Life time contracts : social long-term contracts in labour, tenancy and consumer credit law


Life time contracts : social long-term contracts in labour, tenancy and consumer credit law

Luca Nogler & Udo Reifner (eds.)

Eleven International Publishing , Sold and distributed in USA and Canada, International Specialized Book Services, c2014


"Social long-term contracts - soziale Dauerschuldverhältnisse - relational contracts - labour, tenancy and consumer credit contracts/relations - contrat de longue durée - consumer loans - location - Mietverhältnisse - locatio conductio - housing - contratti "di durata" par l'esistenza della persona - services of first necessity - soziale Dauernutzungsverhältnisse - contrato social a largo plazo ..."

Papers resulting from several international conferences, all stemming from the EuSoCo Declaration

12 English, 7 German, 1 Italian, 2 French contributions

Includes bibliographical references



This book deals with life time contracts, the group of contracts which generally have the most important role to play in people's daily lives and existence. These establish social long-term relations which, with regard to certain periods of the lifetime of individuals, provide essential goods, services, labour and income opportunities for self-realization and participation. The book is divided in five parts (Introduction; Life Time in Contract Law; Labour Contracts; Consumer Credit Contracts; Residential Tenancy Contracts). The book argues that life time contracts should be integrated into the codification of modern private law. The book is written under the auspices of EuSoCo - a research programme that focuses specifically on lif time contracs in labour, housing and consumer credit as part of the European Contract Law Study Group.


  • Preface
  • Principles of Life time contracts (en/fr/de/it/es)
  • EuSoCo declaration (en/de/fr/it/es)
  • Introduction: The New Dimension of Life Time in the Law of Contracts and Obligations
  • Part I: Life Time in Contract Law
  • The Evolution of the European Contract Law: A Brand New Code, a Handy Toolbox or a Jack-in-the-box?
  • Etica del contratto e contratti "di durata" per l'esistenza della persona"
  • Lebenszeitvertrage und Teilhabe - Der zivilrechtliche Anschlussverlust als Verstoss gegen die Verfassung
  • Lebenszeitvertrage - Natur und Ethik
  • Le social" et la defaisance - Introduction au problem de la critique en droit europeen des contrats
  • Life Time et contrat - Ronald Coase (1910 - 2013) et le detournement de l'interdisciplinarite du droit
  • Part II: Labour Contracts
  • The Historical Contribution of Employment Law to General Civil Law: a Lost Dimension? The end of mandatory rules in the employment contract law: on ready-made suits, goods made to measure and fashion trends
  • Schutz und kollektive Privatautonomie - das Arbeitsverhaltnis in seiner Besonderheit
  • Self-Employment and Economic Dependency in the light of the Social Contract Law
  • Tarifautonomie und Vertragsgerechtigkeit: Der Beitrag des kollektiven Arbeitsrechts zur Vertragstheorie
  • Part III: Consumer Credit Contracts
  • Darlehensvertrag als Kapitalmiete (locatio conductio specialis)
  • Change of circumstances in consumer credit contracts - the United Kingdom experience and a call for the maintenance of sector specific rules
  • The EU Consumer Credit Directive 2008 in the light of the EuSoCo Principles
  • Access to long-term banking services in the Nordic States
  • A contractual approach to overindebtedness: rebus sic stantibus instead of bankruptcy
  • Responsible bankruptcy
  • Part IV: Residential Tenancy Contracts
  • Das Recht auf Wohnraum und der Wohnraummietvertrag Towards a Common Core of Residential Tenancy Law in Europe? The impact of the European Court of Human Rights on Tenancy Law
  • Exploring interfaces between social long-term contracts and European law through tenancy law
  • Das koreanische Wohnungsmietschutzgesetz und die Notwendigkeit der Kontrolle des Mietwuchers.

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