World, affectivity, trauma : Heidegger and post-Cartesian psychoanalysis


World, affectivity, trauma : Heidegger and post-Cartesian psychoanalysis

Robert D. Stolorow

(Psychoanalytic inquiry book series, v. 35)

Routledge, c2011

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-114) and index



Stolorow and his collaborators' post-Cartesian psychoanalytic perspective - intersubjective-systems theory - is a phenomenological contextualism that illuminates worlds of emotional experience as they take form within relational contexts. After outlining the evolution and basic ideas of this framework, Stolorow shows both how post-Cartesian psychoanalysis finds enrichment and philosophical support in Heidegger's analysis of human existence, and how Heidegger's existential philosophy, in turn, can be enriched and expanded by an encounter with post-Cartesian psychoanalysis. In doing so, he creates an important psychological bridge between post-Cartesian psychoanalysis and existential philosophy in the phenomenology of emotional trauma.


Introduction: Existential Analysis, Daseinanalysis, and Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis. Heidegger's Investigative Method in Being and Time. Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis as Phenomenological Contextualism. Existential Anxiety, Finitude, and Trauma. Worlds Apart: Dissociation, Finitude, and Traumatic Temporality. Our Kinship-in-Finitude. Relationalizing Heidegger's Conception of Finitude. Expanding Heidegger's Conception of Relationality: Ethical Implications. Heidegger's Nazism and the Hypostatization of Being: A Distant Mirror. Conclusions: The Mutual Enrichment of Heidegger's Existential Philosophy and Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis.

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