Proteases : structure and function


Proteases : structure and function

edited by Klaudia Brix, Walter Stocker

NetLibrary, [2013]

  • electronic bk


大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Originally published: Oxford ; Wien : Springer Verlag GmbH , 2012


  • Protease Families, Evolution and Mechanism of Action / Neil D. Rawlings
  • Kinetics of the Interaction of Peptidases with Substrates and Modifiers / Antonio Baici, Marko Novinec and Brigita Lenarčič
  • Compartmentalization of Proteolysis / Klaudia Brix, Christopher J. Scott and Margarete M. S. Heck
  • Cathepsins: Getting in Shape for Lysosomal Proteolysis / Ann H. Erickson, Ciro Isidoro, Lukas Mach and John S. Mort
  • Limited and Degradative Proteolysis in the Context of Posttranslational Regulatory Networks: Current Technical and Conceptional Advances / Stefan Tholen, Maria Magdalena Koczorowska, Zon Weng Lai and Joern Dengjel...
  • Exploring Systemic Functions of Lysosomal Proteases: The Perspective of Genetically Modified Mouse Models / Martina Gansz, Ursula Kern, Christoph Peters and Thomas Reinheckel
  • Astacins: Proteases in Development and Tissue Differentiation / Walter Stöcker and F. Xavier Gomis-Rüth
  • Proteases in Death Pathways / Andreas Flütsch and Markus G. Grütter
  • ADAM Proteases in Physiology and Pathophysiology: Cleave to Function in Health or to Cause Disease / Joachim Grötzinger and Stefan Rose-John
  • Proteases in the Nervous System / Holger Cynis, Stefan F. Lichtenthaler, Leona Wagner and Hans-Ulrich Demuth
  • Proteases in the Mammalian Digestive System / S. Gaylen Bradley, Toni M. Antalis and Judith S. Bond
  • Calpains in Health and Disease / John Anagli, Kevin K. W. Wang, Yasuko Ono and Hiroyuki Sorimachi
  • Metalloproteinases in Cartilage Matrix Breakdown: The Roles in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis / Hideaki Nagase and Gillian Murphy
  • MMP-Mediated Collagen Remodeling and Vessel Functions / Agnès Noel and Nor Eddine Sounni
  • Proteases in Cancer: Significance for Invasion and Metastasis / Bonnie F. Sloane, Karin List, Barbara Fingleton and Lynn Matrisian

