CATIA V5 : macro programming with Visual Basic script


    • Ziethen, Dieter R.
    • Brand, Kyle E.


CATIA V5 : macro programming with Visual Basic script

Dieter R. Ziethen ; translated by Kyle E. Brand

McGraw-Hill, c2013


CATIA V5 : Makroprogrammierung mit Visual Basic Script

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Previously published as: CATIA V5 : Makroprogrammierung mit Visual Basic Script. Munich : Hanser, c2011

Includes index



Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Write powerful, custom macros for CATIA V5 CATIA V5 Macro Programming with Visual Basic Script shows you, step by step, how to create your own macros that automate repetitive tasks, accelerate design procedures, and automatically generate complex geometries. Filled with full-color screenshots and illustrations, this practical guide walks you through the entire process of writing, storing, and executing reusable macros for CATIA (R) V5. Sample Visual Basic Script code accompanies the book's hands-on exercises and real-world case studies demonstrate key concepts and best practices. Coverage includes: CATIA V5 macro programming basics Communication with the environment Elements of CATParts and CATProducts 2D wireframe geometry 3D wireframe geometry and surfaces Solid features Object classes VBScript commands


Ch 1. Basics Ch 2. Communication with the Environment Ch 3. Elements of CATParts Ch 4. Elements of CATProducts Ch 5. 2D Wireframe (Sketches) Ch 6. 3D Wireframe Geometry and Surfaces Ch 7. Solid Features Ch 8. Description of Object Classes Ch 9. Description of VBScript Commands

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