Culture, health and sexuality : an introduction
Culture, health and sexuality : an introduction
(Sexuality, culture and health series)
Routledge, 2015
- : hbk
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
The last twenty years have seen a growth in multi-disciplinary work in the area of sexuality, culture and health. What was once a set of specialist concerns has been steadily mainstreamed. Alongside this, a broader interest has developed in 'social' and 'cultural' factors relating to sexuality and sexual health, from family planning and STI management to gender and intimate partner violence and the technologisation of sex.
This book offers a research-based overview of key topics relevant to social and cultural perspectives on sexuality and sexual health. Beginning with an extended introduction and divided into six sections, it looks at culture, sex and gender, sexual diversity, sex work, migration and sexual violence. Each section opens with an editorial discussion which places the theme, and the chapters that follow, in a contemporary context. Six additional substantive chapters can be accessed online at
Including cutting-edge conceptual and empirical material from around the world, this is a key resource for students in, and across, a variety of academic disciplines in the social and health sciences. It is especially suitable for readers from sexuality studies, gender studies, development studies, anthropology and sociology as well as those with public health and social work backgrounds.
1. Introduction: From Sex to Sexuality: Sexual Cultures and Sexual Selves Part 1: Culture and Context Introduction to Culture and Context 2. Sexuality, Culture and Society: Shifting Paradigms in Sexuality Research 3. Women's Work, Worry and Fear: The Portrayal of Sexuality and Sexual Health in US Magazines for Teenage and Middle-aged Women, 2000-2007 4. Cultural Politics and Masculinities: Multiple-partners in Historical Perspectives in KwaZulu-Natal Part 2: Sex and Gender Introduction to Sex and Gender 5. HIV Prevention and Low-income Chilean Women: Machismo, Marianismo and HIV Misconceptions 6. 'What Does it Take to be a Man? What is a Real Man?': Ideologies of Masculinity and HIV Sexual Risk Among Black Heterosexual Men Part 3: Sexual Diversity and Practice Introduction to Sexual Diversity and Practice 7. 'I Just Need to be Flashy on Campus': Female Students and Transactional Sex at a University in Zimbabwe 8. Constructions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Queer Identities Among Young People in Contemporary Australia 9. 'It's Really a Hard Life': Love, Gender and HIV Risk Among Male-to-Female Transgender Persons 10. Black Lesbian Gender and Sexual Culture: Celebration and Resistance Part 4: Sex Work Introduction to Sex Work 11. Structure and Agency: Reflections from an Exploratory Study of Vancouver Indoor Sex Workers 12. Social Context, Sexual Risk Perceptions and Stigma: HIV Vulnerability Among Male Sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya 13. Diversity of Commerical Sex Among Men and Male-born Trans People in Three Peruvian Cities Part 5: Sexual Violence Introduction to Sexual Violence 14. Hidden Violence is Silent Rape: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands 15. Avoiding Shame: Young LGBT People, Homophobia and Self-destructive Behaviours 16. Barriers to Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Completion After Rape: A South African Qualitative Study Part 6: Mobility and Migration Introduction to Mobility and Migration 17. Youth, Sin and Sex in Nigeria: Christianity and HIV/AIDS-related Beliefs and Behaviour Among Rural-urban Migrants 18. 'Mobile Men with Money': The Socio-cultural and Politico-economic Context of 'High-risk' Behaviour Among Wealthy Businessmen and Government Officials in Urban China19. Race, Space, Place: Notes on the Racialisation and Spatialisation of Commerical Sex Work in Dubai, UAE
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