
Matières diverses = Miscellaneous matters

edités par le Bureau permanent de la conférence = edited by the Permanent Bureau of the Conference

(Actes et documents de la Vingtième session, 14 au 30 juin 2005 = Proceedings of the Twentieth Session, 14 to 30 June 2005, t. 1)

Intersentia, 2015


French text, parallel English translation

At head of title: Conférence de la Haye de droit international privé = Hague Conference on Private International Law

Includes bibliographical references



This publication is the first in a series of three volumes entitled Proceedings of the Twentieth Session (2005). It includes at the start general information such as membership of the delegations and then the minutes of the Opening and Closing Sessions. The complete text of the Final Act of the Twentieth Session appears thereafter. This is followed by the preliminary documents, the conclusions of the Special Commissions of 2003, 2004 and 2005 on General Affairs and Policy of the Conference, together with the working documents and minutes of the First Commission, which dealt with these questions at the Plenary Session.


Table of contents Notice to the readerList of participantsMember States representedObservers for invited StatesObservers for intergovernmental organisationsObservers for non-governmental organisationsOfficers of the Twentieth SessionSecretariat of the Twentieth SessionOpening and Closing SessionsMinutes of the Opening SessionAnnex: Rules of Procedure for Plenary MeetingsMinutes of the Closing SessionFinal Act of the Twentieth SessionA Convention Convention on Choice of Court Agreements B Recommendation relating to the Conventionon Choice of Court Agreements C Decisions Annex: English version of the Statuteof the Hague Conference on PrivateInternational Law Twentieth Session - Miscellaneous mattersPreliminary workList of Preliminary Documents Strategy of the Organisation 75 Conclusions of the Special Commission held from1 to 3 April 2003 on General Affairs and Policy ofthe Conference 77 Conclusions of the Special Commission held from6 to 8 April 2004 on General Affairs and Policy ofthe Conference 81 Note on the Admission of the European Commu-nity to the Hague Conference on Private Inter-national Law - Update to Preliminary DocumentNo 13 of February 2004 87 Draft Recommendation to the Twentieth Session page of the Hague Conference on Private InternationalLaw on the Admission of the European Commu-5 nity to the Hague Conference on Private Interna-tional Law 103 7 Draft Recommendation to the Twentieth Session of the Hague Conference on Private International7 Law on the Admission of the European Commu-nity to the Hague Conference on Private Interna-12 tional Law - Explanatory Notes 117 13 Report of the Special Commission of 31 Marchand 1 April 2005 on General Affairs and Policy of14 the Conference 127 14 Recommendation to the Twentieth Session of the Hague Conference on Private Internatio-15 nal Law on the Admission of the EuropeanCommunity to the Hague Conferenceon Private International Law 129 17 Report of the Experts Meeting of 21 April 200518 to Follow Up on Recommendation B of the Spe-cial Commission of 31 March and 1 April 2005 on25 General Affairs and Policy of the Conference 147 28 Future work 155 31 The Impact of the Internet on the Judgments Proj-ect: Thoughts for the Future 157 33 Choice of Court Agreements in International Liti-gation: Their Use and Legal Problems to whichThey Give Rise in the context of the Interim Text 175 47 Proposal for a Hague International Legal Train-53 ing Institute 189 The Hague Judgments Project: Progress Madesince the Meeting of the Special Commission on58 General Affairs and Policy of the Conference ofApril 2003 193 69 Projects concerning the Children's Conventions,Maintenance, Adults and Cohabitation - Planningfor 2004-2005 197 69 Report on Co-operation with UNCITRAL on the Law 71 Applicable to Insolvency Proceedings 215 page Conference internationale sur les aspects juri-diques d'une transaction electronique (26 et27 octobre 2004) 218 Le projet de La Haye sur les Jugements : Avance-ment des travaux depuis la Commission specialesur les affaires generales et la politique de laConference d'avril 2004 220 L'effet du projet de Convention de la CNUDCI sur les communications electroniques dans les contratsinternationaux sur les Conventions de La Haye 224 Suivi des Conventions 245 Rapport et Conclusions de la Commission spe-ciale concernant la Convention de La Haye du25 octobre 1980 sur les aspects civils de l'enle-vement international d'enfants (27 septembre -1er octobre 2002) 246 Conclusions et Recommandations de