Marine algae extracts : processes, products, and applications


Marine algae extracts : processes, products, and applications

edited by Se-Kwon Kim, Katarzyna Chojnacka

Wiley-VCH, [2015]

  • 1
  • 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index

Also published electronically



Designed as the primary reference for the biotechnological use of macroalgae, this comprehensive handbook covers the entire value chain from the cultivation of algal biomass to harvesting and processing it, to product extraction and formulation. In addition to covering a wide range of product classes, from polysaccharides to terpenes and from enyzmes to biofuels, it systematically discusses current and future applications of algae-derived products in pharmacology, medicine, cosmetics, food and agriculture. In doing so, it brings together the expertise of marine researchers, biotechnologists and process engineers for a one-stop resource on the biotechnology of marine macroalgae.


  • List of Contributors XVII Preface XXVII Acknowledgments XXIX 1 Introduction of Marine Algae Extracts 1 Katarzyna Chojnacka and Se-Kwon Kim 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Algal Biomass as a Useful Resource 2 1.3 Biologically Active Compounds Extracted from Algae 4 1.4 The Application of Products Derived from Algal Biomass 5 1.5 Extraction Technology 9 1.6 Conclusions 10 References 11 Part I: Cultivation and Identification of Marine Algae 15 2 Identification and Ecology of Macroalgae Species Existing in Poland 17 Beata Messyasz, Marta Pikosz, Grzegorz Schroeder, Boguslawa GBPeska, and Joanna Fabrowska 2.1 Introduction 17 2.2 Collection of Macroalgal Thalli and Culture Conditions 20 2.3 Macroalgae Forming a Large Biomass in Inland Waters of Poland 21 2.4 Ecology Aspects of Freshwater Macroscopic Algae 31 2.5 Summary 33 Acknowledgments 34 References 34 3 Identification of Microalgae Producers of Commercially Important Compounds 41 Rosalia Contreras, J. Paniagua-Michel, and Jorge Olmos 3.1 Introduction 41 3.2 Microalgae for Human Consumption 41 3.3 Microalgae for Aquaculture and Animal Farms 45 3.4 Microalgae for Biofuels 46 3.5 Molecular Identification of Microalgae 47 3.6 Conclusion 54 References 55 4 Cultivation and Identification of Microalgae (Diatom) 59 Sekar Ashokkumar, Kuppusamy Manimaran, and Keun Kim 4.1 Introduction 59 4.2 Materials and Methods 61 4.3 Algal Culture Conditions 66 4.4 Conclusion 73 References 73 Part II: Production and Processing of Marine Algae 79 5 Analysis of Green Algae Extracts 81 Grzegorz Schroeder, Boguslawa GBPeska, Joanna Fabrowska, Beata Messyasz, and Marta Pikosz 5.1 Introduction 81 5.2 The Algae Biomass as a Raw Material of Natural Chemical Compounds 82 5.3 Methods of Extraction of Biochemical from Algae Biomass 85 5.4 Analytical Procedures 87 5.5 Conclusion 92 Acknowledgments 93 References 93 6 Algae Extract ProductionMethods and Process Optimization 101 Edward Roj, Agnieszka Dobrzynska-Inger, Agnieszka Debczak, Dorota Kostrzewa, and Katarzyna Stepnik 6.1 Introduction 101 6.2 Production Methods 102 6.3 Analytical Methods Used for Extract Production Process Control 108 6.4 Process Optimization 111 6.5 Summary 117 Acknowledgments 118 References 118 7 Production of Seaweed Extracts by Biological and Chemical Methods 121 Izabela Michalak and Katarzyna Chojnacka 7.1 Introduction 121 7.2 Production of Algal Extracts with Different Methods 122 7.3 Pretreatment of Algal Biomass and Extraction Procedure 123 7.4 Algal Extracts Obtained by Enzymatic Hydrolysis 126 7.5 Algal Extracts Obtained by Chemical Hydrolysis 127 7.6 Comparison of Extraction Methods of Biologically Active Compounds from Seaweeds 130 7.7 Evaluation of the Activities of Algal Extracts Obtained by the Extraction with Organic Solvent 131 7.8 The Application of Water Extracts from Seaweeds 133 7.9 Examples of Commercial Products Obtained by Extraction form Seaweeds 138 7.10 Conclusions 139 Acknowledgments 139 References 139 8 Upstream Processing in the Technology of Algal Extracts: Biomass Harvesting and Preparation for Extraction Process 145 Radoslaw Wilk and Katarzyna Chojnacka 8.1 Introduction 145 8.2 Marine