
Mullā Ṣadrā

Ibrahim Kalin

(Makers of Islamic civilization)

Oxford University Press, 2014

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies"

Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-175) and index



This book introduces the readers to the fascinating world of Mulla Sadra's thought, one of the most important figures of the later Islamic intellectual tradition. Sadra's 'Transcendent Wisdom' is based on the fundamental insight that all things derive their reality and truth from the all-inclusive reality of existence. Along the 'four journeys' of his philosophical quest, Sadra produces a world-picture that is a reflection of the infinite symphony of existence and its modalities. His penetrating deliberations on the human state and spiritual anthropology provide one of the most profound statements of the underlying unity between humans, the universe and the Divine. The book takes the reader through the elaborate and rich world of Sadra's intellectual journey and shows its relevance for today's philosophical issues in the Islamic and Western worlds.


  • Introduction
  • Sadra's life, influence and works
  • The intellectual journey of a seventeenthcentury
  • Crisis and maturity: introducing Sadra's ontology
  • Synthesis: Transcendent Wisdom and the great chain of being
  • Conclusion: throwing away the ladder of philosophy
  • Further reading and Works cited
  • Index

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