la Commis-sion speciale sur le fonctionnement pratique desConventions Apostille, Obtention des preuves etNotification (28 octobre - 4 novembre 2003) 250 Vingtieme session - Actes 265 Membres de la Premiere commission 266 Documents de travail de la Premiere commission 269 Documents de travail Nos 1 a 5 270 Documents de travail Nos 6 et 7 271 Document de travail No 8 272 Documents de travail Nos 9 et 10 273 Document de travail No 11 274 Document de travail No 12 283 Proces-verbaux de la Premiere commission 285 Proces-verbal No 1 286 Proces-verbal No 2 296 Proces-verbal No 3 305 Proces-verbal No 4 316 Seance pleniere 321 Proces-verbal No 2 322 Table 323 Table des matieres 324 page International Conference on the Legal Aspects ofan E-Commerce Transaction (26-27 October 2004) 219 The Hague Judgments Project: Progress Madesince the Meeting of the Special Commission onGeneral Affairs and Policy of the Conference ofApril 2004 221 The Effect of the UNCITRAL Draft Convention on Electronic Communications in International Con-tracts on the Hague Conventions 225 Monitoring of the Conventions 245 Report and Conclusions of the Special Commissionconcerning the Hague Convention of 25 Octo ber1980 on the Civil Aspects of International ChildAbduction (27 September - 1 October 2002) 247 Conclusions and Recommendations of the SpecialCommission on the Practical Operation of theHague Apostille, Evidence and Service Conven-tions (28 October - 4 November 2003) 251 Twentieth Session - Acts 265 Members of the First Commission 266 Working Documents of the First Commission 269 Working Documents Nos 1 to 5 270 Working Documents Nos 6 and 7 271 Working Document No 8 272 Working Documents Nos 9 and 10 273 Working Document No 11 275 Working Document No 12 283 Minutes of the First Commission 285 Minutes No 1 286 Minutes No 2 296 Minutes No 3 305 Minutes No 4 316 Plenary Session 321 Minutes No 2 322 Table 323 Table of contents 325 Table des matieres Avis au lecteur Dix-neuvieme session - Travaux preliminaires Liste des Documents preliminaires Competence juridictionnelle internationale et effets des juge-ments etrangers en matiere civile et commerciale Rapport de synthese des travaux de la Commission specialede juin 1997 sur la competence juridictionnelle internatio-nale et les effets des jugements etrangers en matiere civile etcommerciale Rapport de synthese des travaux de la Commission specialede mars 1998 sur la competence juridictionnelle internatio-nale et les effets des jugements etrangers en matiere civile etcommerciale Note sur les mesures provisoires et conservatoires en droitinternational prive et droit compare Avant-projet de Convention adopte par la Commission spe-ciale le 30 octobre 1999 Rapport de Peter Nygh et Fausto Pocar Commerce electronique et competence juridictionnelle inter-nationale, Rapport des travaux de la reunion d'Ottawa -28 fevrier au 1er mars 2000 Rapport de la reunion d'experts sur les aspects de la proprie-te intellectuelle de la future Convention sur la competence etles jugements etrangers en matiere civile et commerciale -Geneve, 1er fevrier 2001 Observations des Gouvernements et Organisations interna-tionales sur l'avant-projet de Convention et le Rapport Note d'information sur les travaux des reunions informelles tenues depuis octobre 1999 afin d'examiner et de preparerdes projets de texte portant sur des questions en suspens Dix-neuvieme session, Premiere partie - Actes Membres de la Deuxieme commission Documents de travail de la Deuxieme commission Documents de travail Nos 1 a 11 Documents de travail Nos 12 a 17 Documents de travail Nos 18 a 28 Documents de travail Nos 29 a 34 Documents de travail Nos 35 a 54 Documents de travail Nos 55 a 62 Documents de travail Nos 63 a 72 Documents de travail Nos 73 a 77 Documents de travail Nos 78 a 88 Document de travail No 89 Documents de travail Nos 90 a 97 Document de travail No 98 Documents de travail Nos 99 a 107 Documents de travail Nos 108 a 111 Proces-verbaux de la Deuxieme commission Proces-verbal No 1 Proces-verbal No 2 Proces-verbal No 3 Proces-verbal No 4 Proces-verbal No 5 Proces-verbal No 6 Proces-verbal No 7 Proces-verbal No 8 Proces-verbal No 9 Proces-verbal No 10 Proces-verbal No 11 Proces-verbal No 12 Proces-verbal No 13 Proces-verbal No 14 Proces-verbal No 15 Proces-verbal No 16 Proces-verbal No 17 Proces-verbal No 18 Proces-verbal No 19 Proces-verbal No 20 Proces-verbal No 21 Proces-verbal No 22 Resume des resultats des discussions de la Commission II de la Premiere Partie de la Conference Diplomatique, 6-20 juin2001 - Texte provisoire

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