Planning and compulsory acquisition
Planning and compulsory acquisition
(Halsbury's statutes of England and Wales, v. 34)
LexisNexis, c2015
4th ed., 2015 reissue
- : set
- 1
- 2
並立書誌 全2件
Planning and compulsory acquisition
Planning and compulsory acquisition
Planning and compulsory acquisition
Planning and compulsory acquisition
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
- 1: Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 to Local Government and Housing Act 1989
- 2: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to Deregulation Act 2015
Halsbury's Statutes comprises the statute law of England and Wales from the earliest times to the present day. The fourth edition of Halsbury's Statutes, which was published between 1985 and 1992, provides the user with an up-to-date version of the amended text of every Public General Act and Church of England Measure currently in force, and also of a number of private and local Acts.
Halsbury's Statutes is easy to use with statutes grouped under an alphabetical title scheme covering the main areas of legal practice similar to that in Butterworths' other Major Works. Each Act is fully annotated to provide precise information relating to:
* Parliamentary debates
* Amendments and repeals
* Derivation notes in the case of consolidating legislation
* Commencement
* Cross-references to other provisions of the Act and to other relevant provisions in Halsbury's Statutes
* Cases
* Words and phrases judicially considered
* Subordinate legislation
* References to words specifically defined in the Act
Volumes are revised and reissued when necessary to take account of changes in law and practice and are charged for separately on publication.
Halsbury's Statutes is updated regularly by an annual Cumulative Supplement (charged separately on publication) and a comprehensive updating service which includes the texts of statutes published since the reissue of the main volumes (charged annually).
The following consolidated publications complete the Halsbury's Statutes set and are charged separately on publication:
* Is it in Force? - a guide to the commencement of statutes since 1960 - published twice a year
* Consolidated Index including alphabetical and chronological tables of statutes
* Halsbury's Statutes Citator, a one-volume guide to the current status of statutes in England and Wales - published twice a year
* Consolidated Table of Cases, a guide to all case references printed in Halsbury's Statutes current volumes, Cumulative Supplement and Noter-up
* Consolidated Table of Statutory Instruments, a guide to subordinate legislation made, or having effect, under any provision of an Act printed in Halsbury's Statutes
* A volume of Destination Tables relating to consolidating Acts is published periodically
HSSI intranet site The Halsbury's Statutes and Statutory Instruments intranet site can be found at http//homer/Hssi/index.html The site is a useful tool for answering general queries about HSSI, as it aims to give an overview of HSSI products, answers to frequently asked questions and contact details for the editorial team. The site includes--- information about our products production schedules and ISBN numbers details of recent publications (checklists for current HSSI volumes that subscribers should have and inserting instructions for our loose-leaf services) a section on frequently asked questions (developed with CSD in mind) organisational charts and contact details. Any queries/feedback on how to improve are welcome to Anthony Fairclough
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