Criminal femmes fatales in American hardboiled crime fiction


    • Jaber, Maysaa Husam


Criminal femmes fatales in American hardboiled crime fiction

Maysaa Husam Jaber

(Crime files)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2016

  • : hbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 192-210) and index



This book fills a gap in both literary and feminist scholarship by offering the first major study of femme fatales in hardboiled crime fiction. Maysaa Jaber shows that the criminal literary figures in the genre open up powerful spaces for imagining female agency in direct opposition to the constraining forces of patriarchy and misogyny.


Introduction 1. The 'Mad-Bad' Criminal Woman PART I: PRE-WAR CRIMINAL FEMMES FATALES 2. Narratives of the Underworld: Violence and Dangerous Femininity in Dashiell Hammett's Labyrinthine Criminal World 3. Narratives of Detection: Femme Fatality and the Detective 'Hero' in Raymond Chandler's Fiction 4. Narratives of Seduction: The Criminal Femme Fatale and the 'forbidden box' in James M. Cain PART II: POST-WAR CRIMINAL FEMMES FATALES 5. Crime, Sex and Paranoia in Post-War Hardboiled Fiction 6. The Duality of David Goodis's Criminal Femmes Fatales 7. Mickey Spillane's Criminal Femmes Fatales and the Cold War Vendetta Conclusion Notes Bibliography Index

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