Home sweet home : 101 stories about hearth, happiness and hard work


Home sweet home : 101 stories about hearth, happiness and hard work

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark

(Chicken soup for the soul)

Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, c2014

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




Your home is your haven -and often your favorite place. These stories will entertain and inspire you, whether your home is an apartment, a house, or a condo. This collection of 101 stories is a great gift for a first-time buyer, a downsizer, a new neighbor, or a remodeler. Give yourself some "me time" with these chapters about: On the Move - the joy, adventure, and excitement of moving Buying and Selling - house hunting, moving on, and making deals Dreams Can ComeTrue-amazing stories of hope and happiness Remodeling, Redecorating, Repairing - hard work that's worth it! Through the Generations-history,perspective,and kindness You CAN Go Home Again - visiting your old home & finding yourself Unwanted Guests - adventures with animals... and houseguests! Do-It-Yourself Disasters - you'll love these funny confessions Downsizing and Retiring - the joy of simplicity ...and better weather! What Makes a Home - what really matters inside those four walls

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