as an Example Comparison of Technological Innovation Pattern for Chongqing Automobile Industry Coupled Development and Process of Marine Economy and Marine Environment in China Calculation and Analysis on the Resource Advantages of the Characteristic Forestry and Fruit Industry around the Economy Circle of Tarim The Study of Embodied Science and Technology Impacts of Construction Industry Based on I-O S-LCA Model Environmental Management of Japanese Venous Industry and the Generated Inspirations Current Development Situation and Path Choice of Low-Carbon Economy in Shandong Province Chapter 15: Transportation, Urban and Regional Planning Discussion of our Ecological City Construction Mass Incidents Push Government to Curb Environmental Pollution in China's Urbanization New Trend of Eco-Industrial Parks' Construction and Management Optimizing the Port Development Based on Strengthening the Port Plan EIA Research on Green Low-Carbon Management Measures of Integrated Passenger Transportation Hub Research on Regional Comprehensive Production Capacity of Hog Industry in China with the Constraints of Resources and Environment Research on Urban Productive Landscape Practices Spatial Structure Optimization on Regional Tourism System of Huangshan City, East China Considerations on the Existing Problems of Urban Public Transportation System Development and Suggestions Element Analysis of Sense of Place in Contemporary Guangzhou Interpretive Structural Model of the Evolution of Urban Economic Space Reaserch on Sustainable Development of Inland Port - Hinterland System Based on Life-Cycle Theory Study on Regional Environment Social Economic System near Hangzhou Bay in China - The Case of the Jiaxing City The Basic Idea and Key Elements of China's National Sustainable Communities (CNSCs) The Experience and Challenges of China's National Sustainable Communities (CNSCs) A Land Use Model for Urban Public Transport Hub Based on TOD Research on Measure of Disorder in Traffic Flow Using 2D Entropy Research on Sites Layout of Integrative Public Transit in Urban and Rural Resource-Based City Spatial Structure Evolution and Sustainable Development Research Study on Industrial Transformation Mechanism of Old Industrial City Study on Innovation Factors of Industrial Transformation in the Old Industrial City Study on the Land Use/Cover Changes of Mangrove Reserve of Shenzhen Bay Based on Remote Sensing Date Studying of Passenger Transportation Pattern Choosing in Transport Corridor with Thinking about Time Factor The Research of the Construction and Management of Housing in Singapore The Significance of Sign Design's Visual Aesthetics in Urban Development The Thinking of Industrial Heritage Conservation and City Development from the View of CSM The way to Solve the Urban Road Congestion from the Concentric Circle Theory The Bottleneck of New Urbanization Development and Strategy Rural Ecology Governance Ability Modernization Study under the Background of Balancing Urban and Rural Development Flow Analysis and Research on Subway Based on "Sina Micro-Blog" Registration Data Railway Passengers Travel Time Research Based on Survival Analysis Research on Terminal Construction and Operation Management about the Integration of Urban and Rural Bus Study on County Planning of Urban and Rural Passenger Transport Integration The Accessibility Analysis of Highway Network in Mount Jinggang The Analysis of Accessibility of Scenic Spots of Nanchang-Jiujiang Tourism Integration Region The Analysis of Existing Problems of Traffic Rules Set in and Thinking The Evaluation of City Traffic System Based on the Concept of Green Traffic The Innovation of Information Service of Red Tourism Industry Urban Planning and Application in Modern Tram Systems Evaluation Research on the Feasibility of Mining Area Village Relocation Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation A Study of Community Street Space Vitality Reconstruction - Sampled by Chengdu Tongzilin Community Optimizing the Transportation Network Layout of Qinghai Province to Strengthen Synthetically Development of the Tourism Industry in Western Regions of China The Key Factors to Promote LNG-Powered Vessels in Inland Waterway Transport of China Evaluation on Sustainable Livelihood Ability with a Regional Perspective Effects of Land Use Changes on Ecosystem Service Value in a Typical Tourist Area-A Case Study in Yangshuo, Guilin The Land Conversion in the Urbanization Process of China and Ecosystem Service Value Study on Land Use/Cover Change and its Driving Forces in the Southern Mountainous Areas of Jinan Study on Environmental Protection of Urban Transport Development Study on Transformation of Mature Resource-Dependent Cities - A Case Study on Shanxi Province A Study on the Sustainable Tourism Development of Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park in Sichuan Chapter 16: Information Technology, Computer Applications and Mathematical Modeling An Approach to Evaluating the Chinese Male College Student Basketball Players' Specialized Physical Constitution with Fuzzy Information An Improved Incremental Queue Association Rules for Mining Mass Text Establish the Queue Length Function Model Green Chemistry Modeling Problems and Computer Solution Information Integration in ATS Based on ATML Line-of-Sight Stabilization System Based on Fractional-Order Control Research on Application of the Television Image Logging Technique in the Englineering Test Borehole Research on MapReduce-Based Rocchio Relevance Feedback in Massive Information Filtering Study on Safety Expert System Based on Internet of Things Study on Technology of Triangular Polyhedron 3D Human-Computer Interaction Modeling The Construction of Digital Campus in Colleges A Mobile Storage System for Massive Spatial Data A Parallel Scenario Processing Algorithm in