Level one algebraic cusp forms of classical groups of small rank

    • Chenevier, Gaëtan
    • Renard, David

Level one algebraic cusp forms of classical groups of small rank

Gaëtan Chenevier, David Renard

(Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, v. 237, no 1121)

American Mathematical Society, 2015


Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-122)



The authors determine the number of level $1$, polarized, algebraic regular, cuspidal automorphic representations of $\mathrm{GL}_n$ over $\mathbb Q$ of any given infinitesimal character, for essentially all $n \leq 8$. For this, they compute the dimensions of spaces of level $1$ automorphic forms for certain semisimple $\mathbb Z$-forms of the compact groups $\mathrm{SO}_7$, $\mathrm{SO}_8$, $\mathrm{SO}_9$ (and ${\mathrm G}_2$) and determine Arthur's endoscopic partition of these spaces in all cases. They also give applications to the $121$ even lattices of rank $25$ and determinant $2$ found by Borcherds, to level one self-dual automorphic representations of $\mathrm{GL}_n$ with trivial infinitesimal character, and to vector valued Siegel modular forms of genus $3$. A part of the authors' results are conditional to certain expected results in the theory of twisted endoscopy.


Introduction Polynomial invariants of finite subgroups of compact connected Lie groups Automorphic representations of classical groups : review of Arthur's results Determination of $\Pi_\mathrm{alg}^\bot(\mathrm{PGL}_n)$ for $n\leq 5$ Description of $\Pi_\mathrm{disc}(\mathrm{SO}_7)$ and $\Pi_\mathrm{alg}^{\mathrm s}(\mathrm{PGL}_6)$ Description of $\Pi_\mathrm{disc}({\mathrm SO}_9)$ and $\Pi_\mathrm{alg}^{\mathrm s}(\mathrm{PGL}_8)$ Description of $\Pi_\mathrm{disc}(\mathrm{SO}_8)$ and $\Pi_\mathrm{alg}^{\mathrm o}(\mathrm{PGL}_8)$ Description of $\Pi_\mathrm{disc}({\mathrm G}_2)$ Application to Siegel modular forms Appendix A. Adams-Johnson packets Appendix B. The Langlands group of $\mathbb Z$ and Sato-Tate groups Appendix C. Tables Appendix D. The $121$ level $1$ automorphic representations of ${\mathrm SO}_{25}$ with trivial coefficients Bibliography

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