
Arts to food and drink

James W. Ermatinger

(A daily life encyclopedia, . The world of ancient Rome ; v. 1)

Greenwood, c2015


Includes bibliographical references



This study of Ancient Rome offers a fascinating glimpse of what Roman society was like—from fashion, to food, to politics and recreation—gathered from literary works, art, and archaeological remains. While the political history and prominent figures of Ancient Rome are well known, accounts of daily life in that time and place often remain untold. This fascinating encyclopedia explores this period from a social and cultural perspective, digging into the day-to-day activities of how Romans dressed, what they ate, how they worked, and what they did for fun. Drawing from recent archaeological evidence, author James W. Ermatinger explores the everyday lives of Roman citizens of all levels and classes. This book is organized into ten sections: art, economics, family, fashion, food, housing, politics, recreation, religion, and science. Each section contains more than two dozen entries that illuminate such topics as slavery as a social movement; the menus of peasants, slaves, and the elite; and the science and engineering solutions that became harbingers for today's technology. The work contains a selection of primary documents as well as a bibliography of print and Internet resources.


VOLUME 1 Preface, Introduction, Chronology: From the Founding of Rome (753 bce) to the Death of Marcus Aurelius (180 ce), Arts, Introduction, Agricultural Treatises, Art Collecting, Caesar, Gaius Julius, Catullus, Gaius Valerius, Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Decorations, Drama, Etruscan, Geographical Treatises, Hellenism, Jewish Literature, Livy (Titus Livius), Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), Performing Arts, Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus), Polybius, Portraiture, Pottery, Prose, Roman Classical Literature, Romanitas, Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), Satire, Sculpture, Seneca, Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), Economics and Work, Introduction, Agriculture, Banking, Builders, Collegium, Economic Policy, Farming, Fullers (Dry Cleaning), Industry, Laborers, Latifundia, Leather Making, Manumission, Markets, Merchants, Milling/Baking, Mining, Money, Professionals, Public Works, Ranching, Shipbuilding, Shopkeepers, Slavery, Social Structure, Taxes, Trade, Weavers, Family and Gender, Introduction, Adoption, Adultery, Cemeteries, Childhood, Courtship, Cremation, Death and Dying, Divorce, Education, Family Life, Family Planning, Freedmen, Funerals, Heirs, Higher Education, Homosexuality, Household, Inhumation, Legal Divisions, Marriage, Paterfamilias, Patronage, Population, Pregnancy, Suicide, Wills, Women's Duties, Fashion and Appearance, Introduction, Beards, Bikini, Clothing, Colors, Cosmetics, Ethnic Dress, Fabrics, Greek/Eastern Dress, Hairstyles, Hygiene, Jewelry, Men, Jewelry, Women, Military Dress, Northern European Dress, Personal Accouterments, Public Appearance, Rural Fashion, Shoes, Shopping Districts, Toga, Toiletries, Underclothing, Urban Amenities, Women's Clothing, Food and Drink, Introduction, Amphorae, Banquets, Private, Beer, Cereals, Delicacies, Dining while Traveling, Dinner Party, Festivals, Fish, Food Preservation, Food Servers, Fruits, Meats, Poultry, Roman Dinnerware, Roman Kitchens, Rural Elite Diet, Rural Peasant Diet, Serving, Spices, State Banquets, Trade Routes, Transport, Urban Elite Diet, Urban Poor Diet, Vegetables, Wine, VOLUME 2 Housing and Community, Introduction, Apartments, Building Techniques, City Houses, City Traffic, Colonial Planning, Colonies, Crime, Floors, Forum, Furniture, Gardens, Masonry Construction, Palaces, Public Architecture, Public Dangers, Public Structures, Roofs, Rural and Periodic Markets, Rural Houses, Street Trade, Surveying, Town Planning, Villa, Wall Coverings, Wooden House Components, Politics and Warfare, Introduction, Agrarian Reforms, Auxiliaries, Cursus Honorum, Elections, Government, Imperialism, Justice and Punishment, Legions, Military Camps, Military Command, Military Strategies and Tactics, Military Uniforms, Military Weapons, Navy, Punic Wars, Race, Roman Finances, Roman Provincial Treatment, Roman Rule, Roman View of War, Samnite Wars, Senate, Social War, Soldiers' Lives, Soldiers' Service, Soldiers' Training, Tribes, Recreation and Social Customs, Introduction, Actors, Adolescent, Baths, Books and Libraries, Brothels, Circus Racing, Class Structure and Status, Etiquette/Hospitality, Festivals, Private, Gambling, Games, Gladiatorial Combat, Gladiatorial Training, Hunts, Leisure, Music and Dance, Musical Instruments, Pleasures, Public Festivals at Rome, Retirement, Sport, Sumptuary Laws, Theaters and Odeon, Travel, Triumphs, Vacations, Work versus Leisure Days, Religion and Beliefs, Introduction, Afterlife, Astrology, Atheism, Bacchus, Ceres, Christianity, Cybele, Emperor Worship, Hades, Isis and Osiris, Judaism, Lupercalia, Magic, Mithraic Mysteries, Moral Codes, Mystery Religions, Olympian Religion, Persephone/Libera, Private Worship, Punic Religion, Roman Foundation Myths, Roman Priests, Sacred Groves, Sacrifices, State Religion, Temples, Vesta, Science and Technology, Introduction, Agricultural Devices, Aqueducts, Astronomy, Calendar Reforms, Carts, Engineering, Geography, Hand Tools, Harbors, Health, Inventions, Machinery, Metallurgy, Military Technology, Minting, Roads, Roman Glass, Roman Medicine, Roman Time Keeping, Ship Rigging, Ships, Tools, Wood and Stone, Wagons, Warships, Water Inventions, Weights and Measures, Primary Documents, Arts, The Size and Components of a Villa: Columella, De Re Rustica (On Agriculture) (First Century ce), Economics and Work, Description of a Latifundia: Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia (Natural History) (ca. 79 ce), Family and Gender, The Paterfamilias—the Story of Publius Horatius: Livy, The History of Rome (Ab Urbe Condita) (Late First Century bce), Fashion and Appearance, Emperors Augustus (Octavian) and Nero Shave Their Beards: Dio Cassius, Roman History (Historia Romana) (ca. 229 ce) and Suetonius, The Lives of the Twelve Caesars (De Vita Caesarum) (ca. 121 ce), Food and Drink, The Banquet of Trimalchio: Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon (ca. 50s–60s ce), Housing and Community, Pliny the Younger and the Emperor Trajan Discuss the Need for Fire Departments: Pliny, Letters of Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (ca. 110–113 ce), Politics and Warfare, The Reforms of Tiberius Gracchus: Plutarch, Lives (Late First Century ce), Recreation and Social Customs, Description of the Circus Maximus: Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities (Late First Century bce) and Seneca's Disgust with the Audience at the Gladiatorial Games: Seneca's Letter to Lucilius (50s–60s ce), Religion and Beliefs, Description of Roman Priests and Vestals: Plutarch, Life of Numa (ca. 110 ce), Science and Technology, The Romans Build a War Fleet to Defeat Carthage: Polybius, The Histories (Late Second Century bce), Bibliography, Index,

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