Mind, self and person
Mind, self and person
(Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement, 76)
Cambridge University Press, c2015
- : [pbk.]
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全6件
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Based on the lectures given in the Royal Institute of Philosophy's London lectures series for 2013-14
Includes index
The Royal Institute of Philosophy's London Lecture series for 2013-14 brought together contributions from a distinguished group of leading figures in the philosophy of mind. The topic the lecturers were asked to speak and write on, 'Mind, Self and Person', has been at the forefront of philosophical enquiry throughout the history of the subject, and, as will be evident from this volume, is as lively and contested an area of investigation in contemporary philosophy as it was in the days of the ancient Greeks. This collection of papers covers a wide range of issues, including consciousness, the mind and its relation to the body, the self, the nature of the human person, personal identity, the link between mind and morality, the existence of group minds and the educational implications of what we think about the mind.
- Preface Anthony O'Hear
- 1. Group minds and explanatory simplicity Mark Sprevak and David Statham
- 2. Philosophy and the mind/body problem Paul F. Snowdon
- 3. On Parfit's view that we are not human beings Eric T. Olson
- 4. Ambulo ergo sum Lucy O'Brien
- 5. The place of the self in contemporary metaphysics Rory Madden
- 6. The neurobiological platform for moral values Patricia S. Churchland
- 7. 'The secrets of all hearts': Locke on personal identity Galen Strawson
- 8. Selfless persons: goodness in an impersonal world? Lynne Rudder Baker
- 9. From phenomenal selves to hyperselves Barry Dainton
- 10. An intellectual entertainment: the nature of the mind P. M. S. Hacker
- 11. Power, scepticism and ethical theory Thomas Pink
- 12. The mental states of persons and their brains Tim Crane
- 13. Actual consciousness: database, physicalities, theory, criteria, no unique mystery Ted Honderich
- 14. Training, transformation and education David Bakhurst.
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