The power of process : the value of due process in Security Council sanctions decision-making


    • Hovell, Devika


The power of process : the value of due process in Security Council sanctions decision-making

Devika Hovell

(Oxford monographs in international law)

Oxford University Press, 2016

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographical references (p. [171]-188) and index



The UN Security Council's transition to 'targeted sanctions' in the 1990s marked a revolutionary shift in the locus of the Council's decision-making from states to individuals. The establishment of the targeted sanctions regime, should be regarded as more than a shift in policy and invites attention to an emerging tier of international governance. This book examines the need to develop a due process framework having regard to the uniquely political and crisis-based context in which the Security Council operates. Drawing on Anglo-American jurisprudence, this book develops procedural principles for the international institutional context using a value-based approach as an alternative to the formalistic approach taken in the literature to date. In doing so, it is recognized that due process is more than a set of discrete legal standards, but is a touchstone for the way the international legal order conceives of far larger questions about community, law and values.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Case for Procedural Reform: Due Process as Court Process
  • 3. The 'Source-Based' Approach to Procedural Reform: Methodology, Myths and Misconceptions
  • 4. A 'Value-Based' Approach: Three Models of Due Process
  • 5. A Model Based on Accuracy: The Instrumentalist Model in the UN Sanctions Context
  • 6. A Model Based on Interest Respresenation: The Dignitarian Model in the UN Sanctions Context
  • 7. A Model Based on Public Accountability: The Public Interest Model in the UN Sanctions Context
  • 8. Conclusion

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