Vegetation from Baltic Sea as Source Material 149 8.3 The Technology of Raw Marine Biomass Preparation for Supercritical Fluid Extraction 152 8.4 Conclusions 157 Acknowledgments 157 References 157 9 Downstream Processing in the Technology of Algal Extracts - From the Component to the Final Formulations 161 Radoslaw Wilk and Katarzyna Chojnacka 9.1 Introduction 161 9.2 Final Formulation 163 9.3 Definition of an Emulsion 169 9.4 The Method to Produce an Emulsion Based on Algae Extract 170 9.5 Stability of Algae Extract Emulsion 175 9.6 Conclusion 177 References 177 10 Algae Biomass as a Raw Material for Production of Algal Extracts 179 Agnieszka Saeid and Katarzyna Chojnacka 10.1 Introduction 179 10.2 Cell Wall 179 10.3 Methods of Obtaining the Biomass of Algae 181 10.4 Conclusions 186 References 187 11 Algal Extracts as Plant Growth Biostimulants 189 Katarzyna Chojnacka, IzabelaMichalak, Agnieszka Dmytryk, Mateusz Gramza, Adam Slowinski, and Henryk Gorecki 11.1 Introduction 189 11.2 The Development of Fertilizers Industry 190 11.3 Plant Biostimulants 194 11.4 Potential Benefits Arising from the Use of Plant Growth Biostimulants 195 11.5 The Market of Biostimulants 196 11.6 Seaweed Biomass as a Source for the Production of Algae Based Fertilizers 197 11.7 Algae as the Resource for Biostimulants Production 199 11.8 Methods of Production of Commercial Biostimulants from Algae 201 11.9 Characteristics of Biostimulants Derived from Algae 202 11.10 Current Market of Algal Plant Growth Stimulants 204 11.11 Perspectives 205 11.12 Regulations 206 11.13 Conclusions 207 Acknowledgments 208 References 208 12 Effects of Alginate Oligosaccharides on the Growth of Marine Microalgae 213 Mikinori Ueno and Tatsuya Oda 12.1 Introduction 213 12.2 Preparation of Alginate Oligosaccharides 215 12.3 Effects of Alginate Oligosaccharides on the Growth of Nannochloropsis oculata 217 12.4 Species-Specific Effects of Alginate Oligosaccharides on the Growth of Diatom Chaetoceros gracilis and Skeletonema sp. 218 12.5 Effects of Alginate Oligosaccharides on Harmful Microalgae 220 12.6 Conclusion 222 References 222 Part III: Marine Algal Products 227 13 Omegas: Pharmaceutical High Value Products and One of the Most Functional Bioactive Compounds 229 Viviana P. Rubio, J. Paniagua-Michel, and Jorge Olmos 13.1 Introduction 229 13.2 Most Functional Omegas 231 13.3 Biosynthesis and Functions 232 13.4 Omegas and Diet 234 13.5 Omegas
  • Sickness
  • and Health 235 13.6 Omegas: Commercial Applications 236 13.7 Microalgae as a Source for Omega Production 237 13.8 Perspectives 241 References 241 14 An Overview of Global Distribution of the Diterpenes Synthesized by the Red Algae Laurencia Complex (Ceramiales, Rhodomelaceae) 245 Luciana R. de Carvalho, Julyana N. Farias, Pablo Riul, and Mutue T. Fujii 14.1 Introduction 245 14.2 Biosynthesis of Diterpenes 246 14.3 Diversity and Geographic Distribution of the Diterpenes in Laurencia Complex 256 14.4 Conclusions 261 Acknowledgments 262 References 262 15 Anticancer Compounds from Marine Algae 267 Yong-Xin Li, Yong Li, and Se-Kwon Kim 15.1 Introduction 267 15.2 Terpenoids from Marine Algae 268 15.3 Sterols from Marine Algae 270 15.4 Polysaccharides from Marine Algae 273 15.5 Summary 274 Acknowledgments 274 References 274 16 A Comparative Analysis of Carrageenans Produced by Underutilized versus Industrially Utilized Macroalgae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) 277 Leonel Pereira, Filipa Meireles, Helena T. Abreu, and Paulo J.A. Ribeiro-Claro 16.1 Introduction 277 16.2 Chondrus crispus IMTA Cultivated 286 16.3 Geographic Localization, Date of Harvest, Yields, and Phycocolloid Type Produced by Red Algae 287 16.4 Analysis of Carrageenan by Vibrational Spectroscopy 287 16.5 Conclusion 288 Acknowledgments 290 List of Abbreviations and Symbols 290 References 291 17 Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles Using Marine Algae: A Review 295 Panchanathan Manivasagan and Se-Kwon Kim 17.1 Introduction 295 17.2 Types of Nanoparticles 296 17.3 Characterization of Nanoparticles 297 17.4 Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles by Marine Algae 298 17.5 Applications