Poiesis : manufacturing in classical Athens


    • Acton, Peter


Poiesis : manufacturing in classical Athens

Peter Acton

Oxford University Press, 2016

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 319-353) and indexes



Poiesis brings together archaeological finds, ancient texts and inscriptions, recent scholarly analysis, and the expertise of modern craftsmen to investigate every known facet of Athens' manufacturing activities. Despite the fact that Athenians consumed great quantities of manufactured goods, and around half of the residents of classical Athens can be shown to have been dependent for survival on manufacturing in some form, the subject has been almost completely neglected by historians. The book draws on the analytical techniques of contemporary business economics-supply and demand, competition theory, and risk-return analysis-to explain events and choices. Manufacturing operations are classified in an original framework that explains why certain segments were suited to the sole craftsman and others to teams of slaves, and deduces earnings potential based upon barriers to entry and competitive differentiation. The result is a new and refreshing angle on how Athenian society operated that complements political, military, and literary perspectives, with important and often surprising implications. Among other insights the analysis shows how fragmented industry structures were fundamental to the workings of Athenian democracy by enabling citizens to supplement their income through casual manufacturing activity.


Foreword Table of Contents Acknowledgements Chapter 1: Introduction A. Athens, the Manufacturing City B. Original Sources i. Ancient Literature ii. Archaeology and Epigraphy C. Methodology i. Embeddedness and Empirical Analysis ii. Theories of Firm Size iii. The Theory of Competitive Advantage iv. Competitive Advantage and Industry Structure v. Applying the Competitive Advantage Framework Chapter 2: Industry Formation A. Early Manufacturing B. Homer and the Households of the Rich C. Hesiod and the Peasant Economy D. Empirical Evidence i. Metalworking ii. Leatherwork iii. Cosmetics and Perfumes iv. Textiles E. Supply and Demand in a Competitive Market Chapter 3: The Pottery Industry A. The Evidence i. Original Texts ii. Pots iii. Potteries and Kilns iv. Stamps and Graffiti v. Vase Paintings B. Industry and Workshop Size C. Labour Force i. The Process of Making Pots ii. Staffing Needs iii. Justifying a Full-Time Team D. Bases for Differentiation E. Subsequent Changes in Competitive Dynamics and Industry Structure F. Summary Chapter 4: Mining, Metals and Armour A. Mining B. Ore Processing C. General Metalworking D. Jewellery and Ornaments E. Coinage F. Bronze Armour G. Shield Manufacture H. Knives I. Summary Chapter 5: Textiles, Clothing and Footwear A. Textiles and Clothing i. Spinning and Weaving ii. Scouring and Finishing B. Footwear i. Tanning ii. Shoemaking C. Summary Chapter 6: Woodworking A. Furniture B. General and Specialised Woodworking Segments C. Boat Building i. The Trireme: Development and Configuration ii. Responsibility for Building Triremes iii. Manufacturing: the Hull iv. Manufacturing: Components v. Shipbuilding and Supplying Industries D. Summary Chapter 7: Construction Industries A. Public Buildings B. Monumental Statues C. Private Housing and Infrastructure D. Summary Chapter 8: Food, Drink and Personal Care A. Agricultural Products i. The Athenian Diet ii. Processing iii. Food Service B. Cosmetics, Perfumes and Medicines C. Summary Chapter 9: Athens' Manufacturers A. Citizen Investors B. Citizen Craftsmen C. Women D. Foreign Residents E. Slaves Coda Athenian Currency Appendix: Quantifying Manufacturing Preparation A. Supply Analysis B. Demand Analysis Secondary Sources Photo Credits Index

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