Rnal 'byor gyi dbaṅ phyug Lū hi pa'i bźed srol Dpal 'khor lo Bde mchog gi dkyil chog sindu'i kluṅ chen khyu mchog kha 'babs : the method for the maṇḍala and initiation of the Lūipāda tradition of Cakrasamvara Bcom ldan 'das ma Gdugs dkar mo can gyi mdos chog gi lag len ra ma ṇa yi sgyu 'phrul : a method for the ritual of the mdos of Sitātapatrāparājitā for elimination of obstacles


    • Ṅag-dbaṅ-blo-gros-sñiṅ-po, Ṅor Khaṅ-gsar
    • Mgon-po-bsod-nams-mchog-ldan, Bka'-'gyur-ba


Rnal 'byor gyi dbaṅ phyug Lū hi pa'i bźed srol Dpal 'khor lo Bde mchog gi dkyil chog sindu'i kluṅ chen khyu mchog kha 'babs : the method for the maṇḍala and initiation of the Lūipāda tradition of Cakrasamvara . Bcom ldan 'das ma Gdugs dkar mo can gyi mdos chog gi lag len ra ma ṇa yi sgyu 'phrul : a method for the ritual of the mdos of Sitātapatrāparājitā for elimination of obstacles

by Ṅor-pa Ṅag-dbaṅ-blo-gros-sñiṅ-po-gźan-phan-mtha'-yas-pa'i-'od-zer . by Bka'-'gyur-ba Mgon-po-bsod-nams-mchog-ldan

D. Tsondu Senghe, 1979


Bde mchog Lū hi pa'i lugs kyi dkyil chog

Gdugs dkar can gyi mdos chog

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Reproduced from rare manuscripts from the library of Bla-ma Chos-grags-rgya-mtsho"

