Mujeres y hombres en espacios domèsticos : trabajo y vida social en la prehistoria de Mallorca (c. 700-500 cal ANE) : el edificio Alfa del Puig Morter de Son Ferragut (Sineu, Mallorca)


Mujeres y hombres en espacios domèsticos : trabajo y vida social en la prehistoria de Mallorca (c. 700-500 cal ANE) : el edificio Alfa del Puig Morter de Son Ferragut (Sineu, Mallorca)

Pedro V. Castro-Martínez, Trinidad Escoriza-Mateu, Ma. Encarna Sanahuja-Yll

(BAR international series, 1162)

Archaeopress, 2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




Detailed investigation of the Alpha Building of Puig Morter in Son Ferragut on the island of Mallorca provided the opportunity to study not only a domestic setting dating to between c.700 and 500 BC, but also to build a picture of different social activities and gender relations during this period. This large volume presnts a description of the building itself before looking at the activities taking place within it, such as the slaughter, butchery and cooking of meat, the preparation of other foodstuffs, storage and domestic production of ceramics, cloth and personal items. Speculation is then made of the presence of two differentiated social groups who have practised shared and separate social practices, some of which may be determined by gender. The conclusion indicates that this remains work in progress. Spanish text; English summary.

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  • BAR international series

    B.A.R. , Tempvs Reparatvm , John and Erica Hedges : Archaeopress : British Archaeological Reports , BAR