Environmental Decision Support Systems Improved Algorithm of DSCM for Seriously Polluted Images Research on Application of Digital Media Technology in Electronic Commerce Several Estimations of a Class of Integral Inequality in Engineering The Digitalization of Archives Management in Colleges About Cloud Computing Research and Countermeasure of Derivative Accounting Problems Simple Application of Variance Reduction Techniques in Monte Carlo and Missile Simulation Study on Flush Air Data Sensing Technology The Business Model of Cloud Computing Application in the Recovery of Accounting A New MAR-PM Image Filtering Algorithm A State Recognition Method Based on the State Space Theory Improved Probabilistic Load Flow Method to Consider Random Generator Outages Investigation of Particle Flow Field in Pyrotechnic Flame Based on Particle Image and Particle Velocity Research on Aluminum-Plastic Blister Drug Image Segmentation Method Based on Improved Otsu Theory Research on Performance Detection and Evaluation Platform Based on Data Analyzation Spatial Point Reconstruction Based on Binocular Stereo Vision The Improved McEliece PKC and its Security Analysis The Prediction of Bus Speed Based on Kalman Filter The Rules of Beijing Metro Passenger Flow Based on AFC Data Oil Analysis Cost-Effective Compressor Condition Computer Monitoring Technique Research on Improvement of Non-DEA Efficient Units A Novel Approach Automatic Detection of Suspicious Behavior An Improved ID3 Decision Tree Algorithm An Object Detection Algorithm Based on Statistical Classification of Video Stream Pixels Application Research of the Pro/3 Inference Information Report and Transformer Fault Diagnosis Based on Forward Reasoning Denoising Method for Calibration Data of Landing Guidance Radar Based on EMD and Wavelet Simulations of Three Navigation Mode of Wing-Diesel Ship Effective Data Structure for the Multidimensional Orthogonal Bin Packing Problems Impact of Carrier Movement on Landing Guidance Radar Precision The Key Factors of Mathematical Formula Affecting the Size of a Clustered Index An Efficient and Robust Kernelized Possibilistic C-Means Clustering Algorithm Research of New Media Wireless Ad Hoc Network Broadcast Algorithm A Differential Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver Using Time Reversal Technique A Disturbance Adaptive Control Scheme Based on Order Identification A Weighted Network Topology Model of WSN Based on Random Geometric Graph Method An Improved Constrained Optimization Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and its Application in Engineering Parameters Estimation Algorithm of Near-Field Cyclostationary Source Based on Propagator Weak Real-Time Based on Disk Storage System Scheduling Strategy The Development of the Intelligent Anti-Disoperation Operation Order System Digital Simulation Television Technology Show the Chinese Culture The Design and Development of the Mobile Terminal Based on MES Study on Fuzzy Multiple Reference Model Adaptive Control Strategies Numerical Analysis of Deformation of Foundation in the Process of Constructing Soil Dam Consumers Individual Experience on Buying Clothes Based on Things of Internet and Virtual Reality Technology The Design of Automatic Chinese Medicine Ironing Treatment Equipment Based on SST89E516RD The Empirical Analysis on Information Sharing Degree and its Influencing Factors of Food Retailers - From the Investigation of Food Supermarkets in China The Finite Element Modal Analysis of Spur Gear Based on Patran Automatic Identification of Vertical Fracture Development of the Database of Automobile Exhaust System Products Influence of the Information Asymmetry on the College Students' Network Green-Consumption Behavior in Yangtze Delta Region Safety Evaluation of Tensile Anchored Dock Wall Structure Angle-Domain Gathers Computation Using Poynting Vector of Two-Way Acoustic Wave Equation Overview of High Precision Adaptive Numerical Manifold Method Chapter 17: Management and Education Analysis on the Wheat Growers Insurance Purchasing Decisions in Hebei Province China Application and Research of Data Mining in Micro Course Platform Construction Study on the Course Reform of "EDA Technology" Application of AHP - Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method in Students Assessment Cultivation of Students' Creativity in University Architectural Education in the 21st Century The Dialectical Relationship between Construction Organization Design and Engineering Cost Analysis on Chinese Environmental Protection Talents Training Research on Depth Cooperative Educational Mechanism and Appraisal System for Industry-University-Research of Outstanding Engineer Cultivation in Characteristic Application-Oriented Undergraduate Universities The Status Analysis and Suggestions of Graduation Practice for Undergraduates Majoring in Mining Engineering Self-Learning and Problem-Based Learning in Database Design Determine Method to Task Indicator of Scientific Research Funds Based on Sustainable Development Theory Research on Demand Forecast for Emergency Resources Based on CBR and Grey Relational Analysis The Design of Intelligence Anti-Running System Based Onthe Inclined Roadway Safe and Efficient System Design of University Financial Information System The Design of Protection Security System of University Educational Information System Network Teaching System Research on the Double Source Stock Control for a Manufacturer Based on EPR Comparative Study on Regional Differences of FDI Technology Spillover Effects and Influencing Factors Select Regional Strategic Emerging Industries by Using Multidimensional Index System: An Empirical Analysis The Evaluation Model and Index Screening of Innovation Performance - Taking High-Tech Enterprise as an Example

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