of Nanoparticles 301 17.6 Conclusions 302 Acknowledgments 302 References 302 18 Enzyme-Assisted Extraction to Prepare Bioactive Peptides from Microalgae 305 H.H. Chaminda Lakmal, Kalpa W. Samarakoon, and You-Jin Jeon 18.1 Introduction 305 18.2 Enzyme-Assisted Extraction and Isolation of Bioactive Peptides 306 18.3 Bioactivity of Peptides Derived from Marine Microalgae 309 18.4 Molecular Modeling 312 18.5 Future Trends and Prospective 315 References 315 19 An Overview of Phycocolloids: The Principal Commercial Seaweed Extracts 319 Ratih Pangestuti and Se-Kwon Kim 19.1 Introduction 319 19.2 General Properties of Phycocolloids 320 19.3 Agar 320 19.4 Alginates 322 19.5 Carrageenan 325 19.6 Conclusions 329 References 329 20 Analytical Approaches for the Detailed Characterization of Microalgal Lipid Extracts for the Production of Biodiesel 331 Damien L. Callahan, Gregory J.O. Martin, David R.A. Hill, Ian L.D. Olmstead, and Daniel A. Dias 20.1 Introduction 331 20.2 Protocols 336 20.3 Solid-Phase Extraction of Lipids (SPE) 337 20.4 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) 339 20.5 Derivatization 340 20.6 Liquid Chromatography/Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry 341 20.7 Combined Approaches 344 20.8 Final Remarks 344 Acknowledgments 344 References 345 Contents to Volume 2 List of Contributors XV Preface XXV Acknowledgments XXVII Part IV: Biological Applications of Marine Algae 347 21 Algal Extracts in Dentistry 349 Marcin Mikulewicz and Katarzyna Chojnacka 22 Marine Algae for Protecting Your Brain: Neuroprotective Potentials of Marine Algae 359 Pradeep Dewapriya and Se-Kwon Kim 23 Antiviral Activities of Marine Algal Extracts 371 Fatih Karadeniz, Mustafa Z. Karagozlu, and Se-Kwon Kim 24 Antihyperglycemic of Sargassum sp. Extract 381 Muhamad Firdaus, Rahmi Nurdiani, and Asep A. Prihanto 25 Immunological Activity of MarineMicroalgae Extracts 395 Mariangela Caroprese, Maria G. Ciliberti, and Marzia Albenzio 26 Algal Polysaccharides and Their Biological Applications 413 Sirisha L. Vavilala and Jacinta S. D'Souza 27 Biological Phlorotannins of Eisenia bicyclis 453 Sang-Hoon Lee and Se-Kwon Kim Part V: Biomedical Applications of Marine Algae 465 28 Algal Extracts as a Carrier of Micronutrients - Utilitarian Properties of New Formulations 467 GBPukasz Tuhy, Katarzyna Chojnacka, IzabelaMichalak, and AnnaWitek-Krowiak 29 Marine Algae Based Biomaterials for Osteoblast Differentiation and Tissue Regeneration 489 Pathum Chandika and Won-Kyo Jung 30 Marine Algae Derived Polysaccharides for Bone Tissue Regeneration 509 Jayachandran Venkatesan and Se-Kwon Kim 31 Wound Dressings from Algal Polymers 523 Monica Bhatnagar and Ashish Bhatnagar 32 Marine Algae and Chronic Diseases 557 Kalimuthu Senthilkumar and Se-Kwon Kim 33 Algae Wastes Biomass - a New Class of Low-Cost Material with Potential Applications in Environmental Engineering 575 Laura Bulgariu and Dumitru Bulgariu Part VI: Food and Industrial Applications of Marine Algae 603 34 Algae Extract as a Potential Feed Additive 605 Mariusz Korczynski, Zuzanna Witkowska, Sebastian Opalinski, Marita OEwiniarska, and Zbigniew Dobrzanski 35 Application of Marine Algae Derived Nutraceuticals in the Food Industry 627 Isuru Wijesekara and Se-Kwon Kim 36 Microalgal Carotenoids: Bioactive Roles, Health Foods, and Pharmaceuticals 639 J. Paniagua-Michel, Jorge Olmos Soto, and Eduardo Morales Guerrero 37 Biologically Active Organic Compounds, Especially Plant Promoters, in Algae Extracts and Their Potential Application in Plant Cultivation 659 Boguslawa Gorka, Jacek Lipok, and Piotr P.Wieczorek 38 Biomass and Extracts of Algae as Material for Cosmetics 681 Joanna Fabrowska, Bogus(3)awa GBPe(2)ska, Grzegorz Schroeder, Beata Messyasz, and Marta Pikosz Index 707

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  • ISBN
    • 9783527337088
    • 9783527337088
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
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  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v. (xxix, 722 p.)
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
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