
Civic London to 1558

edited by Anne Lancashire

(Records of early English drama)

D.S. Brewer, 2015

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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



1. Introduction, the records, 1286-7 to 1520-3 -- 2. The records, 1521-2 to 1558-9, appendixes -- 3. Translations, endnotes, glossaries, index

Includes bibliographical references and index



Documents from the middle ages through to the mid sixteenth century provide rich evidence for London's vibrant dramatic activities. The variety and richness of early London's dramatic activity are extensively revealed here: both from the records of its civic government and livery companies, 1287 to 1558, and in a chronological appendix of information from other sources, such as national and local chronicles (written in Anglo-French, Latin, and English). Civic London to 1558 adds substantially to the amount of published evidence of early drama in London. After the demiseof the multi-day biblical play performed, regularly or occasionally, in the late fourteenth century at Clerkenwell, on the edge of the city, records begin to appear of the London companies (originally craft and trade guilds) paying players/actors to perform at annual company feasts. The records are at first largely of clerks' groups, and subsequently largely of troupes patronized by royalty and the aristocracy. The London troupes of Shakespeare's day descend from here. Also elaborate formal mummings (disguisings) were sent by the city to the court, and were performed as well in company halls. Grand theatrical spectacles were presented in the streets: at Midsummer, for formal royal entries through the city, and for mayoral inaugurations. This collection makes a strong contribution to the known evidence of these activities and of others as well. Anne Lancashire is Professor Emerita of English at the University of Toronto; she has published extensively on medieval and early modern theatre and drama.


Volume 1 Introduction Select Bibliography The Records [1286-7 to 1520-3] Volume 2 The Records [1521-2 to 1558-9] Appendix 1: Chronological Companion to The Records Appendix 2: Chronological Companion to The Records: Doubtful and Erroneous Records Appendix 3: Ancillary Records Appendix 4: Biographical Records: William Crane and John Heywood Appendix 5: Biographical Records: Musicians, Players, and Instrument Makers Appendix 6: Royal Entry of Katherine of Aragon, November 1501 Appendix 7: The Mayors and Sheriffs 1190-1558 Appendix 8: Mayors and Sheriffs of London: Sunday and Tower Oaths and Presentations Appendix 9: Saints' Days and Festivals Volume 3 Translations Endnotes Glossaries

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