Form and meaning : multiple perspectives


Form and meaning : multiple perspectives

James F. Lee and Albert Valdman, editors

(Issues in language program direction, 1999)

Heinle & Heinle, c2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references


  • What form to focus on? Linguistics, language awareness, and the education of L2 teachers / Cristina Sanz
  • Five types of input and the various relationships between form and meaning / James F. Lee
  • Processing instruction as form-meaning connections : issues in theory and research / Bill VanPatten
  • Attention, awareness and Focus of form research : a critical overview / Ronald P. Leow
  • Classroom talk : form, meaning, and activity theory / Celeste Kinginger
  • Meaning and form in classroom-based SLA research : reflections from a college foreign language perspective / Heidi Byrnes
  • Toward a pedagogical discourse grammar : techniques for teaching word-order constructions / Carl S. Blyth
  • The effect of explicit training on successful circumlocution : a classroom study / Mary Ellen Scullen, Sarah Jourdain
  • Relstionships between the process of reading, word inferencing, and incidental word acquisition / Susanne Rott
  • Linking form and meaning in reading : an example of action research / Catherine C. Fraser



This series of annual volumes strives to further scholarship in second language acquisition and teaching with regard to undergraduate programs with multisection courses. Teaching assistant supervision, teaching assistant professional preparation, and the role of faculty and administrators in postsecondary institutions are some of the topics addressed.


Acknowledgments. Introduction. JAMES F. LEE AND ALBERT VALDMAN. I. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF FOCUS ON FORM. What Form to Focus On? Linguistics, Language Awareness, and the Education of L2 Teachers. CRISTINA SANZ, Georgetown University. Five Types of Input and the Various Relationships Between Form and Meaning. JAMES F. LEE, Indiana University. Processing Instruction as Form-Meaning Connections: Issues in Theory and Research. BILL VANPATTEN, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Attention, Awareness, and Focus on Form Research: A Critical Overview. RONALD P. LOEW, Georgetown University. II. THE TEACHING CONTEXT FOR FOCUS ON FORM. Classroom Talk: Form, Meaning, and Activity Theory. CELESTE KINGINGER, The Pennsylvania State University. Meaning and Form in Classroom-based SLA Research: Reflections from a College Foreign Language Perspective. HEIDI BYRNES, Georgetown University. III. PEDAGOGICAL APPLICATIONS. Toward a Pedagogical Discourse Grammar: Techniques for Teaching Word-Order Constructions. CARL S. BLYTH, University of Texas at Austin. The Effect of Explicit Training on Successful Circumlocution: A Classroom Study. MARY ELLEN SCULLEN, University of Maryland, College Park and SARAH JOURDAIN, SUNY Stony Brook. Relationships Between the Process of Reading, Word Inferencing, and Incidental Word Acquisition. SUSANNE ROTT, University of Illinois at Chicago. Linking Form and Meaning in Reading: An Example of Action Research. CATHERINE C. FRASER, Indiana University. Contributors. AAUSC Style Sheet for Authors. Membership in AAUSC.

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