Communication across cultures : mutual understanding in a global world
Communication across cultures : mutual understanding in a global world
Cambridge University Press, 2014
2nd ed
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全25件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Previous edition: 2007
Includes bibliographical references (p. 248-275) and index
Communication across Cultures explores how cultural context affects the use and (mis)interpretation of language. It provides an accessible and interdisciplinary introduction to language and language variation in intercultural communication by drawing on both classic and cutting-edge research from pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology and politeness studies. This new edition has been comprehensively updated to incorporate recent research, with an emphasis on the fluid and emergent practice of intercultural communication. It provides increased coverage of variation in language within and between cultures, drawing on real-world examples of spoken and written communication. The authors review classic concepts like 'face', 'politeness' and 'speech acts', but also critique these concepts and introduce more recent approaches. Each chapter provides a set of suggested readings, questions and exercises to enable the student to work through concepts and consolidate their understanding of intercultural communication. This is an excellent resource for students of linguistics and related disciplines.
- 1. Culture, communication and context
- Part I. Contextual Felicity across Cultures: 2. Direct and indirect messages
- 3. Schema, face and politeness
- 4. Speech acts and politeness
- Part II. Structure and Contextual Update across Cultures: 5. Conversation across cultures
- 6. Positioning the self: role, power and gender
- 7. Positioning the other: naming, address and honorifics
- 8. Cultural differences in writing
- Part III. Professional Communication across Cultures: 9. Translating language and culture
- 10. Intercultural communication in the workplace
- 11. Successful intercultural communication.
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