Virginia Woolf : To the lighthouse : The waves
Virginia Woolf : To the lighthouse : The waves
(Icon critical guides / series editor, Richard Beynon)(A reader's guide to essential criticism)
Palgrave Macmillan, c1997
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 168-171) and index
"Published in 1997 by Icon Books Ltd."--T.p. verso
In this Readers' Guide, Jane Goldman explores critical material on To the Lighthouse and The Waves, two of Woolf's most important novels. The reader is guided through the critical debates that have centred on the novels, and is given a clear view of the widening scope of 'Woolf Studies'. The Guide includes extracts from the more recent innovatory work of Rachel Bowlby and Gillian Beer, as well as a significant revisionary essay from Jane Marcus, which has opened up important debates on race and Empire in 'Woolf Studies'.
Introduction.- Contemporary Reviews.- The 1930s and 40s: Summing Up.- The 1950s and 60s: Unifying Strategies: Myth, Philosophy, Psychology.- The 1970s and 80s: Diverging Approaches: Androgyny, Art, Feminism.- The 1980s: Sexual/Textual readings.- The 1990s: Historical, Materialist, Post-colonialist Readings.-
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