The Maqámát of Badíʿ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání : translated from the Arabic with an introduction and notes historical and grammatical


The Maqámát of Badíʿ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání : translated from the Arabic with an introduction and notes historical and grammatical

translated by W.J. Prendergast ; foreword by C.E. Bosworth

(Routledge library editions, . Islamic thought in the Middle Ages ; v. 4)

Routledge, 2016

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



"First published in 1915 by Luzac & Co., new impression in 1973 by Curzon Press Ltd."--T.p. verso

Set ISBN for "Islamic thought in the Middle Ages": 9781138939134



The triple aim of Hamadhani in this work, first translated into English in 1915, appears to have been to amuse, to interest and to instruct; and this explains why, in spite of the inherent difficulty of a work of this kind composed primarily with a view to the rhetorical effect upon the learned and the great, there is scarcely a dull chapter in the fifty-one maqamat or discourses. The author essayed, throughout these dramatic discourses, to illustrate the life and language both of the denizens of the desert and the dwellers in towns, and to give examples of the jargon and slang of thieves and robbers as well as the lucubrations of the learned and the conversations of the cultured.


Introduction. The Life of the Author. Rhymed Prose. The Word Maqama. Origin and Character of the Maqamat. Hamadhani and Hariri Compared. The 51 Maqamat.

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