Disposable youth, racialized memories, and the culture of cruelty


Disposable youth, racialized memories, and the culture of cruelty

Henry A. Giroux

(Framing 21st century social issues)

Routledge, 2012

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. 49-52) and index


  • Youth in the age of moral and political plagues
  • Memories of hope and youth in the age of disposability
  • Racialized memories and class identities: thinking about youth in post-9/11 america
  • Beyond America's culture of cruelty
  • Youth fighting back in the age of casino capitalism



Facing a crisis unlike that of any other generation, young people are caught between the discourses of consumerism and a powerful crime-control-complex, and are viewed increasingly as commodities or are subjected to the dictates of an ever expanding criminal justice system. Drawing upon critical analyses, biography, and social theory, Disposable Youth explores the current conditions of young people now face within an emerging culture of privatization, insecurity, and commodification and raises some important questions regarding the role that educators, young people, and concerned citizens might play in challenging the plight of young people, while deepening and extending the promise of a better future and a viable democracy.


1. Youth in the Age of Moral and Political Plagues 2. Memories of Hope and Youth in the Age of Disposability 3. Racialized Memories and Class Identities: Thinking about Youth in Post-9/11 America 4. Beyond America's Culture of Cruelty 5. Youth Fighting Back in the Age of Casino Capitalism

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