Historical geology : lab manual
Historical geology : lab manual
John Wiley & Sons, c2014
- : pbk
電子リソースにアクセスする 全1件
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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This lab manual is accessible to science and nonscience majors and also provides a strong back ground for geology and other science majors. Concepts carry over from one lab to the next and are reinforced so that at the end of the semester, the students have experience at interpreting the rock record and an understanding of how the process of science works.
Lab 1: Relative Dating
Lab 2: Rocks and Minerals
Lab 3: Weathering of Rocks and the Formation of Sediment
Lab 4: Sedimentary Rocks
Lab 5: Sedimentary Structures
Lab 6: Depositional Sedimentary Environments
Lab 7: Stratigraphy and Lithologic Correlation
Lab 8: Fossils on the Internet
Lab 9: Microfossils and Introduction to the Tree of Life
Lab 10: Invertebrate Macrofossils and Classification of Organisms
Lab 11: Fossil Preservation and Trace Fossils
Lab 12: The Evolution of the Vertebrates
Background History and Acknowledgments
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