
Twins (1)

[出版者不明], [19--]





  • Hereditary and environmental factors in twinning / J. Torgersen
  • Mental and physical traits of indentical twins reared apart : case v. twins “B" and “D" / H. H. Newman
  • Mental and physical traits of indentical twins reared apart : case iv. twins Mary and Mabel, and review of the first four cases studied / H. H. Newman
  • 新しい双生児研究法 : 遺伝対環境問題に関する / 岸本鎌一
  • 双生児に関する分散分析法の一応用 : 智能の遺伝と環境について / 岸本鎌一
  • 双生児法による放射線(原子爆弾)の精神形質に及ぼす影響 / 岸本鎌一, 小林靖彦
  • 名古屋地方に発生せる日本脳炎の調査 : 其の1. 遺伝学的の観点から / 岸本鎌一, 織家実, 廣瀬伸男, 溝口正美
  • 南伊勢の地方病である所謂「ねむた」病の本態についての一考察 : 遺伝説から外因説へ / 岸本鎌一
  • フェニール焦性葡萄酸尿症に関する実験的研究 / 廣瀬伸男
  • 精神薄弱の原因としてのRh遺伝子 / 溝口正美
  • Follicular hormone and ovulation inhibition / Gunnar Dahlberg
  • Über die Vererbung der Neigung zu Zwillingsschwangerschaft und über potentielle Fruchtbarkeit im Lichte einer Theorie der Polyovulation beim Menschen / Gunnar Dahlberg
  • A theory of the uniovulation mechanism and an experimental investigation on the follicular fluid / Gunnar Dahlberg, Sven Åkesson
  • Ein altes und ein Neues Problem der Zwillingsforschung / O. Frhr. Verschuer
  • A twin-family study of susceptibility to poliomyelitis / C. Nash Herndon, Royal G. Jennings
  • Peso alla nascita, durata della gestazione, età materna, parità e sopravvivenza nei gemelli / Marco Fraccaro
  • Genic factors in visceral asymmetry and in the development and pathologic changes of lungs, heart and abdominal organs / Johan Torgersen
  • Situs inversus, asymmetry, and twinning / Johan Torgersen
  • Concordant situs inversus in dizygotic twins / Johan Torgersen
  • The use of multi-allele genetic characters in the diagnosis of twin zygosity / H. Eldon Sutton, Philip J. Clark, William J. Schull
  • Physiological studies on the mechanism of tuberization with Jerusalem artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus / Lee Min Jai
  • A catalogue of the fishes in the yalu River / Chyung Moon Ki
  • Note on the Tortricid, Carposina coreana (sp. nov.), as a pest of the fruit of cornus officinalis / Kim, Chang Whan
  • A study on the twin (1) / Kang Yung Sun, Lee Ung Jik
  • An investigation report of plants from several Islands of Yellow Sea / Chung Yung Ho, Hong Soon Woo
  • Les jumeaux et l'ovulation / Gunnar Dahlberg
  • Methodik zur Unterscheidung von Erblichkeits-und Milieuvariationen mit Hilfe von Zwillingen / Gunnar Dahlberg
  • The frequencies of twins, relative to age of mothers, in American populations / Trudy Enders, Curt Stern
  • Environment, inheritance and random variations with special reference to investigations on twins / Gunnar Dahlberg
  • The Eelgrass catastrophe : twenty years ago this weed of the sea began to disappear from the Atlantic coast. the far-reaching effects of its absence exemplify the interdependence of living things / Lorus J, Margery J. Miline
  • Beiträge zum Konstitutionsproblem aus den Ergebnissen der Zwillingsforschung / Otmar Frher Verschuer
  • Studies on the variability of human urinary excretion patterns / H. Eldon Sutton, Steven G. Vandenberg
  • Chromatographic studies on urinary excretion patterns in monozygotic and dizygotic twins. II heritability of the excretion rates of certain substances / S. M. Gartler, TH. Dobzhansky, H. K. Berry
  • Chromatographic studies on urinary excretion patterns in monozygotic and dizygotic twins. I methods and analysis / H. K. Berry, TH. Dobzhansky, S. M. Gartler, H. Levene, R. H. Osborne
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