Identity, narrative and metaphor : a corpus-based cognitive analysis of new labour discourse
Identity, narrative and metaphor : a corpus-based cognitive analysis of new labour discourse
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
- : hardback
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 285-298) and index
This book shows that the discourse of the Labour party 1994-2007, revolving around three key concepts of identity, narrative and metaphor, not only reflected new Labour's policy and organisational changes, but that it was also an essential part of its successful strategies of renovation and of power legitimation.
1. General Introduction 2. Designing a Corpus-based Cognitive Analysis of Political Discourse PART I: THE NEW LABOUR IDENTITY 4. Reclaiming Ground on the National Scene - Fighting Stereotypes PART II: NEW LABOUR AND THE DISCOURSE OF CHANGE 5. Can Things Only Get Better? Internal Change in New Labour Discourse 6. External Change and Globalisation in New Labour Discourse 7. Labour After Blair 8. General Conclusion ?
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