From reason to practice in bioethics : an anthology dedicated to the works of John Harris
From reason to practice in bioethics : an anthology dedicated to the works of John Harris
(Contemporary issues in bioethics, law and medical humanities)
Manchester University Press, 2015
- : hardback
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
From reason to practice in bioethics brings together original contributions from some of the world's leading scholars in the field of bioethics. With a particular focus on, and critical engagement with, the influential work of Professor John Harris, the book provides a detailed exploration of some of the most interesting and challenging philosophical and practical questions raised in bioethics. The book's broad range of chapters will make it a useful resource for students, scholars, and practitioners interested in the field of bioethics, and the relationship between philosophical and practical ethics. The range of contributors and topics afford the book a wide international interest. -- .
Part I: Introductions
1. Editors' introduction - John Coggon, Sarah Chan, Soren Holm, and Thomasine Kushner
2. Thought and memory - John Harris
Part II: Grounding moral arguments
3. On moral nose - Jonathan Glover
4. Hanging around with Jackson: consistency in ethical argument, and how to avoid it - Richard Ashcroft
5. The unbearable desire for explicitness and rationality in bioethics - Michael Parker and Micaela Ghisleni
6. Moral epistemology and the survival lottery -Torbjoern Tannsjoe
7. Harris and the criticism of the status quo - Florencia Luna
8. The natural as a moral category - Harry Lesser
9. Making sense of human dignity - Deryck Beyleveld
10. Why we should save the anthropocentric person - Simon Woods
Part III: From ethics to policy and practice
11. Why the reasonable man is not always right? - Margaret Brazier
12. Why the body matters: reflections on John Harris's account of organ procurement - Alastair V. Campbell
13. Harris's principle of justice in health care - Ruth Macklin
14. Equality revisited - Andrew Edgar
15. The safety of the people and the case against invasive health promotion - Andreas Hasman
16. Could we reduce racism with one easy dip? What a thought-experiment about race-colour change makes us see - Margaret P. Battin
17. Against mumps, Meursault, McDonald's and Marlboro: On the immunization of children against smoking, alcohol and drugs - Inez de Beaufort
18. Killing and allowing to die - Raanan Gillon
Part IV: John Harris responds
19. Response to and reflections on chapters 3-18 - John Harris
Index -- .
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