Advertising in the aging society : understanding representations, practitioners, and consumers in Japan
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Advertising in the aging society : understanding representations, practitioners, and consumers in Japan
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
- : hardback
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Description and Table of Contents
Population aging is a powerful megatrend affecting many countries around the world. This demographic shift has vast effects on societies, economies and businesses, and thus also for the advertising industry. Advertising in the Aging Society presents insights from a large-scale content analysis as well as questionnaire surveys among advertising practitioners and consumers in Japan. As the most aged society in the world, Japan lends itself as particularly suitable to study the implications of population aging. This book shows that older people, and especially older women, are highly underrepresented in advertising and are generally portrayed in stereotypical, albeit not necessarily unfavorable ways. This is despite the fact that advertising practitioners have a generally positive view towards using older models, even though only for an older target audience. Finally the book explore how both younger and older consumers perceive the representation of older people in advertising as stereotypical and partly negative, and are willing to boycott companies portraying older people negatively.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures
Foreword by Dave McCaughan
1. Advertising in the Aging Society: Setting the Stage
2. Characteristics of Japanese Television Advertising
3. The Representation of Older People in Japanese Television Advertisements
4. Advertising Practitioners' Views on the Use of Older Models
5. Consumer Response to the Portrayal of Older People in Television Advertising
6. Conclusion and Outlook
Afterword by Chuck Nyren
Appendix 1: Method of Content Analysis
Appendix 2: Method of Advertising Agency Survey
Appendix 3: Method of Consumer Survey
by "Nielsen BookData"